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If you could go back to a time when you were free of tattoos and start over again, what would you do differently? the order you got tattooed? the people you got tattooed by? different style? Black and grey only? Go bigger?

Interested to hear your thoughts!

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I like this thread idea and I'm interested in what people have to say. I think that if I was to do it over again, I'd probably get tattooed pretty much exactly how I have been so far. I don't want to get into what my tattoos mean to me here, but all tattoos have stories and experiences that go along with them and I'd rather keep those than have tattoos that maybe go better together or whatever.

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If I didn't get tattooed by the people I chose at the start, and the way it ended up happening, I wouldn't have some of the best friends I have today, so no, I wouldn't do anything differently. Im very happy with my tattoos as well, and I really wouldnt feel like I was me if they were different, if that makes any sense, they become a part of who you are!

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When I started getting tattooed, I definitely got a few pieces just for the sake of getting tattoos, and I think that's the only thing I'd change now. I mean... I still do that, but I think I have better taste now, and for me it's more about who I'm getting tattooed by, just having a token of that person and the experience of getting the tattoo. I only have one that I truly regret, and two that I like but will probably laser off because I want to visit Japan and would dearly love to not offend everyone I meet.

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In other words - If I'd have known in 1974 what I know now?

That's sort of impossible to answer, because the style of tattoo I'd be gravitating towards today didn't even exist until just a few years ago . . .

Just out of interest, what style are you talking about?

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I'm very happy with what I have done previously, the artists I'm working with and the time in my life with which I started everything. If I hit the reset button... might have given more considerations of getting full sleeves versus the 3/4 sleeves I have now. If I wasn't as superstitious, probably a Kannon (Quan Yin) on my back.

I'm with @BrianH regarding the healing process. Definitely would have done some things differently knowing what I know now. C'est la vie...

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The only thing I'd do differently is I wouldn't have gotten my feet done initially, I woulda waited so that I could have them done perfectly the first time and not have to do cover ups-mainly b/c I can still see the original stuff under it-even tho no one else can, *I* see it.

I do kinda wish the couple three tattoos that I have that are flash, that I'd gone a more custom route instead--but back in the day I didn't know anything about that, you just picked something off the wall and that was the end of it.

Soooo ok, two things.

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I love all my tattoos and started pretty big on my chest. But originally, I didn't plan to go past my t-shirt line on my arms. Now my right arm is pretty much fully sleeved. I wish I had thought ahead a bit and planned out placement a little bit better. Luckily I have a lot more real estate to work with.

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I might make one or two different choices, but overall I like the way things have come together. Its all a reflection of me and my own imperfections and I'm fine with that. Generally, in life, I don't look back with regrets. I don't find it particularly helpful. I simply try to learn from past mistakes and move on.

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I might make one or two different choices, but overall I like the way things have come together. Its all a reflection of me and my own imperfections and I'm fine with that. Generally, in life, I don't look back with regrets. I don't find it particularly helpful. I simply try to learn from past mistakes and move on.

^^Me too.

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I definitely wouldn't have gotten any "buddy tats" had I known what I know now.

Almost 25 years into getting tattooed and I'm just STARTING to get bro-tats! Haha. I love it.

I'd probably change a lot knowing what I know now, but I don't have any regrets. When Aitchison did a HUGE biomech piece on my leg before I was old enough to get into a rated r movie I thought those spikey giger biomech pieces were the coolest thing out there. I had all the Giger books, I lived and breathed hard scifi. Now... I have the books. Love the movies etc but it just doesn't match my aesthetic. I don't regret it, design or imagery, but IF I could clean slate? I'd probably have had Higg actually do something on me, have more open space for Robert Ryan etc.

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I would just have gotten more earlier in life rather then contemplating more in my late thirties.

I got my first tattoo at age 38 and I'm kind of glad I waited. I'm not saying it's a mistake to get them younger- just that it has been fun for me the way things have turned out. I have about 10 depending on how you count them and I still have plenty of room for more.

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If it had it to do all over again I would take time to enjoy the experience of being tattooed more. When I started years ago everything seemed rushed. I would get a tattoo and that would be that. Now I really like the process; anticipating the appointment, the social aspect of being in the shop, seeing the progress over several sittings. I definitely appreciate the overall tattoo experience more now than I did in years past.

But I would still have all the same tattoos.

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