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I've been tattooed in a couple shops that have dogs hanging out and I don't mind it at all. I guess there are folks out there who don't like the idea of having animals at the shop. I just wanted to hear a few different opinions and reasons for or against it. I couldn't find a related existing thread, but if one exists that folks here know of, I'd gladly take the redirect. Thanks!

It seems kind of unnecessary. Like... it's cool if you can hang out with your dog at work, but if it's gonna make some of your clients uncomfortable (which I'm sure there are a number of people who'll feel that way), why not just leave fido at home?

If there's a dog in the front/reception area I probably wouldn't mind, but if it was walking around at people's feet while I was getting tattooed I probably wouldn't be too happy about it.

Yeah, any time I've heard of/seen dogs that hang out in shops, it's usually fairly controlled--like in a front or back room, not in the tattooing area. It's hard to object to that.

Mostly, I just wish I could have my dog with me while I was getting tattooed. She'd be a great relaxation tool. :)

Only once was there a dog at the shop when I was getting tattooed. Only reason was it was 2am and the other artist didn't realize that someone was getting tattooed. I was completely cool with it since it was an accident anyways and the shop is hospital clean anyways.

  Johannes said:
hmm, i really like most animals so i wouldn't mind as long as the pooch stays out of the tattoo-area so to speak.

but on the other hand, some people are obviously scared of dogs so...but what about cats? no one can be scared of cats!

some people are terrified of my friend's hairless cats. in all actuality they are the friendliest cats on the planet

Ahh a classic...I used to not like them since, well they look kinda creepy but most hairless cats i've encountered were really, really nice! but we got some evil ones out there for sure...a devon rex once was an inch from taking my then newborn sons eye out...

but, to not get off topic to much; yay to dogs in shops!

  Johannes said:
hmm, i really like most animals so i wouldn't mind as long as the pooch stays out of the tattoo-area so to speak.

but on the other hand, some people are obviously scared of dogs so...but what about cats? no one can be scared of cats!

i'm super allergic to cats so if i went to a shop with a cat around it would drive me nuts.

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