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I've been seeing this novel expansion around a lot. I'm not sure if the character of the 'The Governor' will or is represented in the T.V show, though, or just the graphic novels?


Seriously can't get the final scene of Walking Dead out of my head. Kinda wanted to bring it up in the middle of the yoga class I was teaching tonight, but I don't think all those peaceful yogis are loving the undead as much as I am right now.

Yes! That was a definite jaw dropping, "WTF!", moment for me. Dang! :-O

  • 2 months later...
Did anyone catch the premiere of the second half of season two last sunday? Season two started slow, but the last couple episodes has had me on the edge of my seat.

yes, and i was so pissed that i missed the trailer for next week because they buried it in the show afterwards and we did not have it recorded...

i CANNOT wait until Sunday!! i think they are going to introduce a lot more shady characters!!!

Did anyone catch the premiere of the second half of season two last sunday? Season two started slow, but the last couple episodes has had me on the edge of my seat.

It was awesome and didn't dip back like the beginning of season 2. I agree with @tammy I think they are going not introduce new shady people!

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I've been watching it. I have to say, if i hadn't seen season 1 and came into this season, I wouldn't understand what the big deal was. Waaay too much arguing about what they should do and very little action. How many times an episode does Shane say "Let me ask you something..."? I'd be like "Asshole, all you do is ask questions and then talk about how you're the only one that does things. If by doing things you mean screwing your friend's wife, killing off an innocent stranger, and traumatizing that's strangers family by shooting all their zombie relatives, then yes, you do things. Now go do your thing out there away from the rest of us."

But that's me.

two other things:

-The whole reason they brought that one guy back from town was he said he knew Maggie. They bring him back, and no one from the farm says anything. Whenever they were deciding what they were going to do with him, Maggie and her family were totally ambivalent. Seems like as small town as those people are, they would be pretty defensive of "one of their own", especially since they were so bent on keeping the local zombies in the barn. Made no sense at all.

-With all the stuff they have going on around there and people doing their share, how does that damn kid Carl have time to wander around and get in trouble?

I think I'm done with this show. It's pretty flat and boring and slow and, let's be honest, not very smart. Other shows that have been accused of moving at a glacial pace have usually done so because of all the different plot lines or because it encompassed so much and usually built to a head. Not this one! There's one plot, one group, one issue and it feels like the writers have no idea what they're doing. Nobody's making choices –– just like the characters in the show!

Oh man, Rick's the leader, or is he?! What's Shane gonna do next?! Oh, look, they're arguing! But is Rick the leader? And how will will Rick lead? And has Shane affected Rick's leadership –– or his marriage! Oh man, they're gonna fight again! (Oh look, a zombie.)

I'm into it less and less each episode.

"Let me ask you something, man..." :)

Does anyone else think this season's suckiness has to do with AMC firing Darabont? I have to say, AMC's execs have done about everything they can to ruin their reputation for good shows by haggling with with all their big hits' creators (Mad Men, Breaking Bad,etc). Idiots.

Im pretty bummed about Mad Men being gone, and the impending last season of Breaking. I love both shows and am sad to see them go.

Mad Men is BACK finally-starts March 25th with a 2 hour premiere.

O/T, but I saw previews for a new series called "Magic City" on Starz that looks awesome- early 60's gangster business Magic City - A STARZ Original Series

"Let me ask you something, man..." :)

Does anyone else think this season's suckiness has to do with AMC firing Darabont? I have to say, AMC's execs have done about everything they can to ruin their reputation for good shows by haggling with with all their big hits' creators (Mad Men, Breaking Bad,etc). Idiots.

I too would like different groups with different dynamics. I am stil enjoying this series but the farm has gotten stale

I too would like different groups with different dynamics. I am stil enjoying this series but the farm has gotten stale

I agree on the staleness of the farm, but did you see the last one? Spoiler alert, where Rick kills Shane? In the previews there is going to be a stand-off with a shit-ton of walkers! This last part of the season has been edgy....

i guess I just like being scared, cause I'm still enjoying it. But last season it was a good show that happened to be about life with zombies, now it's a zombie themed soap opera. Shane and Lori are the new Luke and Laura. Bummer General Hospital didn't have zombies.

I feel like the writers are missing out on some interesting opportunities to show how people deal with trauma differently. There's this overall theme of fight or flight, but all the characters seem to either fall on the gungho Shane side or the orderly Rick side. I think that's why Daryl is so interesting to me, but I definitely think they could go to further extremes with that.

@Kev I agree I also would like to see the dehumanisation aspect and how different sets of ideologies play out in the fight for survival. Would you value the life of your fellow man when he could hinder your own survival? How many packs of young capable men would be raping and pillaging weaker camps of survivors? I think season 3 could be awesome if they dwelved into some of these scenarios and introduced a different group or 2.

Not only that-where are the religious nuts? Where are the survivalists? Think about the reaction to 9/11 in this country and then multiple that by a million- pretty sure that's where this show needs to go. Everyone seems waaay too calm and sane with a bunch of dead people walking around.

Also, there's some logical things they need to clear up:

1) The original walkers were dead first, not living- why aren't we seeing piles of decaying Walkers like Bicycle Lady from the first episode?

2) The showed Atlanta getting fire bombed by the military- why are there not more burned Walkers and stuff in general?

3) If they're going to pick a place to hole up, it would seem that they're better options than a farm house.

That might have been an issue with the writers this season dragging their feet, trying to figure out how they were going to get good guy Rick to kill Shane. I still don't get why he was so conflicted about it. You might be my friend, but cross lines with my family and it's over. Everybody else who knew about the Shane/ Lori thing seemed fine about (except the old guy).

@Kev I agree I also would like to see the dehumanisation aspect and how different sets of ideologies play out in the fight for survival. Would you value the life of your fellow man when he could hinder your own survival? How many packs of young capable men would be raping and pillaging weaker camps of survivors? I think season 3 could be awesome if they dwelved into some of these scenarios and introduced a different group or 2.

The comic has a bunch of different groups, but the series seems to want to go in a different direction. Unfortunately, that direction was pretty lame last season.

kev I havnt read the comics but yeah the survivalists would have some hella fortified postions early on. Also Storage facilities in the citys all have big walls motorized gates motion detectors and a shitload of secure compartments once inside. ALso prisons would have a destinct advantage as long as you had keys to cells and could lock yourself in at night incase of a breach.

I think to have that many corpses like you said would be too much in production costs? otherwise have no idea why they didnt include it

also I was not aware that everyone who died turned into a walker, I originally thought you had to be bitten. Guess I missed that somewhere

My theory about people turning into walkers with no bites is that they've been exposed to them so much (thinking of it as a disease along the lines of 28 days later kinda) that they're a little bit infected, not enough to change outright but once they die and their immune system shuts down their body keeps going on whatever it is that makes zombies... zomb.

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