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One of the greatest contributors to the LST forum @MsRad seems to have fallen off the face of the earth (or this board at least) the last few months.

I wish she would join us again, and I bet I`m not the only one.

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yeah there's been a lot of kittens, 3 of them who were at my house for 3 weeks. they're really cute, but very smelly, and somewhat stressful. i have a pup now too, Coleslaw, who keeps me very busy.

I almost OD´d on cuteness. Your job is awesome!

Great to have you back @MsRad :)

(I mistyped "great to shave your back" on my first try. True story.

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sometimes it's not so cute. a kitten became very ill over a 12 hour period, and suddenly died on my shift tonight. this is the sad side of my job, though him dying was much better than him crying in agony and having trouble breathing. we've lost two this week, both really little neos, about 2 weeks old and all who are fairly sick with something in their GIT track, could be parasites, could be infection, too young to find out more. started out with 7 and now down to 5. i'm hoping they'll survive through this next week, because at week 3, then we can really get down to what the problem might be. their systems are just too small right now to be able to do more. we can only treat the symptoms and guess at the cause right now.

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sometimes it's not so cute. a kitten became very ill over a 12 hour period, and suddenly died on my shift tonight. this is the sad side of my job, though him dying was much better than him crying in agony and having trouble breathing. we've lost two this week, both really little neos, about 2 weeks old and all who are fairly sick with something in their GIT track, could be parasites, could be infection, too young to find out more. started out with 7 and now down to 5. i'm hoping they'll survive through this next week, because at week 3, then we can really get down to what the problem might be. their systems are just too small right now to be able to do more. we can only treat the symptoms and guess at the cause right now.


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