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Howdy Doody


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Hi yall~

The Doctor is in! I'm new round these parts, but this seems like a great community. I've just gotten into ink in the last coupla years, and have (as of yesterday) four tattoos: three on my left arm and one (the new one) on my right calf. It's a quick and beautiful life, why spend it fearing your body and all the great things it can do?

I'm currently kickin' it in Memphis, TN, eagerly awaiting the birth of my first child, and feeling better than I ever have before!

I got my first tattoo March of last year. I was en route to home from NOLA and called ahead to a Memphis parlor after unsuccessfully attempting to have my tattoo done in Louisiana. I got it that night when I rolled back into Memphis; it reads "breathe" on my left forearm. It came out perfect, and I've had the fever ever since.

The transformative power of a little tiny bit of ink boggles my mind. The needles hit your skin and... bam! Your arm or leg of foot or back or lip or face or neck is transformed, for the rest of your life! It makes me mindful of that simultaneously eternal and fleeting quality of life and of the body....

Anyhow, it's good to be here and I look forward to gettin' to know yall.

Cheerio, and remember:

~It's never to late to have a happy childhood~

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