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Hi! I found this forum googling experiences for full back pieces. I just started mine, I'm about 6 hours in. In fact, just had my second session today. I saw an old thread from about a year ago and it was nice to see some similar thoughts to mine. Then I kept reading up on this forum, and I thought I'd join and say "Hi."

I'm 32 and in Portland, OR, and I got my first tattoo at around 15. A little bit ago, I went through this health issue where I thought it was pretty certain that I couldn't get tattooed again. I have a complex heart defect and there's all these worries with complex heart defects about our medications and heart infections. Anyway, right before my second open heart surgery, a most wonderful tattoo artist here in Portland went above and beyond and helped me get what I thought was my last ever tattoo -- a most beautiful surgery inspired tattoo (of course, I'm biased when I think that I have the best surgery-inspired tattoo). Then, most fortunately, with the combined efforts of her, my cardiologists, and the folks managing my medications, I got the go ahead to keep getting tattooed. My artist scheduled me in for 2 sessions. When I went in to see her, and she asked, "Well, what are we doing?" I just went all out and decided to get the full back piece I always wanted but didn't think I was going to be able to get again in my life.

Anyway, that's what's going on with me and I just wanted to say hi since I really liked the posts I saw here. Anyway, hello! Nice meeting you guys.

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That's one hell of an introduction! Welcome. Now, when do we get to see your tattoos? And who's doing your backpiece?

Alice Kendall is doing my back piece. She also did my surgery tattoo.

Let's see. I don't have great photos. I'll try and post some.


this is by Mike V here in Portland.



That's the thigh piece Alice did right before my surgery. Sadly, I don't have a photo of it now that it's all done in color. But it's done true to the Ray Caesar work, if anyone's familiar with it. I apologize that my best photos of it are when it's all wrapped up and still half done. It's just been difficult to photograph.

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