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everytime i finally decide on what im going to get on my knuckles, someone walks into the shop and has it already or asks to get it.

ive debated a bunch of different ones, and im sure everything has been done at some point, but i just dont want to share.

beware of getting "ATOM BOMB"

L.A. food stylist pulled from flight for 'Atom Bomb' tattoo


November 13, 2010 | 4:23 pm

It was the Tweet heard 'round the L.A. food world.

Noted Los Angeles food stylist Adam C. Pearson was settling into his seat aboard a Delta flight Saturday morning when the flight attendant tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to come to the front of the plane. His first thought? "I'm getting an upgrade!"

Not exactly.

Pearson was temporarily asked to step off the plane and learned that another passenger had reported him for suspicious behavior, and noted that he had the words "Atom Bomb" tattooed across his fingers. Questioned by the captain and the flight attendant, Pearson explained that the tattoos referred to a childhood nickname. After answering a few more questions, Pearson -- who is a frequent Delta passenger and has flown over 142,000 miles with the airline this year alone -- was allowed to return to his seat.

"I was just shocked," Pearson said. "All eyes were on me, I felt everyone staring at me and I was like, 'I didn't do anything.' " Before the plane took off, he twittered: "Just pulled off delta flight, passenger said I was suspicious looking due to my tattoos @DeltaAssist not happy at all #goldmedallion fail"

When he landed in Memphis, he had over 150 e-mails asking him what happened, and learned that his Tweet had exploded on the social media venue. It was "reTweeted" by many in L.A.'s close-knit food world, where Pearson is well-known for his stylish presentation of food so that it can be photographed for glossy magazines, advertisements and cookbooks. (It was laughable to many that the colorful Pearson could be considered a safety threat.)

"I had no idea all this was going on while I was in the air," Pearson said of the digital flurry. "It speaks to the power of social media."

A Delta representative told Pearson the airline would look into the incident. “A public apology would be nice,” Pearson said. “I’m not out for blood,” he added, “but why didn’t they offer to book that other person on another flight if they didn’t like my tattoos? Why was that other person more important than me?”

Later in the day, Delta spokesman Anthony Black said he did not have any knowledge of the incident but said that the pilot and flight attendant must use their judgment to handle such matters.

Pearson, who is one half of a food blogging/food photography/food styling power duo (the other half being Matt Armendariz), said he has never before been questioned about his tattoos or behavior while flying. "It really just made me kind of sad that you could just point at someone and say 'That guy is acting suspicious,' " he said. "It was just a bummer."

It was also just one of the snafus in his trip. Pearson was traveling to Milwaukee for a food styling job for Kohl's, but his first flight was cancelled. After racing around for new tickets, he was booked on the flight that would take him to Memphis and then on to Milwaukee. But a connector flight was overbooked, leaving him and his assistant with several hours to kill in Tennessee.

Like any good foodie, Pearson was finding a way to make it work: He used the Memphis layover to make a barbecue pit stop at Jim Neely’s Interstate Bar-B-Que, which is where we caught up with him.

"They've got good pig," he said.

--Rene Lynch

Twitter / renelynch

Photo courtesy Adam C. Pearson

  Gia Dobson said:
Holy shit that carving is gnarly. I wish I was that hardcore, but I got queasy just looking at it.

me too. i was thinking those look good and when i opened it up i loudly said "OH." made me light headed.

Okay......I have to kind of explain so hang with me!

I went to New England....stepped off the plane and went right to Juli Moon's studio to be tattooed....from there I went to see Korie Wilson (HardKorie) to be tattooed.....then on to the next studio to be tattooed by Josh Bjorklund!

Drove 4 hours up to central Maine to the lake house and then the next day back down two hours to be tattooed by Cyndi Lou!

When Juli Moon heard of all of these appointments in a two day period she called me an "INK PIGGY"

I asked her upon returning to Baltimore if she minded me using that on my Knuks

I asked a good friend who should do my Knuks and he told me to go to Matt Rinks!

You can still see some of my old Pachuco Cross that was done 28 years ago but that's fine with me as it will always be a part of me too!

So....................pic is like an hour after done so I was still pretty swollen but.............


There is a guy on highway 1 by Monterey and Pacifica who runs a BBQ place on the side of the road. He has "PORK RIBS"on his knuckles. He is big and scary so I have not taken a pic yet. But I will try next time I go there.

  • 2 weeks later...

i met a girl at work yesterday that had a banana, a bushel of grapes, a pineapple and an orange tattooed on each of the 4 fingers of her left hand. she called a fruit punch! it blew my mind, and i also wonder of the blood in my mouth would taste good if she hit me in the face?

  Romance & Worship said:
i met a girl at work yesterday that had a banana, a bushel of grapes, a pineapple and an orange tattooed on each of the 4 fingers of her left hand. she called a fruit punch! it blew my mind, and i also wonder of the blood in my mouth would taste good if she hit me in the face?

holy shit. that's amazing!!! your location says Oakland too so I really hope I come across this girl sometime

  Romance & Worship said:
i met a girl at work yesterday that had a banana, a bushel of grapes, a pineapple and an orange tattooed on each of the 4 fingers of her left hand. she called a fruit punch! it blew my mind, and i also wonder of the blood in my mouth would taste good if she hit me in the face?

My friend Eric (DeadDreamNation on here) has a heart, spade, club, diamond on one hand. I like to tease him that his knuckle sandwich tastes magically delicious.

  Gia Dobson said:
My friend Eric (DeadDreamNation on here) has a heart, spade, club, diamond on one hand. I like to tease him that his knuckle sandwich tastes magically delicious.

Wrong dude, but i am friends with erik and yes he has the lucky charms for sure! haha. he and i worked together at a grocery store and then at the same tattoo shop, but one of the cashiers at the store started a rumor he was a skinhead or some shit based on his knuckles...some people are so dumb... anyways he could tell the story way better than me anyways...he is erikvanO on here.

  deaddreamnation said:
Wrong dude, but i am friends with erik and yes he has the lucky charms for sure! haha. he and i worked together at a grocery store and then at the same tattoo shop, but one of the cashiers at the store started a rumor he was a skinhead or some shit based on his knuckles...some people are so dumb... anyways he could tell the story way better than me anyways...he is erikvanO on here.

OMG, so sorry. I assumed because I know inside ErikVanO lurks a dirty G-Dead lovin' hippy. Please forgive me.

Good a time as any to post I suppose....

Yeah Gia, Brain and I work(ed) at the same shop and are longtime friends, etc, easy to confuse us unless you see Brain/DeadDream's beard down to the floor...I dont think Brian even knows that "deaddream" is a GD reference or he'd probably have abandoned it years ago!! By the way Gia, we are planning/considering moving back to Berkeley next year, will keep you posted!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i once met a guy who had the word Knuckles on his..well.....knuckles. lol I agree with Loch on the whole phrasing of the area its actually the outer finger area I bet actual knuckle tattoos would hurt like a mofo though.

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