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For what it's worth I do get you in some respects, but I would have to disagree, SStu hit it on the button, I was actually going to post that picture & say the same exact thing- it's not the image, it's how you wear it. But also I think a couple other badass tattoos can help complement it & even out that factor sometimes.

I mean I'm planning on getting a tattoo of a lipstick mark right on the v-line of my waist with a quote from Marilyn Monroe that reads "Well behaved women rarely make history" & her signature (Hope someone pics up on what I'm going for with that & finds it as witty as I do lol) HOWEVER in addition right above it, I'm also planning on getting tattooed by Steve Whittenberger of a dames head peering out of a coffin & pulling a noose out of her mouth & 3 moths/butterflies in design.

So I mean you have like 3 "feminine-esque" elements 1) lipstick mark 2) Marilyn Monroe quote 3) Butterflies/Moths but it's pretty gnarly when you think about the concept as a whole & nevertheless it's ALL CONFIDENCE in yourself.


It's not the image. It's how you wear it.

I didn't want to jam-pack a single post but here's the dame from Steve Whittenberger, just killer. So stoked to get it done. Oh & in addition to my previous post, the spot I'm getting it in can be said to be a relatively "feminine" spot. But ftw give em hell.


I have moths tattooed on my throat, flying in toward a candle. Their antennae aren't fuzzy so I guess I really have butterflies, huh? Whatever.

As for unicorns, I always found it strange somehow that a big, powerful animal like a horse that can kick your brains out gets a long, sharp horn suitable for goring and all of the sudden it's sissy stuff for an 8 year old girl's sticker collection.

They can get anything a guy can get and it won't look silly. But then they can also get...

Hummingbirds. Dammit, I like hummingbirds. I always have a feeder for them every spring and summer. Can't get 'em

Butterflies. I have a butterfly garden, too. I also really love to go to the city's butterfly garden on the bike trail. But a big fat greasy Dago with a butterfly tattoo?

Bonus points: My favorite butterfly is the Swallowtail. UGGH!

Unicorns: I can't really explain this one. I just think they kick ass.

I'd like to get an octopus tattoo. I used to have these recurring dreams that humanity had exterminated itself and over the course of nigh countless millenia an Octopoid species became intelligent and dominant on the new Earth and I was their philosopher-king. I think it means they are my "spirit animal" or something. But I don't want my family to be making fun of my "pussy" tattoo and making James Bond Octopussy references against me.

Ah fuck it. I'll get an eagle or something. I guess.

Fuck it man I want an Octopus Tattoo they are cool as. Like this one. SJ style. Cool as fuck.

I am not sure about your unicorn though buddy sorry...ha ha.

Fuck it man I want an Octopus Tattoo they are cool as. Like this one. SJ style. Cool as fuck.

I am not sure about your unicorn though buddy sorry...ha ha.

I have that octopus on my leg, I love it because it has nine tentacles.

Anyway, I've seen a lot of butterflies on some tough dudes. There is a waiter at a breakfast joint i frequent, with butterflies, horses, flowers and some other tough stuff. My favorite on him is a bumble bee with a skull head. He doesn't look like a sissy at all. My man has been wanting to add a seahorse to his leg. I told him to give it a horn and make it a seahorse-acorn. He thought it was a great idea. I'll post a pic once he ever gets around to getting it.

I am not sure about your unicorn though buddy sorry...ha ha.

nothing wrong with a unicorn on a dude. my boss did this 30 yrs ago on a guy that also got 2 bad-ass pinups from him around the same time.


butterfly unicorn no less.

The life cycle of a butteryfly is incredibly symbolic. An artist (tattooist) can make a butterfly tattoo as "tough" (masculine) or "soft" (feminine) as they want. Depends on a lot of things...size, colour, placement. I agree with the best comment in this thread: it's all about how you wear the tattoo.

I have a Sailor Jerry butterfly from Mario Desa and I love it, I couldn't care less about it's masculinity or femininity. I'm planning on getting a rose in near future too.

If you're caught up on whether a tattoo is masculine or not, you're doing it wrong.

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