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I use Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion with natural colloidal oatmeal. The one I use is also fragrance free and lanolin free. I had to switch to this after getting my tattoo when I broke out in a horrible rash and contact dermatitis. I ended up having what I believe was a lanolin allergy. I have not had any problems since then.

Thanks everyone.

@else - I'm not vegan, I'm looking to help a client out who is. I'm also lucky enough to be friends with some amazing people who happen to be very in-tune with the Vegan community, one of theme operates a premiere East Coast Bakery (Welcome to Vegan Treats!).

It's no hassle, I can explain the problem with harvesting lanolin for you. Most vegans are so because they despise cruelty of any kind to animals. More often than not, sheep are not kept in great conditions and their quality of life, simply for the harvest of wool, is terrible. The sheering process can also be rather horrific on them. Furthermore, the carbon dioxide output of cattle, sheep and other livestock in American alone is said to be upwards of 4x worse than all the cars in America. Info: Which Is Worse: 1000 Cars or 1000 Cows? | Green Living Tips and Ideas

This is why vegans abstain from all animal and animal by-products, including wool, lanolin, honey, eggs, silk and so on.

Mike, after seeing your above post, I'm sorry, but Aveeno is not a vegan lotion. It is lanolin free, but after more reading, it was tested on animals since the company that owns them is Johnson and Johnson. I wasn't sure if maybe you had an allergy or something like me, so that was why I commented. Sorry again.

I just healed my elbow with Desert Essence (mentioned in the article @Dan S linked to) and it worked a charm. It is available at most health stores out here on the west coast. It works extremely well for healing tattoos and also everyday moisturizing of faces and bodies. Good stuff.

Once I'm in the healing homestretch I've been using plain old jojoba oil to help itching.

@Mike Panic - tell your clients about Udo's 3-6-9 blend of essential acids. I'd recommend these to anyone, Vegan or not. The health of my skin, nails and hair has noticeably improved since I've started taking them. Well worth the $30. These should be available at Whole Foods and fine health stores.

I always use a vegan aftercare. Method hand soap and hot water. Just like I tell people not to buy anything special for aftercare, I am sure whatever moisturizer they use on a daily basis would work. Or call one of the shops that are vegan and ask their opinion.

But animals LOVE having lotion rubbed on them. Soft, non irritated and freshly exfoliated/non ashy lab mice are often happier than the ones in the wild.


And it ain't nothin worse than a mouse with the ashy's...get all crinkly n shit. Besides, when the mice eat the poison we put out for 'em, they smell ever so much better if they're all lathered up first.

And I'd wonder about the figures on wool production vis-a-vis pollution. The US produces less than one percent of the wool produced in the world, with Australia and China being the largest producers. American wool-producers are typically small, family-type operations, as opposed to the huge commercial concerns of those countries. Personally, I've never met a farmer here who didn't take pretty durn good care of their animals.

And anyhow, what about those poor damn silkworms?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

@David Flores & @Graeme - dry healing and soap and water isn't a viable option for laser tattoo removal. I asked in this forum, instead of that one, because there are far more people here who have healed tattoos, than have received laser treatment in the other forum.

I'm not trying to start a flame war over the best way to heal a tattoo, I'm simply looking for an effective alternative to Aquaphor.

Dry heal. In my admittedly limited experience the less I do to the tattoo the better it heals anyway.

Typically don't use anything until a few days after getting new work done. For whatever reason, if I wait two or three days, then use lotion VERY sparingly, it seems to work the best.

@David Flores & @Graeme - dry healing and soap and water isn't a viable option for laser tattoo removal. I asked in this forum, instead of that one, because there are far more people here who have healed tattoos, than have received laser treatment in the other forum.

I'm not trying to start a flame war over the best way to heal a tattoo, I'm simply looking for an effective alternative to Aquaphor.

A&D is a great option, its used for rashes and burns so it should work well for laser tattoo removal too!

@David Flores & @Graeme - dry healing and soap and water isn't a viable option for laser tattoo removal. I asked in this forum, instead of that one, because there are far more people here who have healed tattoos, than have received laser treatment in the other forum.

I'm not trying to start a flame war over the best way to heal a tattoo, I'm simply looking for an effective alternative to Aquaphor.

Fair enough, I didn't realise it was for laser healing.

Vegan Tattoo Education: Vegan Aftercare Products

Their is a list of vegan aftercare products here, I can't speak of the effectivness, but maybe some forum members that have used them can.

I still think calling a tattoo reputable tattoo shop like scapegoat that markets themselves to vegan tattoo customers might be worth a try. But I also didn't think about the customer having laser work done.

honestly, i have no idea for post lazer care, but Stewart sounds like the best idea, as Aloe helps post sun burn, and laser removal appears to be like receiving a 2nd degree sun burn.

as for post-tattoo vegan aftercare, i typically use either Kiss My Face Olive Oil & Aloe Lotion or 100% Shea Butter (though I don't like how it leaves my skin feeling afterwards).

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