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I borrow this idea and some questions from @dcostello and his previous years threads cause it has been fun and useful to see what LSTers are thinking about the site/forum and tattoos. Pls copy and paste the question then answer so we can tell which answers go with which easiest. If you want to include photos that would be bonus points. So with that here we go:

BEST/WORST of 2012:

1.) Best LST Thread:

2.) Worst LST Thread:

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop):

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know):

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST:

6.) How'd you find LST:

7.) Favorite part of the site:

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at:

9.) What do you want more of:

10.) Sum up the year in one word:

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year......

1.)Best LST Thread:

Latest Tattoo Lowdown.. crazy amount of quality

6.)How'd you find LST:

Research for new tattoo, it's led me down a whole new exciting path

7.)Favorite part of the site:

The forums weed out the bs pretty damn quickly, and the interviews have been great

10.)Sum up the year in one word:


1.) Best LST Thread: Full Backpiece Thread takes the cake, without a doubt. It just blows everything else out of the water.

2.) Worst LST Thread: The Ink Master Thread is the worst thread of more than ten pages for sure, although it occasionally redeems itself momentarily through clever commentary. I just want to pretend that this Hindenburg never existed. Can we pretend it doesn’t exist now?

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): The Whale, snake, skull combo I got from Deno while he was at Kings Ave was my favorite I think. The great tattoo was only made better by the timing. I got it only a few days after Sandy wrecked us; Manhattan had only just gotten power back, I had no power at home like many of my friends, and things seemed dire. Being able to take a train to get a tattoo was a big step in a return to normalcy that helped me keep my head on.

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): This one is absolutely impossible. Everyone here gets fantastic work, though I find myself drooling over @Iwar’s and @chrisnoluck’s tattoos more than usual.

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: I think this has to go to @The Hyena , Ron Henry Wells. He’s just always doing rad shit. Unstoppable.

6.) How'd you find LST: I sort of backdoored my way in after watching tattoo age, Steve Boltz talks about a shop called Sparrow tattoos. Googling turned this site up.

7.) Favorite part of the site: All the pictures of tattoos everyone puts up and how excited everyone is about tattoos. Rarely do i find a negative comment, it’s just a lots of love and rad shit.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: Crawling through old posts in Latest Tattoo Thread and the Old Tattoo Pictures Thread.

9.) What do you want more of: Artist interviews! They’re slammin I watch all of them at least once. And so long as we’re wishing, beer, naked girls, free pizza, Slayer.

10.) Sum up the year in one word: Fantastic

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year...... Pretty much anything @Dan S says. Homeboy has his head on straight.

BEST/WORST of 2012:

1.) Best LST Thread:

Gots to be the Old Tattoo thread.

2.) Worst LST Thread:

Worst Celebrity Tattoos

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop):

la Senorita y el Tigre, by Nick Colella at CTC.


4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know):



5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST:

hmmmm...well, guess I'd have to say Stewart Robson. One can only hope to amass the funds necessary for a cross-pond soiree.

6.) How'd you find LST:

67 Olds turned me on to it.

7.) Favorite part of the site:

Activity stream

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at:

Old Tattoo thread

9.) What do you want more of:

See above.

10.) Sum up the year in one word:


BONUS: Favorite quote of the year......

From anywhere?????

Oh, here? Okay.

Nothing specific, but I always watch for posts from certain people, say, KyleGrey, CultExciter, Colored guy, Jack, Erik G., and a few others.

BEST/WORST of 2012:

1.) Best LST Thread: I like many of them. Especially just general tattoo talk in the General Tattoo Discussion section and the pictures that go along w/the discussions.

2.) Worst LST Thread: Any of the ones started by trolls.

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): Tiger/lotuses/lily pads/mandala by James Spencer-Briggs @Memoir Tattoo, LA (still in progress)...

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): The first one that comes to mind is @ian 's Jondix skull. And of course @DJDeepFried 's black koi by Kim Saigh @Memior but he hasn't posted the finished piece yet, think he's waiting for his new camera.

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: I joined instagram due to the LST thread about it and once I discovered instagram I discovered so many new artists. So, indirectly discovered @Mike Bennett on Instagram via LST.

6.) How'd you find LST: I am rarely on Twitter but one day I was on there looking at Needles and Sins' tweets and they recommended LST.

7.) Favorite part of the site: Love the interviews & the forum. I'm bad at picking 1 thing.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: Looking for new posts. Reading/responding..."liking" posts...I like the interaction between artists and enthusiasts alike.

9.) What do you want more of: Black & grey! And black! On me, that is. haha

10.) Sum up the year in one word: mélange

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year...... "plainskins" @CultExciter, I've been using it. Cracks me up.

1. Best Thread- Monthly Best Tattoo Contest. A chance to come on and just see the best tattoos of the month on here. I think it also has made people get tattooed more on this forum (if that is even possible).

2. Worst Thread- Dumb Hipster Tattoos.

3. Favorite Tattoo I got- Snake and Rose by Dan Gilsdorf @blackheart tattoo in SF. I really have gotten a lot of tattoos this year from some really good friends, but getting the chance to visit and hang out in blackheart was a tattoo highlight of the year.

4. Best Tattoo others got. I would say for me my favorite tattoo is the dagger and skull combo that @deaddreamnation got by Danny Reed, but I think the undisputed champion of this year is @Scott R .

5. I would say Danny Reed is my favorite artist I have discovered through here. It's not even so much that I discovered him here, but I put a face to the name and really started looking at his work differently on here. I can't count how many tattooers I have discovered on this site, or been compelled to study more in depth because of work or discussion on this forum.

6. How did I get here? I think I commented on a post on facebook about the facebook friend tattoo and led me to a thread about tattooers with no tattoos, I saw that Nick and Mario from CTC were on here so I started lurking more.

7. I would say the general forum is my favorite part of the site. I like to not only hear everyone's tattoo news, but I do enjoy giving advice and a good discussion on a hot topic.

8. I spend most of my time in the general forum.

9. The one thing I miss is the tattooers that don't post here anymore and post less here.

10. THis year was hectic

I really can't think of a bonus quote of the top of my head, but I know that I always enjoy when Stewart Robson joins the conversation and Shannon Shirley. I know that both of them post less, but when they have something to say it's good.

1) Latest tattoo lowdown. I am constantly amazed by the tattoos people here get, and it is a real pleasure to get to see it.

2) I wish the Ink Master thread didn't have as many replies as it does. I don't actually mind the thread so much and it's sometimes very funny but I wish there was more attention given to more positive aspects of tattooing.

3) Difficult to say because I got some great tattoos, but for tattoos that are finished I will say the rose and snake I got from Tony D'Annessa at PSC Tattoo from one of his 1958 roll up flash sheets. It is a real privilege and honor to get tattooed by an old timer and to have a piece of tattooing's history on me. Not to mention that it's a tough tattoo and is solid and bold as fuck.

4) @Scott R's backpiece. Not only is it an amazing backpiece but that we can read how he went from thinking of essentially blacking-in his back to getting lasered to the beautiful backpiece he got is really one of the highlights of this board. I'm looking forward to @ian 's visits with Grime too for the same reasons.

5) Jeff Zuck maybe? I'd heard the name before but through here I really started paying attention to his tattoos.

6) My wife @Pugilist pointed it out to me.

7) The forums are great and I love the interactions here and I hope to meet some of you eventually but my favorite part of this site is the interviews. Really truly great stuff there.

8) That said, I spend most my time here in the forum.

9) More interviews! More positive and intelligent conversation here on the forums.

10) Obsessed.

1.) Best LST Thread: FUll back piece thread, latest tattoo lowdown

2.) Worst LST Thread:

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): Back piece by @Scott Sylvia BlackHeart Tattoo San Francisco: Our Shop - Jeff Rassier, Tim Lehi, Scott Silva, Nick Rodin, Cody Miller, Juan Puente

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): @Ryan back piece by @Tim Hendricks Gold Rush Tattoo and @bulldog eagle by @Valerie Vargas http://frithstreettattoo.co.uk/

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: my tattoo education is in thanks to LST so I have learned about all the tattooers I like from here

6.) How'd you find LST: searching for ideas on covering my back, lucky day for me

7.) Favorite part of the site: forums, this is my social networking I dont have FB twitter or any of the other stuff so this is where I go when online

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: Interviews, they genuinely make me happy to be around all this great stuff

9.) What do you want more of: I liked reading posts by tattooers and it has dropped some and I know why but it would still be cool to read more of that

10.) Sum up the year in one word: mourn

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year...... @Lance

"This is one of those times where one looks at this, knows they are conciously starring at man-ass but just can't take their eyes away from it nor do they care too. ;-)" in regards to full back piece thread

1.) Best LST Thread: Latest Tattoo lowdown... as always

2.) Worst LST Thread: Can't think of any

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): I have gotten zero tattoos this year. I know, I suck.

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know):

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: @gougetheeyes got a pretty sick UFO thing this year I think. Not sure who did it. I liked it a lot though.

6.) How'd you find LST: THE SITE FOUND ME.

7.) Favorite part of the site: Constantly updating with cool shit. And the interviews. Freddy's is still my favorite. Or Juan's with the Budweiser.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: Lowdown.

9.) What do you want more of: I am content.

10.) Sum up the year in one word: Monotonous

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year......

"In a job interview, claim that you are an alien from the actual Planet Fitness."

- Some asshole on theb9. Still laugh at that every day.

  • 3 weeks later...

1.) Best LST Thread: Latest Tattoo Lowdown

2.) Worst LST Thread: Tie between the Inkmasters thread and all of the "hey look at this scratcher asshole" threads.

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): Finished both my right arm and hand this year. Both done by Tim Morris of A Brand New Tattoo

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): WeRnDoG's back is absolutely epic.

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: Dean Sacred or Stewart Robson

6.) How'd you find LST: Was researching Kore Flatmo and watched the interview. After setting up a consult with Kore, I joined this site. Now my first session with Kore is a few weeks away!

7.) Favorite part of the site: General Tattoo Discussion or Interviews.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: The "New Posts" screen.

9.) What do you want more of: People and posters who care about tattooing. Not so many hostile or negative opinions. Less talk about bad tattooers or tattoos and more talk about good stuff.

10.) Sum up the year in one word: Definitive

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year......There were lots of good ones. I am to lazy to go back and find them.

1.) Best LST Thread:

-Last Tattoo Lowdown

2.) Worst LST Thread:

-this one is tough. i honeslty can't recall a thread where i thought to myself, "what a piece of shit thread."

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop):

-another tough one. i seriously don't know which one to choose. the three i've gotten from dan santoro (tiger head, dragon, eagle with american shield and a rose and bracelet) as well as my eagle from zach nelligan

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know):

-this motherfucker right here


5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST:

-regino gonzales

6.) How'd you find LST:

-i believe it was from lurking tattoo blogs and what not. but, i'm gonna steal someone else's answer and say THE BOARD FOUND ME.

7.) Favorite part of the site:

-love that i can nerd out about tattoos with other tattoo nerds.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at:

Latest Tattoo Lowdown, Upcoming Tattoos, Quick Link is my jam

9.) What do you want more of:

-I'm pretty content. I love this board.

10.) Sum up the year in one word:


BONUS: Favorite quote of the year......

probably the dude's signature about the ass tattoo and searing pain. gives me a chuckle whenever i read it.

1.) Best LST Thread: tie between Latest Tattoo Lowdown, the monthly tattoo contests, and the Full Backpiece thread. consistently amazing.

2.) Worst LST Thread: negative ones, or ones that are 30+ pages, but of the same monotonous 15 posts repeating themselves. 2 possible solutions... PMA and reading what came first.

3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): for a completed piece, it'd be the big skull/roses/razor on my arm by Ulrich Hueber, then of Bullman's Tattoo Studio in Limerick, Ireland. the eagle on my head isn't finished yet (by Josh Cruse, JP Cruse Professional Tattooing, Wichita, KS), but i love it just as much.

4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): everything Phickey has posted. it may sound a bit creeper-ish, but it's cool to see someone you don't know learn about tattoos from scratch and get amazing work from the start. especially as quickly as he has.

5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: Ron Henry Wells. i'd seen his stuff here and there on the few good tattoo blogs out there, but checking his website and Instagram after seeing him post here... man. i know of at least two spots i'm saving for him in the next few years. also, Stewart Robson. thankfully, i have a bunch of friends in London who would most likely be willing to let me couch or floor surf to save money on hotels if i need to, because i will be making my way over the ocean for some large thigh work.

6.) How'd you find LST: I can't remember if i happened upon the Tim Hendricks interview on YouTube first, or if Matt Headley of Red Sea Tattoo in Wichita, KS posted about the site on Facebook first. either way, a few things led me to check it out, learn a quick lesson when i first posted here, then slowly and respectfully post more as time went on.

7.) Favorite part of the site: General Tattoo Discussion and Tattoo Designs, Books, and Flash.

8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: same answer as numbers 1 & 7, with interviews thrown in.

9.) What do you want more of: see the last answer...

10.) Sum up the year in one word: Cornerstone. everything is coming together for my life, i.e.: moving my fiancee here from Ireland, in terms of my apprenticeship, and in building a new chosen family in the city where i work, where i was born, and where i will soon call home again.

BONUS: Favorite quote of the year...... another tie.

"If you do not pass first grade, you do not go to second grade." -Oliver Peck, in one of the few truly great moments to come out of Ink Masters.

"I like tattoos that look like tattoos." loads of people, but in this instance, Thom de Vita in his Tattoo Age episodes.

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