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What are your favorite movies? Are you able to watch them over and over or just one time? How do you watch movies? HBO, Showtime, and/or another TV station? Netflix? Movie Theaters? Video Stores? Or ?????

I'm a sucker for James Bond films and can watch them over and over and own every single one.

I'm a Horror fan, but these days there just isn't much to choose from. Sure, there are the classics, and everybody can be a "movie snob" and say that they would rather watch the old over the new, but in due time you've seen them a million times and you are hungry for something new. I have enjoyed the re-makes, some good, some bad, at least it's something. I think my favorites are still: The Amityville Horror, The Shining, The Exorcist, Alice Sweet Alice, The Pit, The Devonsville Terror, and of course all of the Evil Dead's and the slasher films. These films take me back to sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with my mom. I was raised watching horror movies, I just have not figured out when it would be a good time for my son!

We have some around the shop that we literally watch on loop some days. (Yes, literally. We know this makes us look like we have no brain cells left)

1. Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny

2. Dumb and Dumber

3. Patten Oswalt

4. Nick Swardson

5. Smiley Face

All stupid, brain dead movies that help give everyone something to look at and listen to. There's Soemthing About Mary was on the other day and that was a grea tbet too!

  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone ever get into the Italian Cannibalism films? I had an old roommate that loved the stuff and even had it on an old laser disc player so we'd watch for hours and it was pretty intriguing but haven't really watched it since.

Lizzie, you guys play movies in the tattoo shop? I don't think I have ever seen that.......

Cannibal Holocaust is one of my favorite movies... Pretty fucked up, but its a true piece of art. Its one of the most honest movies ever made in my opinion. Sure, real animals are killed, and the director is fucking crazy, but it really added to the movie.

Plus, the impalement scene is one of the most graphic scenes in movie history.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Crazy" tends to make for good creative products!! And what is sane?

Rainy day in Oakland today so trying to finish some research for a final paper on linguistics for school then zone out on some James Bond! I can never get enough of OO7 films.

my favorite movie is Dirty Dancing. its the one i can watch on a loop and not get board. i also love movies that take place in a different time period (the untouchables, pirate radio, the young victoria etc.) . if you look in my movie cabinet now the common theme seems to be horses. in my teens i spent alot of time working in a barn as a stable hand where i worked for lessons and an education.

I'm a Horror fan, but these days there just isn't much to choose from. Sure, there are the classics, and everybody can be a "movie snob" and say that they would rather watch the old over the new, but in due time you've seen them a million times and you are hungry for something new. I have enjoyed the re-makes, some good, some bad, at least it's something. I think my favorites are still: The Amityville Horror, The Shining, The Exorcist, Alice Sweet Alice, The Pit, The Devonsville Terror, and of course all of the Evil Dead's and the slasher films. These films take me back to sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with my mom. I was raised watching horror movies, I just have not figured out when it would be a good time for my son!

I LOVE horror films too! The Shining is a classic. My sister loves telling people how I used to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre all the time when I was a kid. What child didn't???

Of the newer horror films, I love the Saw and Hostel series and House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devils Rejects.

My true passion though are comedies. The ones I seem to quote weekly are:

1. Dumb and Dumber

2. Wayne's World

**These 2 movies I seem to find a way to quote daily. So many good one liners that work in any and all conversations!

3. Half Baked

4. Idiocracy

5. Zoolander

6. Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood

7. White Chicks

8. Death to Smoochy

You know it's bad when you own all these movies and you still watch it when it comes on TV. Oh and i love all Denzel Washington movies!

Anyone seen Up In The Air? Just netflixed it recently and thought it was really good.

Any good suggestions for netflixing? Or anything coming out worth the insane cost to goto the theatres these days?

I heard they stopped the preproduction for the twenty-third James Bond film due to financial difficulties for MGM...bastards! How about what is your favorite James Bond film and favorite James Bond? Sean Connery and Thunderball for me.

  • 1 month later...

theres so many, but the ones that jump to mind are sound of music, oliver!, monsters inc, up, the shining, the piano, zoolander, casino, alien films, once upon a time in america, detroit rock city, pineapple express, indiana jones, no country for old men, there will be blood, and loads more. i dont seem to like very cool films now that i see them listed, ah well!

I used to watch a lot of movies, but having two small children has put an end to that. Here are a few of my favorites: Days of Heaven, Soylent Green, Gimme Shelter, The Searchers, Badlands, Raising Arizona, The General (Buster Keaton and the Irish one).

Whatever you do, I suggest you do not rent, watch, purchase, stream or what-have-yous the film The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It! It is god awful! I thought it could be semi funny so we tried (notice tried) to watch it while eatting dinner last night and next thing you know:

-I'm trying to find something else to do

-Jake has his laptop open

-Alex is playing with the cats.

Sexy Beast great English movie ,So this is England -about british skinheads,no country for old men ,wild at heart ,angel-heart,king of new york,carlito's way,bad leiutenant,cape fear,fight-club ,into the wild,usual suspects,the wild one...Brando rocks

I am a huge fan of Donnie Darko, and have been thinking about starting a tattoo based on it. I'm young and don't know if I'll love it forever, so i will wait more than a couple years to see if i want something associated with the movie tattooed on my body... However, the fact that I've watched this movie AT LEAST once a month for the past five years might give an indication to the future. I am also a huge fan of the coen brothers... The Big Lebowski, Fargo, Raising Arizona, The Man Who Wasn't There, and many others.. I absolutely am a movie buff, and love mostly at independent and other films that would be considered "artsy". I will not be surprised if I have several tattoos aimed at movies by the end of my life.

Smart thinking maxx1221. I also loved it as a younger me and was thinking about a tattoo, but that idea died in few months.

I have had other movies tattoo ideas, but none of them hold water in time. For example

Office Space Peter gets hypnotized and the part where his face is all "ahhhhhh" serene after it, that face as a B&G portrait. I took like 50 freese frames of it.

Donnie Darko The numbers

2001: A Space Odyssey The floating baby, the ape hitting the bones or Bowman. This is propably my favorite movie of all time. Love it. It's a perfect movie. Art.

The Ninth Gate I have seen it about 15 times. Another perfect movie. And actually, my last tattoos were influenced somewhat by it. Or there is a key and a book in the blades of the daggers I got.

Cant remember others... But one thing I dont get is that when people get a movie tattoo, its ALWAYS the same fucking Shining face trough the door or some other stuff. Nothing wrong with it, but it makes me think that if they actually like the movie or just want a "stock image" from it. Type The Shining in google and take the first pic

The Shining - Google-haku

BUT, my favorite movies are allready mentioned 2001 and The Ninth Gate. Then also American Graffiti. Stalker was fucking amazing. I waited 5 years to watch it because I was afraid I would be dissapointed. I wasnt. Art. Good Will Hunting hits home really hard for personal reasons. One of the resent year hits for me is Felon

Felon (2008) - IMDb

Amazing movie. Seen it about 6 times already. I didnt expect anything else than a good friday night OK action movie, but god damn! It went deep. Hits home to anyone who think about the blurred line between the animality in us. The darkness and trying to be good and not in any "good vs evil" type of way, but more the hidden deep darkness, or normality in all of us, and how you can embrace it and actually be a better person for it. Balance. Great movie.

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