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So I've been rolling ideas through my head, I drew up a Rams head & planning to get it tattooed on me sometime in August if I can figure out something to go along with it. I'm planning on getting it where the ribs & abdomen border each other, the face more on the outside of my abs & the back of the head & horns on the inside of the ribs; I don't know if that reference helps. I'll try to upload a decent picture of my drawing tomorrow.

But for now regardless of placement & image, I was wondering what you guys might feel is a good image to contrast a Rams head, I originally wanted a Baboon face on the other side of my torso- I would love a killer baboon tattoo & feel like I'm putting that one off. However I think that it would seem a bit off I guess, a ram & a baboon? Doesn't have any correlation, I have 2 dames heads already on my ribs on the right (with Crescent moons, talismans, & candles)& a couple dapper gents (with books, Compass Squares, candles) on the left. They have a sort of Franternal/Occult "theme" so I want to continue with that

I've drawn up a Baboon, a lamb, a gorilla, a lion, a coyote/wolf, elephant, & none of them really seem to sort of fit. I have a pretty good compass of each animals relative meaning or representation. But just can't see to put my finger on one that'll really parallel this Rams head & feel symmetical

I hate throwing long OP threads out there, I feel like I kind of drag it out or burden other members with a convoluted question-- but I'll always feel the more info given the better answer can be given.


  VeechLVX said:

I have a pretty good compass of each animals relative meaning or representation.


I would like you to expound on this a bit, would love to get an itemized description of each animal.

Also I would just give the ideas to the tattooer and let them ponder size placement and symmatry.

  Cu_Bu said:
I would like you to expound on this a bit, would love to get an itemized description of each animal.

I second that. I'm always interested in hearing other people's takes on these sorts of things.

And listen to @Kev. Those are all promising choices.

  kylegrey said:
Instead of a girls head , go with a more mature lady wearing a lambs head-dress with a banner underneath " mutton dressed as lamb "

With a girl scout merit badge on the head-dress for fraternal/occult theme.

Woosh wish I answered before I got stack of answers lol, @Scott R I'm a firm believer that animals, just like us have personas of their own. Being so, as it would be with any of us, it would be rather lengthy to sit & hash out each or itemize. In almost all cultures & belief's, given the symbolism of animals, we usually see that the personality of each directly contributes to its meaning. But a quick example

Coyote's in the natural world are known to be sly, arrogant, keen, quick & playful. Qualities that are almost electric & can be closely related with youth; indicating natural shifts in balance, coming of ends & way making for new beginnings, growth, to remind us to stay nimble & trust our instincts, & also to be able to adapt quickly in any situation, shape-shifting.

Bear's we see a creature that although can be very hot & cold on the drop of a dime but very well-balanced. We see a tranquil & benevolent animal that is patient, although one that is also a fierce almost unstoppable force of nature, protective & powerful. Why we often see the bear used as a symbol for warriors, the moon/lunar cycles (hibernating, sleeping & waking of the mind)

I think any more & it'd be good to just pick up a book, unless someone chimes in with a response that gives rise to further conversation on the topic. I think it's pretty easy to tell the difference in persona or symbolism between a monkey & an elephant.

@CultExciter I already plan on getting the Ram, I'm looking for a 2nd image to go along with it that doesn't seem offsetting from it. But I do love the idea of wheat around it for texture.

@Kev & those is agreement with him, yeah I'm kind of thinking of maybe just going with a wolf in sheep's clothing thing, can't go wrong with it.

Ram's are un-castrated sheep, & are known to take on wolves & many times come out as the dominant force between the 2. It's not uncommon for Rams to butt wolves off of cliffs.

As far as the whole placement thing goes of course I'm letting my tattooer size it & work with it's placement, but I don't doubt it's placement is a concern, my guy & I already hashed that out. Then again ftw a girl scout with a beaver giraffe mutation headress sounds like a pretty choice tattoo

  irezumi said:
suddenly i see a gypsy head style girl scout w/ toys'r'us giraffe family print bandana in my next sketchbook

haha I already started itching for my sketchbook & muddling up ideas for it. I'm gonna try & mob it out in the next hour or so.

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