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So far my chest tattoo hurt the most. Not only did I feel the pain in the chest but for some reason it caused cramping in my leg. After a while I was having a hard time sitting still because I had to keep flexing and stretching my leg. The artist thought it was probably nerve related. I almost felt like a damn dog with someone scratching the chest and the leg subsequently twitching.

People act like it's their ribs and feet so I have neither tattooed. My neck takes 1st place and my back 2nd, but when people ask I say ribs, feet and neck/throut because they are also a pain in the ass to tattoo.

Near my armpit hurt like the dickens but inside it wasn't bad, I've heard that same experience from a couple other people too?

Kinda on the subject..... does the left side of the body hurt more then the right in anyone elses experience. If so, any theories?

I was just talking about this the other day with a couple people. The very last time my chest was tattooed it was about an hour on each side. Right side wasn't too bad and I got used to it after the first 10 mins or so. But the left side, it was like I never relaxed, it felt like the first 10 minutes the entire time. My chest was relatively easy up until that point. I've heard thing about the left side.. some kinda.. chakra.. something..

Kinda on the subject..... does the left side of the body hurt more then the right in anyone elses experience. If so, any theories?

i have both feet tattooed, the entire top from ankle to toe knuckle. my right foot was fine until we went over the knuckles (i also have very bony feet) but otherwise i was very relaxed and fell asleep for a bit of it. my left foot however i could not relax and i kept twitching like a fool. i always sit very well for the handful of tattoos i have so it was very disheartening to have that happen, i got kinda embarrassed! haha, even though both myself and my artist knew i couldn't control it. I was under the impression that it is not uncommon for your dominant side to have more pain tolerance due to more muscle control and whathaveyou, which would make sense on why my left foot hurt like hell for awhile as i am a rightie! anyways, my two cents! :]

My palm was garbage.... I tattooed it myself and had to have another artist hold down my fingers cuz the hand kept trying to close on me... My throat was by far the worse...your head hangs off the edge of the table/bench and i found all the vibration carried right into the back of your head...might have been easier had i been able to find my happy place... Sides of the neck sorta felt like the burning sensation you get when you cut yourself shaving...

Im getting a huge piece on my back covered up (botched angel wings), and I find i can sit as well for it... Id spend 3-4 hours no problem per sitting getting the wings, but now that they are getting covered (crazy zombie scenery) I find i cant handle that time as well...

The only conclusion i can come up with is that the wings were tattooed with conventional machines, and the cover up is being done with Numas... has anyone else experienced anything similar??

I didn't think the stomach was too bad, I'd compare it to getting your lower arms tattooed, some spots sucked, but it wasn't unbearable. For me, the left side of the body doesn't hurt as bad, maybe its because I'm left handed. Near my nipples really hurt, it felt like they were getting pulled off while getting tattooed. My legs in general bug me, they always seem to take forever to heal. I have my right knee cap tattooed, and that didn't really bother me, only spot that really sucked was near the top, by the thigh.

My left and right side pain theory has come to this..... I use to think it was a right handed thing but after asking clients that hasn't panned out. I think it may be left brain / right brain function. The right side of your brain is more emotional and the left analitical, so since the right brain controls the left side of your body maybe it's less able to get your mind past it since it's less analitically powerful??????

I didn't think the stomach was too bad, I'd compare it to getting your lower arms tattooed, some spots sucked, but it wasn't unbearable. For me, the left side of the body doesn't hurt as bad, maybe its because I'm left handed. Near my nipples really hurt, it felt like they were getting pulled off while getting tattooed. My legs in general bug me, they always seem to take forever to heal. I have my right knee cap tattooed, and that didn't really bother me, only spot that really sucked was near the top, by the thigh.

OH GOD I'D FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE NIPPLES. Not tattooed over, but about half an inch away.. felt like fiery stone arrowheads wielded by that creepy thing from The Cell.

how'd it go? look forward to the pictures.......

Okay, so I don't know if this is the appropriate thread for this post.

But since we were talking about painful spots and Bryan and Scott decided to start a pain competition on my torso I figured I'd post the photo here.

Bryan was extremely pleasant to work with. Pretty damn fast at about 2 hours, no breaks, start to finish. One more session for color and it's a wrap.

Next comes the first sitting with Scott on the other side in a couple weeks....


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