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My name's Ashley. I just stumbled across this website tonight, and I thought it was pretty cool and decided to make an account! My purpose for coming on here in the first place was to seek out some advice on a tattoo I just got yesterday, but I guess I'll go more into detail about that later.

Anyways, I'm 18 and I live in Colorado. I love all things outdoorsy, I'm super lazy, and I love The Legend of Zelda more than life itself. Im into all kinds of art and traveling. I guess you could say I'm kind of a weirdo.

Now on to the whole reason I'm on this website... Tattoos. I have two as of right now. Maybe I'll get more, maybe not. Who knows. But about the ones I do have: my first was angel wings on my back with "RIP Markie (a tribute to my half brother's dad who passed in 2010) and my second I just got yesterday. It's an ankh and two lotus flowers on my lower left leg/ankle area.

Nice to meet you all! :)

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Welcome to the forums :). If you need any advice this is a great place for it. You can ask your question here, or use the search function to see if it's already been answered.

Anyways, I'm 18 and I live in Colorado. I love all things outdoorsy, I'm super lazy, and I love The Legend of Zelda more than life itself. Im into all kinds of art and traveling. I guess you could say I'm kind of a weirdo.)

On another note, based upon this you love to sit on the couch in a motor home playing Zelda, leaving the door open at rest stops so animals can come inside and help you paint.

I fully support your obsession with Zelda, and welcome again.

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