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Well, first, let me introduce myself. I am a 45 year old teacher who always dreamed about getting tattoos. Finally realized my dream, with a tattoo of a heart surrounded by a vine and leaves, all the way to my hand. I love it; very feminine yet expresses my vegan believes. Well... People are rude! Staring, frowning... And mainly women! Positives from men ( hubby not happy lol)... But how do you react to people ? Would it be because i am older??? One lady told me at the store i should not do this to the temple God gave me... What the hell is that about???

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The Bible does say you should not mark your skin. Next time tell them it also says "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned," "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." and "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"

These hypocrites only read the part of the bible that allows them to be judgmental blowhards.

As to the stares, I'm 6'2" 195 with hair halfway down my back. I stare back :-)

I will learn to stare back.... It is a non-threatening gesture. My husband is really surprised by my reaction, and so am i! I am an animal activist, and i also work closely with the children aid society . I am vocal plenty in other situations. I dont judge others, but try to help as much as i can. I liked your quotes of the Bible. I will use that . Thanks..,

Only time I've ever been stared at and was made to feel really uncomfortable was when I was in Japan on a train back from Nara, and an older gentlemen looked, nay stared straight through me. Not going to lie, it was pretty freaky and was probably the most intimidated I have ever been in my life. And it was by a 60+ year old gentleman lol. I tend to cover up, more so because i get really annoyed with people grabbing one of my limbs and stating "how sick my ink is" or recently because of a slightly more corporate environment I have found myself in.

You just get used to it. Most times it's people just checking it out and you get over it, but at first it can be weird. I've yet to get a bad reaction, but if I do. Fuck 'em.

I've never received a bad reaction yet either but usually am turning heads around here if I am wearing shorts out.. My girlfriend is a bartender at a resturaunt and some of the shit customers say to her is ridiculous. And if any random stranger came up to me grabbing my limbs to look at my tattoos I would be ecstatic.

I've never received a bad reaction yet either but usually am turning heads around here if I am wearing shorts out.. My girlfriend is a bartender at a resturaunt and some of the shit customers say to her is ridiculous. And if any random stranger came up to me grabbing my limbs to look at my tattoos I would be ecstatic.

Oh for sure, I still expect a certain amount of humanly respect out in public BUT on the flip side when you get tattooed you accept the stares and move on. I work in a hospital, and even the older generation loves it. Whether it's an old lady who it reminds them of her sons/daughters tattoos or some old dude with a gnarley eagle from way back wants to shoot the shit. That was as a student, but now that I'm getting paid I have to cover up :(

I say just laugh it off. Probably half the time the people are thinking about that tattoo they wanted when they were young and did not get. So they are just envious of yours. When My wife and I go to the public pool I always come out after her so I have to gaze around till I see her, every time I always think to myself, man why are these people looking at me. Then I remember I have a crap load of tattoos. The stares are funny. Get used to them and laugh.

I don't really notice them to be honest. I work in a fishbowl, ok really it's a kitchen surrounded by glass so people can watch us deco cakes. I'm so used to people staring at what Im doing that I don't notice other times.

My back piece was showing a bit today and I had a lady run up and ask if she could see the rest. My non tattooed family was freaking out, but I let her peek.

I would feel more strange staring at someone than I would having someone stare at me

That woman in the store was so obnoxious... I would have wanted to say something like: If I choose to decorate my "temple" it should be no concern of yours. Although I probably wouldn't actually say anything and just raise my eyebrows in surprise. Why do strangers think it's ok to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. She hasn't learned yet that she can only control what she does.

I am a teacher too...and an animal lover and vegetarian. At 43 I am about to get my 7th tattoo. Each one is larger than the one before. Screw 'em. You gotta be you!

Getting used to it, staring back and realizing that generally tattoos are for people who don't care what other people think of them are the best we can hope for in a judgmental world. That said, whether it's our tattoos or something else we don't have to accept rudeness from people. I expect a second look but I'm extremely unpleasant when people think they're entitled to be rude and disrespectful. I'm not one who subscribes to this idea that I did this to myself so I have it coming. Oddly, I find the generation that says young people have no respect or weren't raised right are the first to point, cringe and stare.

As to The Bible, the Leviticus scripture that most people use was specifically written to one church in regard to the Cult of the Dead about it's practice of cutting themselves and carving themselves up for their dead relative and such -- not a general word against any mark on the body. Putting tattoo it the verse didn't happen til I think the NIV, which for those who care is a pretty distorted interpretation of The Bible.

I find myself staring at people who have good tattoos whenever I see them, which is actually pretty rare in my area, sometimes I'll ask who did them, etc, but I try not to pry or anything. I'm not heavily tattooed enough (yet) for people to really stare at me because of them.

Well, first, let me introduce myself. I am a 45 year old teacher who always dreamed about getting tattoos. Finally realized my dream, with a tattoo of a heart surrounded by a vine and leaves, all the way to my hand. I love it; very feminine yet expresses my vegan believes. Well... People are rude! Staring, frowning... And mainly women! Positives from men ( hubby not happy lol)... But how do you react to people ? Would it be because i am older??? One lady told me at the store i should not do this to the temple God gave me... What the hell is that about???

I love the "your body is a temple" logic against tattoos. It is the perfect example of using something totally out of context. I am a bit rusty on my bible study, but I am 90% sure that when Jesus said that he was referring to prayer. I think that he had travelled to the temple and everyone there was acting like an asshole so he stood outside and said "fuck the temple, it has become a real fucking mess, so just pray wherever you are. Your body is the temple and wherever you pray God will hear you" I am not sure when that was turned into "don't get that anchor on your arm". I know that there is a line or two in there about don't mark yourself, but there at least that many lines about not eating bacon as well.

I've never had strangers say anything about them, but my dad told me that he thinks tattoos are trashy and that I'll regret them one day. Had I been 5 years younger I would have argued about it, but instead I just shrugged and said "egh, I don't think so."

Funny, I thought I'd have a different response to this but when I thought about it, my answer is, "I don't." Could be because I'm getting older, or because I no longer have to ride the train to work, or a hundred other things, but when I thought about this and read the responses, I realized that tattoos are a much smaller part of my outward life than they were previously. Which doesn't mean I don't spend way too much time looking/reading/giggling/whatever, just means that I don't use them to identify myself as much anymore. I'm much less a "tattooed person" as I am a person that has tattoos. It's not a "lifestyle," it never was. I will say though, when spring/summer hits and the shorts come out, I definitely notice some looks, and I realize some are involuntary. But at this point, I've pretty much stopped caring.

I don't know if this makes sense, I just got off work and there have been many shots tonight.

Well, first, let me introduce myself. I am a 45 year old teacher who always dreamed about getting tattoos. Finally realized my dream, with a tattoo of a heart surrounded by a vine and leaves, all the way to my hand. I love it; very feminine yet expresses my vegan believes. Well... People are rude! Staring, frowning... And mainly women! Positives from men ( hubby not happy lol)... But how do you react to people ? Would it be because i am older??? One lady told me at the store i should not do this to the temple God gave me... What the hell is that about???

If that were me I would have just showed her my.


For me it was far worse when I was bodybuilding , people used to cross the road and parents clutch their childrens hands ,I even once unwittendly and without consent appeared on a documentary said to highlight "how big some of these people can get " .

People typically only stare at me when they think I won't notice. But I'm probably a LOT uglier than the OP!

Forget the bible quotes, forget all the defense, someone said YOUR body, right? That's the ticket. YOUR body. Anyone doesn't like it, or wants to be in your face behind some two-thousand year-old book of fables, tell em to piss-off. Since it IS YOUR BODY, noone but you has the right to decide what goes into it or onto it.

As far as religious opposition to tattoos, AFAIK, you will get it most strongly from observant jews and muslims, then the fundie types. Blow 'em off-who cares?

The majority of the stare-ers? The men are drooling and the women are jealous.

Enjoy your tattoo and plan your next one!

I love the "your body is a temple" logic against tattoos.

Leviticus 19:28 You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

The pagans would mark themselves so that the newly dead would not recognize them. The Jews were not supposed to do this because it was a pagan practice. I guess if someone is following every other command in the bible, there is no reason not to follow this. Most Christians just follow the commands they want and then justify why they don't have to follow the others.

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