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One thing I haven't heard discussed is how cool and important having a good name for a tattoo shop is. Maybe I am kind of a snob,but if a shop has a dumb name, it sets off red flags for me and makes me a little unsure right off the bat. That being said obviously naming a tattoo shop, shouldn't and sometimes doesn't have anything to do with quality of work, but my hunches rarely let me down.

So I don't think there is a set rule for what a good tattoo shop name is or isn't, but I have a few things I look for

1. Is Tattoo in the name. I would rather go to Hello Kitty Tattoo, than insert random city here INK or such and such art studio. Tattoo City, Chicago Tattoo, The Tattoo Emporium, Liberty Tattoo, Electric all kick ass names all have tattoo in them.

2. No more than Four words in the name. I want to be able to remember the name. Freedom Ink, Odds and Ends tattoo, Flying Tiger Tattoo, Hot Stuff Tattoo, Rock of Ages Tattoo, Inksmith and Rodgers Tattoo, gets the point across and sticks with you without writing it down.

3. Alliteration, whether you have tattoo in the name or not, it works for me. Shamrock Social Club, Absolute Art, True Tattoo, Temple Tattoo.

Obviously there are way too many good shop names to list and it's not the deciding factor whether a shop is good or not, but the right amount of creativity goes a long way. I thought up this post when I saw a business card in a public place and the name of the shop is Breaking Ink. My first thought was they were going through stuff on the DVR and Breaking Bad and LA INK were on the list so they just decided to blend them, then of course I looked them up on my iphone and that probably is about right. But It really just reminded me of how many better names there are for shops out there.

Anyone else have any thoughts or insights?

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I like your thinking! I would go to a place like pair o dice tattoo or tattoo city then skingaphics or dermatology! A name is very important! Perfection tattoo and elm st tattoo are easy to say and remember. So when people ask where I got my tattoo I can say spotlight tattoo or kings ave tattoo. Too long of names or complicated are just that, too long or complicated. I am not going to say, " Go to Diamond Glen's River City Tattoo!" Or " "custom tattoos for the soul!"

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the type of shop names I think don't work are names that sound like nothing good is gonna happen, examples; Insane ,Smoked ,Deviant,Chaos,etc.These kind of names just dont give me the feeling of comfort. A friend owns Safe Voyage Tattoo in Baton Rouge, Isnt that a comforting name.

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the type of shop names I think don't work are names that sound like nothing good is gonna happen, examples; Insane ,Smoked ,Deviant,Chaos,etc.These kind of names just dont give me the feeling of comfort. A friend owns Safe Voyage Tattoo in Baton Rouge, Isnt that a comforting name.

I just thought of an idea. Try to think of the worst possible name for a tattoo shop.

I am going with Infected Ink for my first submission, it fits my formula but still I think i would pass.

I definitely think bad names either sound too intense or like they are trying to hard.

I have some good names for shops as well, but saving those just in case.

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Payless Ink Slingers (if you add an "R us" it would break all your rules!)

Tatt Attack

this is fun

I just thought of an idea. Try to think of the worst possible name for a tattoo shop.

I am going with Infected Ink for my first submission, it fits my formula but still I think i would pass.

I definitely think bad names either sound too intense or like they are trying to hard.

I have some good names for shops as well, but saving those just in case.

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I just thought of an idea. Try to think of the worst possible name for a tattoo shop.

I am going with Infected Ink for my first submission, it fits my formula but still I think i would pass.

I definitely think bad names either sound too intense or like they are trying to hard.

I have some good names for shops as well, but saving those just in case.

"The Tatcave".

Not only does it meet your criteria for an awful name, but this place actually exists nearby to where I live. Their work is just as shitty as their name.

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the type of shop names I think don't work are names that sound like nothing good is gonna happen, examples; Insane ,Smoked ,Deviant,Chaos,etc.These kind of names just dont give me the feeling of comfort. A friend owns Safe Voyage Tattoo in Baton Rouge, Isnt that a comforting name.

All of that sounds like Juggalo shit, probably because it is.

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Funny just reminded me of something that kind of goes hand in hand with a bad shop name. Be weary of any place that say they have "award winning artists" or "world renowned artists", almost every bad shop I find always has this in their bio. For all you know the award they won could be a bowling trophy.

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Whilst I go along and agree with what David Flores said, I wanted to offer two examples which show there are probably some exceptions ..

Into You in London, owned by Alex Binnie is a great shop with amazing artists. So is The Family Business also in London and run by Mo Coppoletta. Both shops have not a name which immediately identifies them as a tattoo shop but are well known and deliver outstanding work.

Probably here we can apply the idiom 'The exception proves the rule' .. :-)

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All of that sounds like Juggalo shit, probably because it is.

lmao... idk man i dont see any "HaTCheTZ n aXeZ TatToO ShoP" or "WiKKiD KlOWnZ KusTOm KilLA InK"

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Then again how could i forget "FaYGo anD DilDOz TatTOoZ" ;)

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Uncle Knuckles Ink slingin' Tat Shack.

you could throw "wizard" or "dragon" in there somewhere as well.

LMAO ..what would Uncle Knuckles Shack be without "dragon" in there hahah

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I just thought of an idea. Try to think of the worst possible name for a tattoo shop.

Here's one: The same name as another tattoo shop, even if it's in another country.

When stuck for a name, call it the name of the street it's on or the name or the nearest major street. Works like a charm.

Although we do still get phone calls at the shop that go:


"Hello, Frith Street Tattoo, can I help?"

"...erm, what street are you on?"

"We're on Frith Street"

"Ok, thanks"


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Whilst I go along and agree with what David Flores said, I wanted to offer two examples which show there are probably some exceptions ..

Into You in London, owned by Alex Binnie is a great shop with amazing artists. So is The Family Business also in London and run by Mo Coppoletta. Both shops have not a name which immediately identifies them as a tattoo shop but are well known and deliver outstanding work.

Probably here we can apply the idiom 'The exception proves the rule' .. :-)

The one exception that comes to mind for me is the Ink Addiction Beppe works at. That is a goddammned horrible name for a tattoo shop and I hope it's only called that because of a not great understanding of the English language.

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I always like the simple names too. I mean, in the end, it's about the artist. BUT the name can say a lot. What type of person would name their shop some of this shit? Maybe they have some amazing skills but our taste will no doubt not match up and that says something. Plus in some cases if you're trying that hard to get me to notice your shop you're either for tourists or compensating.

I had a friend in high school who dreamed of opening a shop called "Kaotic Kustomz Ink" and it's a good thing he didn't.

Worst name I can come up with: "Damaged Ink" (they'd probably think they're real cool for paying tribute to Metallica) or "Dr. Brain Splatterz Tat Lab"

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Selecting a name is marketing. Its about attracting whatever clientle you're after. Some people want to appear cool and others shoot for professional and easy to remember. Its easy to see who takes what they do seriously and those who think its a rockstar lifestyle.

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