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  • 4 weeks later...

yeah good luck finding them any cheaper, took me most of summer. there are 2 newer books available sailor jerry line drawings and the treasure chest, otherwise amund dietzels books these old blue arms are a great read. with lots of his old designs.

Even though I own most of all Hardymarks publications I went ahead and purchased the ones I didn't own and replaced the rest with new copies. I paid quite a bit for the flash books. I believe I found the #1 for $200, the #2 for $120 and the #3 for $220. It's more than I wanted to spend, but you can't put a price on things like that. Everyone said that the Flash From The Past book would be reprinted and it never was, now everyone is wishing they would've just paid the overprice. I was always taught books and art would be the best investment I ever made. Buy the books and don't look back.

Do what Tim said!

Go to HardyMarks.com and buy every thing they currently have available so in 5 years you won't have to pay $200 for a $40 book. Worth it at either price though. Make your money back doing one tattoo out of each book. Check out the Book Mistress too. Even though I don't really like her, she's got some older out of print books on her website from time to time. Both websites charge out the ass for shipping outside of the USA though, so be warned if you aren't living there.

Both websites charge out the ass for shipping outside of the USA though, so be warned if you aren't living there.

I ordered a couple of books recently from Bookmistress the postage is a bit steep but I got the books within a couple of days of them being shipped to the UK.

  • 3 weeks later...
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