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-Part 3-

Sorry about the lack of updates, but I am hardly ever at my hotelroom except for when I'm sleeping. I gotta run and meet up with my two norwegian buddies, Olav & Marius, at the Kellogs diner now. We're getting some breakfast, pancake style, but I'll try to write a paragraph or two later.

Here are some pictures though. I think most of them are self explanotory.




Right on! Did Bailey do that dagger? Looks so good, man. And nice baby beard you're workin' on. ;)

Yes, the dagger is from Bailey. One of the nicest tattooers I've ever met.

The babybeard is pathetic, but I forgot to bring a razor. Been looking for a wallgreens the last couple days, but haven't found one yet.

-Part 4-

Okay, so ALOT has happened since last time I wrote here (part 2). Two of my bandmates arrived in NYC a few days ago, so now I've got some company. They're not interested in tattoos though, so they're off seeing the statue of liberty or visiting the empire state building while I'm getting tattooed or just visiting shops.

They look like this by the way: c2d920f4.jpg

So, as some of you might have guessed from the previous part, I got tattooed by Bailey Hunter Robinson last wednesday. He was so nice, and his little private studio was amazing. Lots of cool artifacts like stuffed animals and a lifesize wooden native american. The tattoo was done in a couple of hours, and the spot wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be.

I have also been somewhat of a tattoo-tourist these last few days. I've stopped by both Kings Avenue (Manhatten) and Invisible. Outside invisible I had a little stop'n'chat with a nice fella from Inksmith and Rogers that was doing a guestspot on Kings Av at the time. We had a little tattoo show'n' tell as well. He had some amazing tattoos from the likes of Chris garver, Mike Wilson and Tim Hendrix. Hendrix did the girlhead on his chest as you can see in the picture below. Unfortunately I can't remember his name (I suck at remembering names), but maybe @Ursula can enlighten us if she recognizes his chestpiece? Anyway, I told him I had an appointment booked with Chris Conn this week and he said "are you sure it's still happening". He had heard something about Conn cutting his hand and postponing appointments. I have to admit that I'm very worried at the moment, but I haven't received any phone calls or emails, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. The flight is already booked and payed, so I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't happen....

Anyway, I also stopped by Kings Av, which was AMAZING. It was especially fun seeing these two Ed Hardy originals and the Tim Lehi set in the photo below. The guy at the counter there was more than willing to pull down his pants and showing me his awesome Timothy Hoyer tiger too. I picked up a couple shop shirts before I left, and found out that one of them had a piece of tape on it with the inscription "Gay bird". What the what!?!




Man, there are some crazy people in thic city. That topless chick was out shopping it seemed :D The dude in the speedo banging on a floortom with kitchensupplies had the most energetic performance I've ever seen. I have a video that I'll try to upload on youtube of that guy. Does any of the locals on here know who he is?

Then there's these guys...


Had to get a refill at Shirts and Destroy too


Yesterday (Saturday) was the time for my fourth and final tattoo here in New York. Mr Timothy Hoyer was going to do a pantherhead on my thigh to match the Lehi tiger on the other leg. I was really excited about that one, and it seemed as Timothy was excited to do it as well. Like Bailey he also tattoos out of a private studio, and I must say that I really like the experience of it. It feels much more relaxed, and I find it easier to get into a conversation in that kind of environment. Timothy was super cool and showed me lots of paintings and stuff he was currently working on. The tattoo took around four hours to complete, and now my Lehi tiger has finally got a buddy :)


Maybe I should pick up one of these, just in case I get tired of it


When New Yorkers ask me where I get my sick tatts done I give them the address to this vending machine


That's it for now. I'm sure I forgot around half of what I wanted to say, and I'm both sleepy and hungry at the moment, som my focus isn't where it should be. Sloppy english and no proofwriting on this one. Thanks for reading! :)

this is so awesome......sounds exactly how i do these trips to get work done.....I never leave enough time to really fully enjoy the trip other than the actually hanging out at the shop thing!

Sounds like you planned it all well and are getting it all done!

Enjoy LA.........I am just seeing this or we might have taken a ride up to Brooklyn! :(

-Part 5-

Back in Oslo now. Been struggling with jetlag from another world after going back and forth between NY and LA, then back to Norway. The last couple nights I've spent the night on aeroplanes, so the quality of sleep haven't been top notch either. But oh so worth it :D

So, last time I wrote I was worried about the Conn appointment not happening because of the rumor of him cutting his hand. Well, the rumors were true, but thankfully it had happened a couple weeks prior, so his hand was all healed when I arrived. My appointment was on saturday, and I arrived friday evening. Chris has a guest bedroom for travelling clients, so I was able to get a good nights sleep there before the day of the tattoo. I won't elaborate much on my stay there, but it was probably the most memorable tattoo experience I've had. I left LA with much more than just a new tattoo, and I'll remember that visit the rest of my life. If someone still is on the fence because of his price, don't be. You'll get your moneys worth, and a whole lot more. That's my opinin anyways.

I won't post pictures of the tattoo either, unless Chris decides to put it up on his blog at some point. Sorry. He is one of the few tattooers out there who only has a handful of tattoos of online, and I don't want mine to be "first page google" material.

So that's about it. I had the time of my life, and I'm already looking forward to start planning my next trip. Thanks to everyone who bothered to read all my ramblings.

Chris Conn's cat, the view from his studio and a print I got from him before I left


Using my own name at Starbucks turned out to be too much of a hassle, so my coffee I got myself a coffe order alias


Was out shopping when we stumbled over this high-profile shop. Hendricks wasn't there unfortunately.

Also went to the Comedy Cellar one night, and I recommend everyone else who visits NY to do the same. I laughed my ass off!

The Zombie playing guitar was a resident of Duffs, a small metalbar in Brooklyn


My two Cris Cleen tattoos


Epic. Thanks again for sharing my man!! You've made me seriously get my save on so I can do my next trip and blog :) You got some bad ass tattoos Rick lol and that Kitteh is AWESOME!! I want it haha. P.s... how bout you send me a pm with a little photo of a little somethin' you got ;) (that was me being a smart ass, no need to send as I fully understand)

Rest up my friend.

@Iwar, it was truly a pleasure to meet you dude and I consider myself lucky to have crossed paths with such a genuine and awesome human. All the best man, you got some killer tattoos and my wife loves you even more for giving us chocolate. "You're the man now, dog."
@Iwar, it was truly a pleasure to meet you dude and I consider myself lucky to have crossed paths with such a genuine and awesome human. All the best man, you got some killer tattoos and my wife loves you even more for giving us chocolate. "You're the man now, dog."

Likewise Patrick. Next time you have to meet me on the other side of the bar my friend. Oh, and we have to go to three kings. I had way too little time to do everything I wanted to this time around. I'll definitely be back as soon as I get the chance. And if you visit Oslo and need a place to crash at some point you're always welcome. Say hi to your lovely wife for me!

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