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Checked in with my artist today - he agrees that I need a little touch up on the blue and red of the flag. Decided to wait for another two weeks of healing - the spots where I had scabs is still peeling as the tattoo settles in. No big rush - but I want to be fully healed before we head off to our vacation in November. So, I'm set for October 6th - just a 30 minute appointment to finish up. :1_grinning:

Stock up on your Dial Gold now. FDA has banned most anti-bacterial agents, saying they are no more effective than regular soap and water. They want clinical trials, which of course will drive up the cost, to prove any of them. Hand sanitizers next. I like Walmart foaming soap which has triclosan, one of the banned agents in it. Think I'll buy a few gallons. May be no more effective than bar soap, but is easier to use and makes less mess at the sink.

18 hours ago, BrokenTV said:

I am confused. Should I still use soap in the flaking and peeling portion? Should I use lotions? I havent done anything to my tattoo for around a day now, zis this good or bad?

Less is more. I mostly heal dry now out of 1) laziness and 2) convenience. I just put tiny dabs of lotion on when the itching is so bad I can't stand it any more, at most once a day and seriously like a pea-sized dab or less. Your body can take care of itself at this point, there's no need to keep it clean once it starts scabbing and flaking. Any lotion you might put on is pretty much for your own comfort.

Inner bicep/pit area done last night to complete upper arm sleeve. 3.5 hrs or so and pretty much murder, done at a convention, but I knew this location sucks, and I took it like the boss I am, lol. Tattoos hurt, and that's all there is to it.

Trouble sleeping from the residual pain, and today my upper inner arm is swollen, red, and hot to the touch. I've never had any of my tattoos react this way, but this is a very sensitive area and I think that's all it is. Tegaderm on board, and I'll get there! 

The whole upper arm is now connected and it almost looks like it was done at the same time, not a year apart. #worthit #conventionartiststalker

17 hours ago, LizBee said:

Inner bicep/pit area done last night to complete upper arm sleeve. 3.5 hrs or so and pretty much murder, done at a convention, but I knew this location sucks, and I took it like the boss I am, lol. Tattoos hurt, and that's all there is to it.

Trouble sleeping from the residual pain, and today my upper inner arm is swollen, red, and hot to the touch. I've never had any of my tattoos react this way, but this is a very sensitive area and I think that's all it is. Tegaderm on board, and I'll get there! 

The whole upper arm is now connected and it almost looks like it was done at the same time, not a year apart. #worthit #conventionartiststalker

I need to finish both my arms in that spot too,not looking forward to it.  good job !


oh ! and @LizBee  thanks for the motivation to get my "Inner bicep/pit area" finished !!!  your post is helpful. :)

Edited by Dan
12 hours ago, Dan said:

I need to finish both my arms in that spot too,not looking forward to it.  good job !


oh ! and @LizBee  thanks for the motivation to get my "Inner bicep/pit area" finished !!!  your post is helpful. :)

Well, I hope I'm not discouraging anyone with my complaints, lol! I am SO glad to have completed this part of my arm, since to me it always looked kind of odd (on me) to see the blank space on my inner bicep. The outer arm/shoulder tattoo was done without a specific line, but was free-form and organic, so it was easy for her to design the rest of the upper arm sleeve and connect the two areas seamlessly. I'm almost sad the weather is now getting colder and I'll be back in long sleeves and jackets! I will definitely get my other inner bicep done at some point. 

2 hours ago, LizBee said:

Well, I hope I'm not discouraging anyone with my complaints, lol! I am SO glad to have completed this part of my arm, since to me it always looked kind of odd (on me) to see the blank space on my inner bicep. The outer arm/shoulder tattoo was done without a specific line, but was free-form and organic, so it was easy for her to design the rest of the upper arm sleeve and connect the two areas seamlessly. I'm almost sad the weather is now getting colder and I'll be back in long sleeves and jackets! I will definitely get my other inner bicep done at some point. 

I totally meant that in only a positive and honest way, :12_slight_smile:

and I agree,my arms look unfinished if I raise my arms ! LOL

Update:  Redness and swelling all gone now (started improving last night, 48 hours after) and I emailed my artist, who assured me that this can happen in the upper inner arm, especially after having been worked on for so long. Now the tattoo is healing normally under my trusty layer of Tegaderm (that has been on the whole time, since a few hours after getting it done) and we're back to what I'm used to.

My poor boss (a surgeon - we see so much MRSA and other difficult infections) was CERTAIN I had a terrible infection and was terrified for me yesterday, insisting I start antibiotics, but I reassured him, and now he can see it is fine. Cool thing is he's getting an education about healing tattoos from me, since he has zero understanding about any of it, lol. 

11 minutes ago, LizBee said:

Update:  Redness and swelling all gone now (started improving last night, 48 hours after) and I emailed my artist, who assured me that this can happen in the upper inner arm, especially after having been worked on for so long. Now the tattoo is healing normally under my trusty layer of Tegaderm (that has been on the whole time, since a few hours after getting it done) and we're back to what I'm used to.

My poor boss (a surgeon - we see so much MRSA and other difficult infections) was CERTAIN I had a terrible infection and was terrified for me yesterday, insisting I start antibiotics, but I reassured him, and now he can see it is fine. Cool thing is he's getting an education about healing tattoos from me, since he has zero understanding about any of it, lol. 

Good news!!! We've certainly seen a bunch of pictures of similar reactions to upper inner arm work but it must surely be disconcerting when it's your arm! And, when your boss, the surgeon, gets worried....................... Glad to hear you hung in there and all is on track!! Looking forward to the pictures!!

After Thursday afternoon's touch-up work primarily on the red and blue areas on my eagle/flag, I went from nothing to substantial peeling between yesterday morning and last evening. Just some mild itching along with the peeling. Life is good. :1_grinning:

Thanks! I must be blessed with happy skin, because I rarely ever seem to scab as long as I wash everything well enough that first time. I think the only place I really did was the upper inside of my arm. We actually had to do a few touch-ups.

1 hour ago, sophistre said:

Thanks! I must be blessed with happy skin, because I rarely ever seem to scab as long as I wash everything well enough that first time. I think the only place I really did was the upper inside of my arm. We actually had to do a few touch-ups.

you are lucky ! :)    although I will say that years ago I used to scab badly,especially with red & blue ink,but the quality of inks has gotten better since the 80's and my knowledge of proper healing techniques have also improved ! LOL


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