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Not a religious person but I've always had a fascination with the art and stories that surround various religions. My house is covered in various spiritual/religious art including many of my tattoos. So the other day when hanging out at Temple Tattoo in Oakland with friends since we were in the neighborhood running an errand I realized we haven't discussed it on Last Sparrow Tattoo yet. I am always amazed when I step into Temple not only for the quality of work that has continuously come out of that shop and the various tattooers that are/have worked there but just the visual stimulus of the shop itself. Tattoo 13, Freddy Corbin's, other shop in Oakland is just as amazing and found myself in there a few weeks back just observing the art as well. Both shops are like religious and spiritual museums and the tattoos just as high of quality. I am a fan of in my tattoos and many art pieces I do have various saints as well as taking religious ideas and adding a touch of a darker Dia De Los Muertos to them.

So as that jumping off point lets talk about religious and/or spiritual tattoos, tattoo designs from crosses, Jesus, Mary's, Saints, angels, cherubs, guardian angels to Buddhist influenced tattoos to Stars of David to ?????? And of course we love tattoo pictures!

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Always found it interesting that religious designs have been such mainstays within tattooing. Maybe, as with the artwork, it's because the designs are so bold? I really love a lot of the icon artwork, which has very set rules and can be very intricate, but was created to still be simple enough to see from far away (on a wood panel or wall).

My back is completely clean, have been thinking for years now about a certain icon backpiece.

i really want the Prajnaparamitta on my back (not the text, but the personified version). i'm involved with a Buddhist organization that is trying to help a few nuns set up a monastery here in California, and they have a statue of her that a fellow monk made for them and i love it. obviously, it would be representative of buddhism and wisdom, but in a way, it would be representative of these Sisters and what they have taught me and how they have deepened my practice and my heart.

alright, i'll stop there before i start getting more corny.

I got a bunch of religious tattoos, I have attached photos of a few that were done by Gary Clark back in the 90's in the DC area. I also have the Rock of Ages and a few other pieces which I dont have photos for. I like the timeless appeal, plus I am a believer.

I just posted this in my intro thread, but it seems fitting for this thread as well. I am influenced by a variety of Pagan traditions, so I designed this as a symbol to encompass several. The "Tree of Life" can be traced to Celtic, Norse, and Kabbalah, among others. The Ankh incorprates the Egyptian, as the symbol of eternal life. The Pentagram also comes from a variety of traditions, and can sumbolize protection, health, and spirit as well.

The tulip is for my late father, who loved tulips.


I have Jesus on my arm. I like the image, but I can't say that it means much more to me than that. What I find interesting is most Christians think the tattoo is blasphemy, and then non-Christians assume that I am really religious. Neither one of these being the case. Either way the tattoo seems to make people uncomfortable.

This tattoo is on a customer of mine who is a fairly devout christian. I'm jewish, so I was naturally curious about the design. He said that without judaism, christianity would not exist, and he can't understand all the christians who speak poorly of jews and the jewish culture. I didn't realize that this was still a big issue out there, but maybe he rolls with a different crowd than me, so...Anyhow, here's a picture.

  • 2 weeks later...

Quick note on this, in Steve Gilbert's Tattoo History book there's a chapter called "Arabs, Jews and Christians" which talks a little bit about tattooing in those traditions. I was always really interested in the early Christian tattoos/symbols(/history) and Gilbert prints a short section from a book Coptic Tattoo Designs by John Carswell with some really beautiful basic designs kept on woodblocks, used like stencils.. kept in the Razzouk family who had, it seems, been tattooing for generations at that point in Jerusalem.

Just ordered Coptic Tattoo Designs off of Mr. CW's Tattoo Archive and am pretty pumped. Guessing it's basically just copied pages from the Carswell original, but still pretty stoked! If I had a scanner, I'd insert some pictures.. really love the old designs.

  • 2 weeks later...

When i see someone with Religious tattoos;especially Christian i automatically assume they are opposite .Like an insurance policy in case they do meet the big guy in the sky.Or a piss take cause they know they're bad LOL

If your someone who likes tattoos with meaning Buddhism provides some cool examples that are also great visually.Fudo Myoo is instantly recognisable with sword in one hand and rope in another ,whose original purpose was to guard the Hindu god Shiva.

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