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I used to live in Richmond, Virginia, and there is a well-known tattooer there who does wonky new-skool stuff, but seems to be pretty proficient at it and clients really love it. This person has been featured in books and magazines, not really the ones I read, but there is definitely is a trend in that nice shiny hot shit floating around.

However, every picture I've seen of this person, or standing outside the shop, I've never seen a single tattoo on them. Nothing on the arms, nothing seen on the legs.

Obviously, someone's work outweighs their appearance. Otherwise, I'd be nothing more than some sort of "bigot."

But I'm not sure I could ever trust a tattoo artist who doesn't have the experience of getting heavily tattooed.

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Certainly a tattooer's ability is separate from their appearance. My qualm with non-tattooed tattooers isn't about the work, it's about principle. This is an industry best served and preserved by people who are truly invested. How important can tattoos be to someone if they wouldn't have them on their own precious bodies or choose to openly identify with this thing we're part of?

I used to work with a girl who tattooed for a few years without tattoos til she finally heard enough about it and got tattooed...conservatively, where they can be hidden. She was a competent tattooer but she spoke of it as if it were just a medium. She might just as easily have been doing anything a "creative" is know to do. She demonstrated time and time again that it was just an extension of her hardcore-kid/scene-points persona (her words)

File Under: Shop owners who don't tattoo

(There are very few exceptions)

yeah we already went thru this, Tattooing is more than just a craft. Its personal.I will never get tattooed by someone that doesnt care for this business.If you dont have any tattoo's I personally dont feel like you belong in it. go finish your Graphic Design degree.just my opinion.

yeah we already went thru this, Tattooing is more than just a craft. Its personal.I will never get tattooed by someone that doesnt care for this business.If you dont have any tattoo's I personally dont feel like you belong in it. go finish your Graphic Design degree.just my opinion.

Yup....this looks like a familiar subject!

I do know a woman here in baltimore who is now the owner of the oldest two shops in maryland (one being the 2nd oldest shop still operating in the country) and I don't believe she has any tattoos. She learned the craft from her husband and is a decent tattooer. I know she cares very deeply for the craft and has put in her time and is VERY traditional in her views on the craft! My hubby has been tattooed by her and I probably will at some point....there may be a few exceptions but I can't say there are too many! I would prefer someone at least have sat in the same chair that i have sat in....and gone through the same thing if they are going to tattoo me!

The shop on The Block has my favorite painting screens in all of Baltimore. I wish I could get access to the building across the street to get good photos.

Have you tried to shoot them from street level?

The building across the street is an office building......I would be surprised if they wouldn't let you in there to shoot across the street.....and i am pretty sure there is a balcony or open area deck on the first floor of that building where people go to smoke....I think remember seeing people across the street from us out there in that building when i was in the front room with Dennis!

Have you tried to shoot them from street level?

The building across the street is an office building......I would be surprised if they wouldn't let you in there to shoot across the street.....and i am pretty sure there is a balcony or open area deck on the first floor of that building where people go to smoke....I think remember seeing people across the street from us out there in that building when i was in the front room with Dennis!

I'll have to try that if I can make to the Bmore con next year. Travel plans conflict with this year's show.

@Lochlan @hogg

We should delete this thread. I'm just gonna keep getting reminded that I didn't do my research on finding the original thread. And my self-esteem is low enough as it is. :P

I've been derailing this with something else so it wasnt a completely pointless thread.

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