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some friends opened a bar some months ago. been drinking a bit more than usual lately but i like it. it's a good way to keep kinda sane during our not so nice winters!

attacked by a redneck at a greyhound station who was bugging out off of meth or pcp or someshit. that part wasnt awsome. but the fact that he couldnt connect any of his punches with me and that the cops came, found a bunch of dope on him, and emt strapped him down to a stretcher was. i couldnt make out why he wanted to fight, i think something about me not being welcome in texas or someshit.

posted a new update on my blog, as well as a paypal donation button (hint-hint). You can find it at Life of a drifter in Europe

If you feel like i'm spamming this thread to much with my plans and blog n shit feel free to say so and I will stop bothering you lot with it ;)

Take care!


i officially started mma training tonight. i got a groupon for a month, which only cost me $50 for a combo package of striking and grappling training. so damn excited i finally bit the bullet. the training is kind of expensive moving forward, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to continue with it.

i officially started mma training tonight. i got a groupon for a month, which only cost me $50 for a combo package of striking and grappling training. so damn excited i finally bit the bullet. the training is kind of expensive moving forward, but i'm pretty sure i'm going to continue with it.

Watch yourself.

MMA is the flavor of the month now, so there are LOTS of semi-shady places that claim to teach it. That's not the real problem, the problem starts if students are "fresh-meat" for the other fighters training there, or if the instructors don't control the play.

What I tell anyone that's wanting to get into it is to get some grounding in the basic arts FIRST.

One of the big issues everyone has, especially in the big city, is price. I know of plenty of schools that charge $100, $150, $200 a month, for anywhere from 3, 45 minute sessions a week to 6 one hour sessions a week. I also know of good schools that charge $35-$50 dollars a month for 3-6 one hour sessions a week.

For that kind of money, you should be getting top-flight training from someone who has been there.

For someone just starting out, getting in the kind of shape you need to be in for serious training is gonna be an issue. I've had guys come in straight out of the Corps who couldn't cut our warm-up section.

Given all that, I'd humbly suggest that anyone really interested in serious training shoud start small. Probably the best thing, again, just in my little opinion, is to sign-up in a TRADITIONAL TKD school. Specifically, I would look for one that DOES NOT advertise "Olympic-style" training, and look for one that practices "Blue Cottage", or Chang Hong-style forms, or Hyung. These are the original patterns developed for, and practiced by, TKD, as developed and taught by General Choi, Hong Hi.

A year or two of old-school training in an art like this will give you a rock-solid core of basics to build on, taught in a scientific progression. you will get yourself in shape like you won't believe, and learn, even in a few years, things you can use right now. If you can hack it, stay for the full course...in a real, live, no bullshit dojang, expect to spend something like 5 years to learn enough for a black belt.

That isn't for everyone, so if you just want to get in shape, learn the basics, and move on, your next stop should be in a traditional Judo school. Again, I say traditional, because there are so many schools teaching Jiu-jitsu now that it's almost impossible for the average novice to sort the good from the bad. Seems like everyone and his uki are "Brazilian jiujitsu masters", or "Gracie-trained fighters", or some such. Learn the basics of actual Judo and you will find that Jiu-jitsu is nothing more than the actual, combat version of Judo. Learning the basics in a straight Judo school will give you an immense advantage when you go to train in Jiu-jitsu.

Spend a year or so training there and you will be bigtime ready to hit that MMA thing WAY yonder ahead of anyone else in your class.

Don't listen to all the bullshit about how "forms are just dancing" and etc. In a traditional school you will learn discipline, how to fight, how to train, and how to work with other students.

Okay-end of lecture. Sorry to run on, but man, I get people in almost every week asking me to "train me to fight in the next MMA tournement". I tell them all, sure, I'll train you, but you gotta learn all this other stuff too. "But when do I get to fight?" After you've trained for 6 months or a year, then you can spar with me. When I think you're safe-not a threat to yourself or others, then you can spar in class.

Amazing how few are willing to make that commitment, and how many think they can just wrestle for a few months and magically become fighters.

Enjoy, and if you ever want any assist in finding schools for a specific style or type of training, hit me up.

I've been holding off on dropping the bag on this, but you guys are one of the first groups of people I have wanted to tell. Keeping it quiet for the last few months has been tough. I've started apprenticing with my good friend Jason Setchel in Roanoke, Virginia. It's been a while coming. It's been a while convincing myself this is something I could even do. But tattoos and tattoo art are the biggest joy I have in life, and I'm stoked that I have someone who I trust who thinks I have what it takes to be a solid tattooer. My only goal is to keep the soul of tattooing alive and well. Luckily, you fine folks do a damn good job at it. It's amazing that you all are here.

I've been holding off on dropping the bag on this, but you guys are one of the first groups of people I have wanted to tell. Keeping it quiet for the last few months has been tough. I've started apprenticing with my good friend Jason Setchel in Roanoke, Virginia. It's been a while coming. It's been a while convincing myself this is something I could even do. But tattoos and tattoo art are the biggest joy I have in life, and I'm stoked that I have someone who I trust who thinks I have what it takes to be a solid tattooer. My only goal is to keep the soul of tattooing alive and well. Luckily, you fine folks do a damn good job at it. It's amazing that you all are here.

That rules! Congratulations! I kind of wondered seeing your drawings on IG, some very good stuff there.

@Graeme, thanks man. Those are mostly just things I do while bored at work. I'll try to start posting more flash style stuff now that the cat is outta the bag.

I was worried that 30 was too old to start, and my mentor was like, "Shit man, you'll be ramping up right when I am ramping down, and I'm only 6 years older than you." So, it'll be ok.

I've been holding off on dropping the bag on this, but you guys are one of the first groups of people I have wanted to tell. Keeping it quiet for the last few months has been tough. I've started apprenticing with my good friend Jason Setchel in Roanoke, Virginia. It's been a while coming. It's been a while convincing myself this is something I could even do. But tattoos and tattoo art are the biggest joy I have in life, and I'm stoked that I have someone who I trust who thinks I have what it takes to be a solid tattooer. My only goal is to keep the soul of tattooing alive and well. Luckily, you fine folks do a damn good job at it. It's amazing that you all are here.

Congrats man! That's awesome to do that. I think you've got the enthusiasm and appreciation of the art to do it right.

I've been holding off on dropping the bag on this, but you guys are one of the first groups of people I have wanted to tell. Keeping it quiet for the last few months has been tough. I've started apprenticing with my good friend Jason Setchel in Roanoke, Virginia. It's been a while coming. It's been a while convincing myself this is something I could even do. But tattoos and tattoo art are the biggest joy I have in life, and I'm stoked that I have someone who I trust who thinks I have what it takes to be a solid tattooer. My only goal is to keep the soul of tattooing alive and well. Luckily, you fine folks do a damn good job at it. It's amazing that you all are here.

Congrats man!!! The best of luck to you. Maybe some day we'll be talking about your work on here :P

Ideally, I'll find some label support through shopping it around who will help finance some CDs or Vinyls, but for the time being it's only available by purchase through the bandcamp site.

If you're getting a good response here, it might be worth giving crowdsource funding a shot. I've had several friends who have had a lot of luck with various projects this way. Just an idea.

If you're getting a good response here, it might be worth giving crowdsource funding a shot. I've had several friends who have had a lot of luck with various projects this way. Just an idea.

Totally. That's a super good idea that I hadn't considered at all. I'll look into Kickstarter and all of those various other sites that for sure.

Thanks so much for the suggestion!

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