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Trees. In the last two years I've done about 100 of them.

Trees with hidden words or initials anywhere in the design (in the trunk, branches, or roots)

Hidden words or initials. If you've got something to say, SAY IT!

Arm bands. They break up the arm in such weird spots it makes it difficult "add to" or expand on with future tattoos.

Cherubs. Naked babies?! For reals?!

Art. You really need V. Van Gogh's "Starry Night" on your arm? Go buy a t shirt!!

Superman logos. You are from right here. Not Krypton

This list can go on forever. Sometimes it's not the what that you are tattooing but the who. Arrive on time, be respectful and don't figit around. Bring a good story to tell. Tattooers love em! Most of all, leave your tuff guy attitude at home. You ain't as tuff as us.

I second the trees and hidden anything.

Also a paragraphs worth of text. Paraphrase or get an image that is in some way iconic of your intent.

Everything doesn't need to be spelled out literally letter for letter.

I'm scared Tim Hendricks won't ever tattoo me again after the tattoo he did on me that involved a tiny 2 inch by 3 inch world map with all the teeny tiny latitude and longitude lines. And I sat terribly that night as I had done a 3 hr handstands and arm balances yoga workshop with Ana Forrest that day. Terrible timing - what was I thinking? My hands were shaking when I wrote the words down that I wanted written on it, and that was before we even started. I had bruises on my arm for days from him having to hold me still 'cause I was jumping all over the place, trying to get away. He'll probably never tattoo me again. :(

I have a 5-tree-per-year quota. And I'm serious. I hate them. Always "gnarly roots and dead branches" or with "the seasons going left to right."

I have one in my portfolio even... mayeb I should take it out so as to not encourage more people!!



I'd like to do an owl eating a cupcake with a hat with a flipped up bring that says something like "416"

That is probably the hottest tattoo of the year!!!!

i agree, bill. and i do 99% of what comes in. there are just a couple of things that aggrivate me too much. so if someone else is available, i pass it on to them, or if its beyond my means or expertise, i pass it on to someone else, preferably in our shop. but, i do need to stop letting some things get to me too much and just do it, like inner lip tattoos. i usually turn em down because they are a pain to do, but if i just do a few more and figure out a better way to em, i win and so does the customer. and with that WAVERLY BLACK it should stick even better! (like the plug?).

Yeah, I would probably do inner lips if it didn't gross me out so bad. The first (and only) one I did, all the drool puddling in with the ink around the teeth and gum line almost made me barf. Otherwise I enjoy the act of tattooing so much that the subject matter of the actual tattoo doesn't really bother me all that much, regardless of what it is.

That's a good point, the pass on. I dig it. If it's something I don't have any interest in like a shit-ton of Celtic animals with intertwining knots I pass it on. I don't do intricate Celtic work enough to be great at it because I don't have any interest in it. Upside-down names and that shit- all day long- I'm your guy

Well i pretty much do what ever people ask me to do. even the celtic tree that "should feel like strenght and love" what the fuck is that suppose to look like.....oh crisp and bright. right. when i get all upity about my job i just remind myself its not my tattoo my ego only extends till im done then its thiers for the rest of thier life. even if you got john mayers sleeve tattooed on you. haha.but i did that shit tight. seriously ill do it all i actually love tribal shit and people think im kidding but i do like it ,just not most of the people who lend to it, much like the anal retentive people who like celtic. but what can you do? i dont believe everyone should be tattooed, shoot me but this aint for eveyone.

scott, i agree. i just wish some people would realize that before they sit in the chair or make an appt.

also, i like doing and designing tribal as well. but most people want the most generic tribal ever. i try to lean them towards some leo stuff but they just dont get it. most people get tribal because they just cant commit to any kind of imagery.

aaaaand i just outlined 31 baseball logos on this dudes arm. do i think its a dumb idea? yeah. but i can do it, so i did.

people think i'm joking when i say i like doing tribal, too. and i've actually said to a few customers who were really freaked out "you don't HAVE to get a tattoo. i know its popular, but it's ok not to have one."

Hey Folks, Thanks for this thread. Instead of it being a big ole bitchfest, it really has given me a good outlook, stuff to remember when I feel like I have to write a six paragraph bible verse the size of a postage stamp. I tattoo whatever walks through the door, and sometimes it is taxing to my soul, but what is more taxing is the thought of not tattooing.

I tattoo whatever walks through the door, and sometimes it is taxing to my soul, but what is more taxing is the thought of not tattooing.

Best quote ever.

Edited by tammy

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