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They can get anything a guy can get and it won't look silly. But then they can also get...

Hummingbirds. Dammit, I like hummingbirds. I always have a feeder for them every spring and summer. Can't get 'em

Butterflies. I have a butterfly garden, too. I also really love to go to the city's butterfly garden on the bike trail. But a big fat greasy Dago with a butterfly tattoo?

Bonus points: My favorite butterfly is the Swallowtail. UGGH!

Unicorns: I can't really explain this one. I just think they kick ass.

I'd like to get an octopus tattoo. I used to have these recurring dreams that humanity had exterminated itself and over the course of nigh countless millenia an Octopoid species became intelligent and dominant on the new Earth and I was their philosopher-king. I think it means they are my "spirit animal" or something. But I don't want my family to be making fun of my "pussy" tattoo and making James Bond Octopussy references against me.

Ah fuck it. I'll get an eagle or something. I guess.

There's no point worrying about what other people think. Most people live in their own little world and wont even notice your butterfly tattoo, and anyone who insults you for it is a judgemental dick whose opinion is worthless.

(Plus the idea that "feminine" traits are negative is harmful, blah blah feminist ideology.)

Malt liquor is a hell of a drug but I was able to link to Youtube so I'm not drunk enough yet.

You know, screw eagles. It reminds me of the Army. I was in it for 4 years and got an honorable discharge but I don't really like 'em.

When I was a kid I thought that the official bird of America should have been the turkey or the falcon. Just sayin.' One more thing Ben Franklin was right about. That, electricity, and banging MILFs.

Capt. Mike had a hummingbird tattoo over his heart in "Benjamin Button"-pretty lame movie, but that guy was an awesome character:


and Il Duce had a bad-ass butterfly on his hand in "Boondock Saints"


That being said, I've been planning on a butterfly tattoo for awhile (probably inner forearm). In Mexican culture, butterflies are the spirits of ancestors pointing out important lessons or just giving you a reason to pause.

The best places, too. I bet it'd be really easy to tattoo somebody's lower back. Wouldn't hurt because the skin isn't that sensitive, plenty of room, the works.

Nope. Now it has to be the TRAMP STAMP. Which, ironically enough, is prime time real estate for butterflies, hummingbirds and unicorns. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

Talked about the unicorn thing a few weeks ago at Philadelphia Eddie's with someone who put a lot of them on guys back in the 70's.......those and cartoon characters were some of the most popular tattoos!

Anything can be made to look less feminine if you have the right artist doing the job and you tell them your concerns!

Here is my hummingbird by Eric Gregory....i don't think it is feminine at all to be honest!


Hunter, get what you want. Find an artist that tattoos with the 'vibe' you like then you pick the subject matter. I've got an octopus tattoo and plenty of flowers and I really don't care what people think of them.


Hunter, get what you want. Find an artist that tattoos with the 'vibe' you like then you pick the subject matter. I've got an octopus tattoo and plenty of flowers and I really don't care what people think of them.

what's up with the side pieces, man?! holdin back pics 'til they're completed?

I have a huge octopus on my shoulder/upper arm. Definitely not feminine. I'm hardly alone, lots of guys have bad ass octopus tattoos. And at some point I'll have roses as well. Don't sweat it so much, get what make you happy. F anyone who gives you shit about it

Dont know how relevant it would be to the question, but When I first came to the UK I noticed that many really tough bad ass men where wearing pink t-shirts and pink polo shirts and what not. Apparently they were 'tuff enough' that they could even pull the 'pink shirt' thing without being worried they look feminine/gay.... true or false (that's what I've been told, doesn't make it 100% accurate) it does tell you something about their confidence...i kinda like the fact they didn't give a crap. Get a unicorn and be proud of it!

They can get anything a guy can get and it won't look silly. But then they can also get...

Hummingbirds. Dammit, I like hummingbirds. I always have a feeder for them every spring and summer. Can't get 'em

Butterflies. I have a butterfly garden, too. I also really love to go to the city's butterfly garden on the bike trail. But a big fat greasy Dago with a butterfly tattoo?

Bonus points: My favorite butterfly is the Swallowtail. UGGH!

Unicorns: I can't really explain this one. I just think they kick ass.

I'd like to get an octopus tattoo. I used to have these recurring dreams that humanity had exterminated itself and over the course of nigh countless millenia an Octopoid species became intelligent and dominant on the new Earth and I was their philosopher-king. I think it means they are my "spirit animal" or something. But I don't want my family to be making fun of my "pussy" tattoo and making James Bond Octopussy references against me.

Ah fuck it. I'll get an eagle or something. I guess.

I don't see anything wrong with getting a butterfly, in fact I have been looking at some designs to get. I probably won't get it in pink but what is the difference really. I know Nick Colella has a butterfly tattoo right on his neck and he pulls it off pretty well.

I've been wanting a butterfly/moth for a while. Theo Mindell does amazing butterflies, and the shop he works at is pretty close to me. Not sure who I would go to for a moth, though.

Theo Mindell:




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