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Ok at the risk of sounding like a huge bitch i'm gonna post this anyways...

As far as I know Scott and company started this site to promote good tattooing, and good tattooers. I've noticed lately in the members gallery there have been a lot of bad tattoos uploaded. Is this just going to turn into another tattoo photo gallery where anyone can post photos of every horrible tattoo they do, and then have people thinking that work is good because they saw it on a site that claims to promote only good tattooing? I feel bad when I log on and on the very first page there's awful tattoos being shown. Am I just a horrible person for thinking this or do others feel the same way? I feel like if I wanted to see average bad tattoos I could just do a google search or visit one of the numerous tattoo design websites. Is it wrong to have a moderator removing bad work at the risk of offending the person who uploaded it? We seem not to have a problem telling people in the forums when a tattoo is shit.

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I have also noticed many of these people uploading shitty work aren't even members who are participating in the forums or the blog sections so it makes me feel like they are just trying to post pics in hopes of getting customers, which kind of defeats the purpose of the website...

@Ursula and everyone else who weighed-in, thanks for voicing up.

In order to know what a good tattoo is VS a bad tattoo OR a bad tattoo VS a mediocre tattoo and so on, one must often see the difference.

It's an open forum so this is part of it though we thought ahead, somewhat, and put some things in place...

-Use the 'like' button because photos/tattoos that are most 'liked' rank higher and appear on the first pages.

-Next, there is the comments section so leave feedback on both good, mediocre, and bad tattoos but be respectful.

-Lastly, everyone starts somewhere in getting tattoos and more often than not we start getting bad tattoos first and it is not til we learn what a good tattoo is and/or someone offers constructive criticism that we realize I need to get better tattoos or some time passes and you take note its all bleeding together or its fading much faster than it should.

This site is aimed at all interested in tattoos so all have the opportunity to learn and get better tattoos. Shit, I was in a shop topless the other day getting tattooed and I know when ever this happens around those who know tattoos I am going to get comments on my bad tattoos so I laugh with them while getting better tattoos.

  \ said:
@Ursula and everyone else who weighed-in, thanks for voicing up.

In order to know what a good tattoo is VS a bad tattoo OR a bad tattoo VS a mediocre tattoo and so on, one must often see the difference.

It's an open forum so this is part of it though we thought ahead, somewhat, and put some things in place...

-Use the 'like' button because photos/tattoos that are most 'liked' rank higher and appear on the first pages.

-Next, there is the comments section so leave feedback on both good, mediocre, and bad tattoos but be respectful.

-Lastly, everyone starts somewhere in getting tattoos and more often than not we start getting bad tattoos first and it is not til we learn what a good tattoo is and/or someone offers constructive criticism that we realize I need to get better tattoos or some time passes and you take note its all bleeding together or its fading much faster than it should.

This site is aimed at all interested in tattoos so all have the opportunity to learn and get better tattoos. Shit, I was in a shop topless the other day getting tattooed and I know when ever this happens around those who know tattoos I am going to get comments on my bad tattoos so I laugh with them while getting better tattooers.

There are very rare examples of people with only good tattoos in my personal experience. I guess it is just a part of the process

We had an anonymous five star rating system originally (I personally liked it because people could rate a tattoos more accurately) though LSTers voiced up and didn't like it so we switched to the like. Though we are always open to listening and seeing how we can make the site better for all.......

I like the 'dislike' idea. I know on youtube if I see a video that has way more dislikes than likes I know it's gonna suck and don't bother with it. Maybe it would be help people who don't know a good tattoo because then they can say oh well 50 people have disliked this and only one has liked, I guess I shouldn't go to someone who does work like this.

  hogg said:
LST doesn't currently differentiate between artists and collectors.

I dig this a lot. We are all people with a common interest and like sharing experiences thru this site. I get just as much of a kick talking to someone who looking for a first tattoo or a tattooer I admire.

When it comes down to it we are all just people with our own interests. I could give a shit about people opinions on my tattoos. If you like it, great! If you dont, nod your head and move on... we dont need a system for making people think they got a shitty tattoo. This isnt Inkmasters, its an awesome tattoo community.

@dcostello makes a good point. What could be cool though is if the front page had a picture generator of some sort where you could get a bunch of random photos from the gallery and push the like button on those you....ehm...like, with the option to leave a comment. I don`t know if this is possible, but maybe that could boost some traffic in the gallery section.

Thanks for the suggestions everybody! - we will keep improvements for the gallery 'like' system in mind when prioritizing new feature development.

For now, you can cruise through each category using the 'next image' link and hit the 'like' button on the pics you like and that will move them closer to top of the category - bringing them more exposure to eyeballs.

If you don't like it, then just don't 'like' it.. (lame pun I know)

Likes are anonymous, so nobody will make fun of you for liking something that may not be deemed cool by your peers.

Also, you can only like something once, so you don't have to remember if you already liked a pic or not - the site will let you know.

Keep the suggestions coming!

  • 1 month later...

RE: People posting pics without contributing to the forum- you could have a post minimum and introduction post requirement

Suggestion: Maybe have the Top Rated images be on the Gallery landing page vs. New images. I think that could go a long way as far as setting a bar.

  • 2 months later...

We all have opinions and that is what makes a good forum and as Shannon rightly says above if we all just agreed it would be pretty dull. What some folk think is a shit tattoo others may love for whatever reason. There are enough images on here for people to decide what THEY think is good or bad but at the end of the day its still their choice whatever they decide.

At the end of the day if this forum was around when I started getting inked 20 years ago, then I wouldn't have chosen the crap i had way back then, but as many of you have pointed out its how you learn.

The only reason I met with my current artist and now very good friend is because I had a tat i needed sorting. It was a blue unicorn lol !!!! (if you could see my face as I typed that)

Have a good weekend all...I'm off on a stag doo !!!

I used to admin a couple forums that had the "like/dislike" feature, and turned it off on both of 'em. Too much argifying.

As far as liking tattoos goes, man...WAY too subjective! I've seen pix of tattoos on here that I think are absolutely Number One, and I've seen some that I wouldn't put on a yellow dog...but that's just MY view of 'em. To someone else, they are most probably the hottest thing going. It's kinda like my kids. My oldest came home with a piece I really didn't care for. Technically it was well done, the artistry was there, but it just wasn't my taste. Given that, I don't think it's my place to tell someone else that their tattoo sucks!

I like to troll the galleries, and I "like" the pieces I like.

  • 4 weeks later...

I enjoy the system that the gallery has now. You can find the "most liked" or the "highest rated" tattoos first as long as you hit the right buttons? What's wrong with that? Though maybe "minimum likes" needs to be required whereas a pic with 5 stars rating and only one vote can't be the first picture. I don't know, just thought Id' put in my own opinion.

  • 1 year later...

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