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Didn't see this anywhere, figured this would be one of the top places who would want to know... considering the fact that I only have Instagram to follow tattoo artists.

Instagram says it now has the right to sell your photos | Politics and Law - CNET News

There is already a lot of backlash, so things might change. But for now, I figured you guys would want to know.

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Here's a pretty good article that explains in detail what IG can do with your stuff:

What the new Instagram terms of service really mean | The Verge

Basically it seems like Instagram is prepping their Terms of Use to allow for in-feed ads, or maybe augment Facebook ads with IG content. IG is a free service and makes no money right now so it was inevitable that ads would make their way in. Definitely a bummer but not really a surprise, I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop since FB bought IG.

  hogg said:
I was just about to post that, @graybones. They can't just sell your photos, but plenty of people will be upset over what they can actually do. The thing is, it's not really anything they haven't always been able to do.

They may have always been able to do it, but to me, the change in the terms of service seems to me that they're as of January 16 going to go ahead with a Facebook-style "sponsored links" campaign. And that sucks. I use Facebook because it's useful and because I am a lazy bastard who can't make phone calls or send emails or write letters to friends anymore, but the way they've changed it to, as that article puts it, a "relentless quest to monetize our private lives" really does make me want to delete everything because I really despise the idea of my interactions with friends and family being used and manipulated in order to sell shit. And yeah yeah that's what I signed up for, I know.

I feel that if I unload a photo on a free service it's no longer mine. I'm going thru countless IG posts and find it funny that people feel this free service is theirs to control. It's a business and that's how it will be run.

  Reyeslv said:
I feel that if I unload a photo on a free service it's no longer mine. I'm going thru countless IG posts and find it funny that people feel this free service is theirs to control. It's a business and that's how it will be run.

Very True. Social Media sites like Instagram and Facebook have made it alot easier for tattooers and many other people to get their work seen by a larger audience and it has been virtually free to do so. But nothing comes without a cost.

I understand why people are concerned and I am not a hundred percent stoked on it, but I try to keep in mind that everything I put on the internet can be seen by other people and used to try to sell me stuff. Just a half hour ago I watched a UFC fight on another website, as soon as I signed on to facebook, UFC was the first suggested post in the news feed. I guess I could not watch fights or not have social media, but instead I just decide not to give a fuck.

I think it was bound to happen, though I feel that it is corporate America figuring out new ways of stealing from citizens. People have their art posted on IG, I don't think its right that they can potentially take a persons work and sell it without at least compensating said artist.

  Barrett Dobra said:
I think it was bound to happen, though I feel that it is corporate America figuring out new ways of stealing from citizens. People have their art posted on IG, I don't think its right that they can potentially take a persons work and sell it without at least compensating said artist.

But do they really have their art, or do they have a low resolution photograph of photograph or screen shot off your IPhone compressed. Also do you think it would ever get to that point, or is the terms and services really just their to give them freedom to generate more ad revenue. I am not saying it's not screwed up in some ways, but it's not like Instagram is going to open up an Etsy shop and sell prints of all the tattoo flash people post on IG. I know things work a little differently for each type of art and I can see how it could really screw over photographers. I guess the question is the risk of being ripped off worth the free advertising and possible added revenue being on said social media site could provide for an artist.

As I understand this, it isn't going to be anybody ripping off artists so much as it is that if you post a picture of your car or your cup of coffee or whatever that can then be used by Toyota or Starbucks with maybe something saying that you like Starbucks or that you posted something about Starbucks or whatever.

To be fair, I think a lot of Instagram and other visually-based social media sites like Pinterest really are about consumerism so it was only a matter of time before somebody tried to make money from that.

  RoryQ said:
I hope we don't see scenario where we have everyone exiting instagram to ten different alternative apps... Backspace etc. could get complicated!

It's already happening. there are legions of tattooers I follow that are going to Backspace as we speak... :(

Tell them all to jump ship and come to LST to post their stuff!!!!

We have no intentions of selling others artwork. Minus an upcoming feature we'll be offering but that is grounded in respect for tattooing and tattooers that Scott will be heading....can't say too much yet.

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