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Got a quick question about this guy. He came into my shop looking to sell me some "original" Paul Rogers machines. He said he had a bunch of flash too and was wondering if anyone had ever had any experience with this guy. I dicked with a couple machines and they seemed a little too flimsy to be a rogers but I've never really seen any of his 1984 engraved machines. Any who. Buyer beware? Or legit?

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thanks guys! I checked those machines they're flimsy feeling. It's one of those things that the machines looked like a rogers but small one off differences? And the engravings looked a lot newer than the machines themselves. Plus he knew a shit ton of old timers and only had two tattoos total? Give me a break. I'll check that thread on facebook too thanks abees

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hahaha Tony Adams is what he said. He's heading to Vegas today 312 504 1609 mid forties grey mullet bean shaped face, chicago accent, from chicago. 6'/2" faded ran down black reaper tattoo on left top forearm looks mid 80's describable tattoo on right arm except banner and wording. chunky gut slender chest

- - - Updated - - -

Normaly I wouldn't blast a dude like that but fuck him... HAHAHA buttfuck him!

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Guy is selling and has taken a few people selling his fake Rogers machines and he needs to be careful because there are seriously a growing number of people looking for him.....and they don't want to shake his hand either! ;)

I will pass this info on to the people on the Rogers FB page.....it was taken down because a meeting to "buy" a machine was set up in hopes that "Tony" (he has several aliases) would show.....but he never showed!

I'll pass it on!

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  Bunny Switchblade said:
Guy is selling and has taken a few people selling his fake Rogers machines and he needs to be careful because there are seriously a growing number of people looking for him.....and they don't want to shake his hand either! ;)

I will pass this info on to the people on the Rogers FB page.....it was taken down because a meeting to "buy" a machine was set up in hopes that "Tony" (he has several aliases) would show.....but he never showed!

I'll pass it on!

Tell 'em to check the IDOC page for him.

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  kollin said:
Got a quick question about this guy. He came into my shop looking to sell me some "original" Paul Rogers machines. He said he had a bunch of flash too and was wondering if anyone had ever had any experience with this guy. I dicked with a couple machines and they seemed a little too flimsy to be a rogers but I've never really seen any of his 1984 engraved machines. Any who. Buyer beware? Or legit?

He also stopped into our shop. He set those machines on our counter and everyone just kind of ignored him until he felt awkward and left.

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  • 1 month later...

heres somethin funny, this guy shows up to my place. he has a couple of the paul rogers machines he wants to sell. i talked to him for about an hour. the thing is, he picked up about 3 of these machines from a guy in st louis. mr adams (in my opinion) truly beleived these machines to be authentic. now here is were it gets even funnier. I am the one who built these machines. i am a machine builder and i build a few that look like older pual rogers style machines. however my machines look new. not 30 years old like these. i actually even know the guy i sold em to in st louis. he bought 8 of em from me. im assuming my customer in st louis antiqued my machines ecthed the name and dates changed the coils and passed em off as authentic. tony adams just got caught up in it. i bull shitted with him for a while before finally telling him were the machines came from. he knows now that the machines are fakes and i bought em from him so he is no longer selling them. i figure i'll keep em for my personal collection. i tried to get ahold of the guy in st louis but he wont answer and he wont return calls.

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