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I am actually watching it now simply out of boredom. I personaly think it is pretty terrible, but not far off of what I expected. Over dramaed TV garbage. The only part that really got to me a bit was that all the tattoo artists competing were more excited that the rock dude was there over the other tattoo artists, especially Oliver. Being someone who was actually a part of a MTV production (Spike is close enough) I know they purpously go o out of their way to get these "personalities", hence the reason why the piliot I was a part of got dropped.

We shall see if it get any better. (Oh yea and timed tattoos are kinda stupid, artwork should not be rushed in my opinion).

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Yeah the overly hyped dram bull shit is freaking annoying, I think that Oliver needs more air time because he is a funny SOB and I think it would actually be more interesting if instead of competition it was just about the art and artists, but hey thats just me

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You know what.... TIME shows you either know how to get it done, and you do, or you don't... Oliver is a fast tattooer, he was taught that way. besides a time limit also shows who does stuff out of the comfy zone well and who doesn't...

like the dude that could draw the Fu dog but couldn't tattoo it... I'll watch it, Oliver is family. I'm proud...

side note: pointing out problems with the tattoos educates everyones future clients.... my two cents

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You know what.... TIME shows you either know how to get it done, and you do, or you don't... Oliver is a fast tattooer, he was taught that way. besides a time limit also shows who does stuff out of the comfy zone well and who doesn't...

like the dude that could draw the Fu dog but couldn't tattoo it... I'll watch it, Oliver is family. I'm proud...

side note: pointing out problems with the tattoos educates everyones future clients.... my two cents

I can absouletly agree that pointing out technical errors (or just bad tattoos in general) is a positive aspect of the show. I guarentee there were a lot of people watching the show that didnt realize that fu dog was pretty damn terrible until after it was pointed out.

This also goes into my theory alot of people look at tattoos as tattoos and dont actaully look at the picture. These are the same people that dont understand why people pay top dollar for good tattoos when their buddy does them for 20 bucks and a pack of smokes. Once people see the errors on the show they might be more tuned in when picking out an artist.

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Pros of the show: Having Oliver on the show and the fact that the judges teach good from bad

Cons of the show: Over dramaticised, a stupid time limit, not enough focus on the art and artists

The show is just not what I was hoping for, who knows maybe it will get better?

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I kinda only like getting tattooed by Fast tattooers. It's efficiency. Take your time with the drawing, then bust that tat out. I personally think it says a lot about a tattooer that can tattoo Good, and fast. It's like Illegal graffiti writers versus permission wall guys. One is working on the fly with the cops possibly breathing down their neck. One is taking his sweet time, looking at his sketchbook. That raw, real shit is always gonna be king in my book. Anyway. haven't seen the show. But I like the time limit thing. It will separate the hustlers from the fartists.

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all that could be said about it is allready said by the people who commented above me, but for those interested in watching the first episode here it is: Ink Master | Tattoo Competition Reality Show | Full Episodes | Spike | Fresh Meat | Season 1 | Free Full Episodes | Spike

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Came home last night after burgers and beers, poured a glass of whiskey and turned on the TV. Flipped around and saw the show, caught it about 5 minutes after it started, watched the thing and laughed my ass off. Pretty funny stuff and yeah, it's a TV show, so it's gonna be.. just like a TV show. The best part was the names. HEATHER SIN, B-TATS, AL FLICTION.. Al Fliction is barely clever.. by like the narrowest of margins.. AL FLICTION!!

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all that could be said about it is allready said by the people who commented above me, but for those interested in watching the first episode here it is: Ink Master | Tattoo Competition Reality Show | Full Episodes | Spike | Fresh Meat | Season 1 | Free Full Episodes | Spike

Cheers for the link.

Was ok for some light viewing. But that blonde girl... *twitch*

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Didn't watch it. Didn't even know last night was the big kick off. Probably won't watch it. It has less to do with it being a tattoo show and more to do with the fact that I only watch tv online and there's way more better shit to watch then someone I know judging a tattoo done by someone I don't know or care about. I know what it looks like to get and give a tattoo so I dunno why I'd watch this.

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Came home last night after burgers and beers, poured a glass of whiskey and turned on the TV. Flipped around and saw the show, caught it about 5 minutes after it started, watched the thing and laughed my ass off. Pretty funny stuff and yeah, it's a TV show, so it's gonna be.. just like a TV show. The best part was the names. HEATHER SIN, B-TATS, AL FLICTION.. Al Fliction is barely clever.. by like the narrowest of margins.. AL FLICTION!!

who the fuck are those people anyways? did you see how terrible more than half of them are? its like they casted the show cause 15 went to try out and they took the best looking 10. this show is bullshit!

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I watched 90% of it, but for some reason the DVR didn't record all of it. (maybe it became self-aware)lol I thought it was pretty good. It was alot better than hearing the sob stories of all the other tattoo shows.......it was actually about tattooing. And it wasn't tattoo school. I don't think they put it on the air thinking that actual tattooers would watch it, so of coarse they Hollywooded it up. I will keep watching just for the FAILS.

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They should of had a porn star like Janine Lindemulder be the celebrity judge instead of Dave Navarro.At least she has real nice work,and she's easy on the eyes.Dave looked like he had one to many face lifts.

I feel sorry for the people who picked b-tat,and Al Fliction to do their cover-ups.I wonder if they offer those people free laser sessions after the show.

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My favorite part is when Chris Nunez said, "That tail is too small to propel the koi's head."

I love that critiques included details like hydro-propulsion theory.

that shit blew my mind!! I'm not sure what he's capable of now but back on the Miami Ink days he was around the same caliber tattooer as most of the contestants on the show....

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