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You guys know the drill...post up some insane tattoos you guys have been getting! Should be interesting to see if we get any tattoos from the Philly tattoo convention!

LST Monthly Contest

The tattoo picture that gets posted in this thread for February 2013 with the most 'likes' for the month wins! The contest starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month.

Contest Guidelines

  • Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify.
  • Include with your photo/post...tattoo artist name & tattoo shop.
  • You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo.
  • You can 'like' as many tattoos as you want.
  • It can be a finished or in progress tattoo.

To increase your 'likes' or to show off another's great tattoo share the link to the post in this thread on facebook, twitter, etc. - to get votes from your friends..

Lets do it.........

I already have a t-shirt, so this is just to get things going this month.

Healed Baku & Shishi by Marius Meyer (Going back for minor touch ups soon. Had some trouble healing one of the Baku's eye)


I was wondering when I would see these healed!



- - - Updated - - -

Another "I know I'm gunna lose again" posts. It's an older pic and missing some updates but whatever!

or in the words of @Dan S....Just to keep in practice


Regino Gonzalez

Invisible NYC

@else Chad's coming to norway late March, and seeing that makes me even more excited about getting tattooed by him again. Really cool tattoo! Did you ask for that, or did you pick it out from his sketchbook?

@slayer9019 So good. I love that tattoo. What additions have been made to it?

@else Chad's coming to norway late March, and seeing that makes me even more excited about getting tattooed by him again. Really cool tattoo! Did you ask for that, or did you pick it out from his sketchbook?

Before the convention (over email) we had discussed doing something "hindu inspired" which I guess is what he's into these days. A few nights before the big day I had this dream that I was watching a documentary about "shamanic battles against evil" and Chad was interviewed in the documentary and was showing all these pictures of big cat tattoos and discussing how they were especially powerful against evil forces. So when I got there and we started talking about what to do I told him about my dream and he drew it up for me right there. :D

@else Chad's coming to norway late March, and seeing that makes me even more excited about getting tattooed by him again. Really cool tattoo! Did you ask for that, or did you pick it out from his sketchbook?

@slayer9019 So good. I love that tattoo. What additions have been made to it?

Well I got a drum and the dragon going in now from knee down.

That Ross Nagle does some solid tattoos. Dang.

My picture taking skills are not the best, add in the fact that its a coverup and he flew through the whole thing in a couple of hours makes me believe Ross is a serious talent.

Here's some fillers I have had done the last couple of months, all by Tony Nilsson at Bluearms Tattoo here in Oslo :o


One day, I'll get to Oslo. And on that day, I too will receive some killer filler.

@MJH IV Of course! We talked about that a just few days ago, haha... I'm still a little hung over and my brain isn't working at full capacity today. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Looking forward to seeing it though. Possible February contest contender?

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