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I feel for you..I don't think i could live up there isolated like that.We don't have a great tattoo community in Jersey,but there are a few shops near me that i really like,and that do good work.The good thing is that NYC isn't far,and you can't get much better than that.Do you know Reed Leslie | Alaska Tattoo Artist, Body Art, Artist, Tattoos Galore in Anchorage..He does some nice realistic work.

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I grew up in Alaska. I have fabulous memories of skiing and snowmobiling and tromping through the snow... and the BEAUTY! So amazingly beautiful up there!! But whenever anyone asks if I'd go back I tell them that I would never live there again. It's just too dark. It's hard to keep your chin up when the sun is only out for a few hours a day...

But! The spring will come again! ;)

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For whatever little it's worth, when I see the pictures you post on IG of how beautiful where you live is and how you get to work with your family putting on great tattoos in a great looking shop, I think it looks like a great life.

That said, my tattoo community consists of my wife and the people on here, which I guess is okay, because I'm on the receiving end of tattoos and so however much I think about them, spend time and money getting them, they ultimately aren't my life and my livelihood, but when I get the energy from a good shop or at a convention, I think I get that sense of isolation you're talking about.

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We aren't friends ,he does nice photo realistic work----

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I do!

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I feel for you..I don't think i could live up there isolated like that.We don't have a great tattoo community in Jersey,but there are a few shops near me that i really like,and that do good work.The good thing is that NYC isn't far,and you can't get much better than that.Do you know Reed Leslie | Alaska Tattoo Artist, Body Art, Artist, Tattoos Galore in Anchorage..He does some nice realistic work.

I'm from NYC originally- I love it!

Yes, I know of Reed, he does do nice realistic work. We aren't friends though.

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Don't get me wrong, I love Alaska & wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Plus, i'm very fortunate that I get to work with my family in our shop, which I love---

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Oh my goodness! @Deb Yarian! I was just looking at your instagram and saw the picture you posted of Star the reindeer. I remember her from when I was a kid! I had no idea she was still around.

It may not be true anymore but she used to be in a chain link enclosure and kids could come and pet her through the fence. I am so thrilled to see her! :-)

Brings back so many memories.

(I cried when I heard a few years ago that Binky the polar bear had died. We lived pretty much right across the street from the Anchorage zoo when I was in kindergarten and I spent many, many hours hanging out near Binky. He was my favorite animal there... Annabelle the elephant was a close second.)

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Annabelle moved to the Elephant Sanctuary in California, Bob Barker came and got her. We have two polar bears now in a beautiful enclosure.

Hey Ma, you got me!!!!

I know! And what a blessing you are.

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Oh my goodness! @Deb Yarian! I was just looking at your instagram and saw the picture you posted of Star the reindeer. I remember her from when I was a kid! I had no idea she was still around.

It may not be true anymore but she used to be in a chain link enclosure and kids could come and pet her through the fence. I am so thrilled to see her! :-)

Brings back so many memories.

(I cried when I heard a few years ago that Binky the polar bear had died. We lived pretty much right across the street from the Anchorage zoo when I was in kindergarten and I spent many, many hours hanging out near Binky. He was my favorite animal there... Annabelle the elephant was a close second.)

Wow, what a coincidence& small world! Star is still loving in the same place- right near the park strip. When did youcmove away?

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I left Alaska in 1986 or '87 I think...

Haven't been back since then but my husband is hoping I'll take him for a visit there within the next few years.

We'll have to see. I would prefer to show him Alaska in the winter but I don't get around very well in the cold anymore so if it was going to be fun for me it would probably have to be a summer visit.

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