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For me personally it is a tie between the crease that connects the bumcheek and the thigh, and between the toes. The first was cant-breathe pain, whereas the second was I-dont-want-to-breathe-anymore pain.

Now forming a keen interest to avoid both.

I would strongly recommend avoiding anywhere near the toes! Theres no way around the bum though if you want a full Japanese backpiece :)

Sat giggling on the bus at the thought of going in and asking for a full bum piece mwhahaha

Edited by hollyjoybee
Ludicrously bad spelling
This. Back of the calf is just fucking awful.

I'm kind of relieved to read this. I just got almost the entire back of my calf tattooed a few days ago, and while most of it wasn't too horrible, the last 30 or 40 minutes (of a ~3 hour tattoo) were pretty brutal and left me completely worn out. I've never claimed to sit like a rock, but I was/am starting to feel like a wimp.

I'm kind of relieved to read this. I just got almost the entire back of my calf tattooed a few days ago, and while most of it wasn't too horrible, the last 30 or 40 minutes (of a ~3 hour tattoo) were pretty brutal and left me completely worn out. I've never claimed to sit like a rock, but I was/am starting to feel like a wimp.

Ha ha! I'm not saying the calf was the worst for me but when I had a 5 hour outline session for my lower leg done, near the end of it, I remember the artist had to jump up on the table and put her full weight on my foot/ankle area to keep me pinned down to prevent me from twitching around too much.

like you said everyone is different. I have gotten to the point when I tattoo people and they ask if a certain spot is going to hurt I tell them that I am the wrong person to ask haha. Most all my tattoos didnt hurt at all. Inner arm i fell asleep, rib cage almost fell asleep, elbos and ditches were easy as well as my knee cap. But i can tell you the one that sucked the most is My thighs. I have one on my upper right thigh that i did 4 years ago and its still just outline haha. The left thigh I know why it hurt so bad and thats because that is my yearbook area. My friends and close people I let tattoo me right there. So its a bunch of work that are from people that have never picked up a machine and just let them do it! it hurt big time but it is def some of my fave ones because the people that have done them!

dud did you get the pharoahs horses????!!

No, I've decided that when/if I pluck up the courage to get a chest piece I'm going to get pharaohs horses there instead.

I got a small amount of script from the apprentice at the shop I go to. He do a great job actually I'm really impressed. It's just above te knee ditch so plenty space for a larger piece above it .. I won't be entering Into that in a hurry though. OUCH!

I'm going to be scheduling my chest piece for July with Tim McAlary at GoldRush. I'm hoping for the best with the pain haha. But fuck it, it's been about 7 years since my last tattoo so at this point I don't give a damn about the pain. I'm jonesin' for the tattoo!!!

My feet hurt-especially the farther down on the inside/outside it went and the closer to the toes/ankles. But that was the longest I've sat before, so if it had been a smaller tattoo maybe I wouldn't think it was too bad, I dunno. It's been so long now, I don't remember how bad the circlet around my upper arm was..I know the underside of the arm hurt but by now it's just a forgotten pain--and it was a pretty simple tattoo to begin w/. If it was a longer period of time under there I'm sure I would remember it as worse than I do.

I don't what an armpit ditch is-is that right inside the actual armpit? B/c oooo if it is I can only imagine the pain of that area!

Didn't realize the thigh and calf would be that painful--good to know!

So far for me it was the love handles, not had my legs done yet but it was worse than inner bicep and elbow! Completely different type of pain though, it burned :(

Next up is all lower back, spine, kidneys, ass it's going to be a long few hours :D

I agree with the burning sensation around the upper hips/bottom of the back area

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