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So like I said in my intro thread, at 14 I got a four leaf clover tattoo that took up my whole shoulder. Now it's the size of a quarter.post-6028-14616885881_thumb.jpg

My tattoo artist and I thought since it was my first and it was for good luck we should keep it.

A year later my chick is giving me crap that it looks lame.

Is it bad mojo or bad luck to get your first tattoo that is supposed to symbolize good luck covered?

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Sounds more like a case of "taking chicks crap" haha

If she doesn't get your thoughts about it or understand the sentimental feelings, then I don't know what to tell you. Well, maybe I do but its not my place since I don't know more than what you've shared.

Aesthetically I can see what she is saying, but the rest of your arm has a certain look for sure, but if you like your tattoo and it brings you luck then keep it I say. Often tattooers frame tattoos instead of covering them, because people don't know how sentimental they are about there old tattoos or maybe just the experience of getting that tattoo or just being 14, and it sounds like that is the case.

I think your clover looks good there, and I'd never cover my first piece, which is about the same size as yours, though in a less valuable place, real estate-wise. I think you should keep it or, at most, rework it into the overall sleeve. I tend to not care what folks have to say about my tattoos, but that's me. My two cents, though, is keep it where it is, just like it is.

I like it! It's a part of your past. A part of your life story. I vote to keep it if you like it. It is your body not hers. If she really cares she will let it go. My husband has tattoos I don't especially like but they are part of his history. I would never request that he change them unless he expressed wanting to. Besides it has to be bad luck to remove a good luck charm right?

get it re-worked' date=' if it makes you feel better. Polish your good luck.[/quote']

This was my initial thought too, I'm sure something could be done to cover it but feels 'risky' if you will. Re-working it just a touch should net the best results save for leaving it be, and like said above, the rest of your arm looks great!

Hahaha, this forum rocks. Thanks everyone. I needed some outside input if it look out of place or not. I personally like it and it does have sentimental value to me as well as being a bit superstitious!

I feel as long as you like it on your skin then it's there to stay. I wouldn't cover up anything on my skin just because someone that doesn't reside in my skin doesn't like it.

Thanks everyone for the input and support!

I just completed the sleeve this past Saturday. When I go in in a few weeks for the final final touch ups I'm gonna have him clean it up and tighten up the black around the edges as suggested.

Here's a few pics of the final project....let me know what you think.


@TigerBlue77 The sleeve looks rad, congrats on finishing it! I know it's really hard to take pictures of your own tattoos, but if I may suggest leaving the filters and effects for instagram, we'd be able to see the actual artistry in your tattoos much better. Looks awesome though, how long did it take from start to finish?

@JonNimrod How do you know? ;)

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