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From your back straight to your torso??? I dunnon if you're tough, or crazy!

Tattoo pain isn't real pain anyway. I could still be crazy mind you, but everything is getting covered at some point so no sense in putting things off because they're going to hurt. Besides, if you want tough tattoos you can't be a wimp about it.

Tattoo pain isn't real pain anyway. I could still be crazy mind you, but everything is getting covered at some point so no sense in putting things off because they're going to hurt. Besides, if you want tough tattoos you can't be a wimp about it.

haha totally agree except tattoo pain is pretty real cmon ;)

yeah seesea i think its an interesting category of pain if you will

i mean - it hurts - but i think most of us would agree that the hurt is a valued part of the process

getting the tattoo wouldnt be the same without it

also for me going to the rib area recently was the most painful area i have had done

but it only made it more special

anyway - i kind of put it in that category of desired pain

like marathons - hurts so good

in contrast - kidney stones - uh - WAY painful - not special -- no desire to repeat :)

but yeah i get what Graeme and you are saying

is there a 'pain lovers' thread?

or is that going into a 'too weird' place for us?

@marley mission - good way to put it - "the hurt is a valued part of the process." I don't really place any importance to it, just that it has to accompany the getting of the work. Yes, the tattoo wouldn't be the same without it - they go hand in hand, but yeah, other types of pain slam tattoo pain hands down end of story. A marathon is a decent comparison. I've drawn heavily on the mental fortitude I've built as a runner to get me through tough tattoo sessions.

I wouldn't consider myself a pain lover as a result, although some folks are drawn to that aspect of getting tattoos. For me, the pain just is.

About how long do you guys usually sit in the chair before you have had enough? I'm sure it depends on where youre getting work done (i hear the less skin or more bone = more pain). But I am just curious.

I'll have to get up and pee every couple hours, I'd imagine. So far, two hours was the longest session (completed) and I was fine. Everyone has their own limit, and health/attitude can mean a lot.

I have three coming up that I'm excited about. One on Monday by Casey Cokrlic, he's finishing up the underside of my half sleeve. One on 1/19 by Tom Yosenik, we're doing a hot air balloon on the back of my calf. I work with both artists and have a lot of pieces by them. And the one I'm most looking forward to. I've wanted a Nightmare Before Christmas half sleeve for forever. Hubby contacted an artist that I follow on IG named Jay Joree and had her do a full render of my half sleeve, and paid for the tattoo! My appt is Jan 14th. It's going to be a painful healing month, yowzas.

About how long do you guys usually sit in the chair before you have had enough? I'm sure it depends on where youre getting work done (i hear the less skin or more bone = more pain). But I am just curious.

Everyone is different, even though there are some spots that tend to float up to the top of the list.

Well well discussed thread: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/crazy-tattoo-stories/358-whats-your-longest-tattoo-session.html

So I earlier tonight I booked my next tattoo - in March I'm heading down to Austin to have Steve Byrne put an eagle on my chest. In one shot. Because I am an idiot.

Ah, well. As @Graeme said, "If you want tough tattoos you can't be a wimp about it."

So I earlier tonight I booked my next tattoo - in March I'm heading down to Austin to have Steve Byrne put an eagle on my chest. In one shot. Because I am an idiot.

All the way from Canada = that's a guaranteed epic adventure with a classic result. You're going to love that shop.

Argh, we still have until Feb 9th before we get our next sessions. I'd like to try and get more work done again during spring break for the district, but jeez, that's about a month later, and I don't know how tender the skin would be. Would be nice to maybe do some work on the opposite side, if the guy who did that work was going to be back this way.

I've accidentally been getting tattooed pretty regularly lately…

I got tattooed by Marco Hernandez at the Liberty party in Seattle a few weeks back, I got tattooed by Cheyenne Sawyer again at Atlas in Portland just over a week ago, I'm getting more work done on my back this weekend with Chad Woodley, and I just made an appointment to get tattooed by Matt Arriola again toward the end of January.

The last few empty spots I have left seem to be filling up rather quickly...

Sounds like a great start, you going for the full Torso the ones he's been working on recently are awesome

I'm giving over the stomach to Franz. My chest is already done (by Tim Pausinger at The Pearl) and my back is outlined (also by Tim). So I guess I am going full torso. lol

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