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Since its the year of the dragon and dragons are bad ass lets see some dragons. Dragons you own or dragons you like, Post them up.

I own these two. Thigh piece is from Shige, Yellow Blaze Japan and the dragon and sword is from Dean Sacred, Sacred Tattoo New Zealand.

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@Hands On Thanks, I had a bad accident with my mac book pro, the screen and screen assembly broke, I had all the photos from this last go at it on here, and after dumping too much into a macbook, I ended up trusting this apple service shop and had them replace the broken pieces on the pro... and finally I got it back, and it's been too liong since I did a photo dump and proper updates, so as I go thru stuff, I will be posting up, this site needs more content... I figured it's the least I could do... Besides Lochlan and Scott are good dudes, it'd be cool to see it do well.
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@Hands On this site needs more content... I figured it's the least I could do... Besides Lochlan and Scott are good dudes, it'd be cool to see it do well.

This. I've got a bunch of flicks I've been swiping from the interwebs, I just am currently on a really crappy internet connection so once I've got that sorted it's on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This one has been posted here before but damnnn, this is so good. Mike Roper

Mike Roper does the SICKEST dragons I swear. He just started a leg piece on the artist who does all my tattoos and I'm totally going to have him do my torso when I get back to the states. That and Isaac Fainkujen to do a girl with a panther head on my thigh lol.

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I'm planning on getting a dragon tattoo this year. I've gone through some personal struggles this year and come out better for it. So I think the symbolism of the dragon would be fitting. This will be my first tattoo so I have been reading this board for a while (I was refereed here by cfgsteak) doing some research. I am very unsure who to trust to do this in my area. I'd hate to have one of the many first tattoo misshapes that seem to be so common. I like to find someone near Toledo but I'm more than willing to travel who could do a Japanese style dragon on my upper shoulder and pec. I would want someone who could draw an original piece for me. Thanks guys!

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