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Did anyone catch the season finale of Breaking Bad? It is by far the best show on TV and the close-out of the season was awesome. If you haven't seen it at all, the first 3 seasons are on NETFLIX. Highly recommend checking it out it will not disappoint.

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No that wasn't the latest or finale. It was the best episode of the series. Let me know what you think after seeing....

The one I was talking about was the latest before the finale. Just watched the finale too. Pretty awesome. I had kind of thought all along that Walt did the poisoning, he was at a point where he had to do something drastic. I also like how they let you think Gus survives for a couple seconds before showing his face. Makes me wonder about a next season though, if there's no more need for the money and Gus is dead what will the story line be?

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Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!

i feel like the next "big player" is going to step into the power vacuum and contact Walt and Jessie. It's the most logical next step, but Walt is also running out of money since the whole buy the car wash/bailout IRS thing happened.

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i skipped over most of the thread, since i've yet to see any of the current season, but my roommate and i spent alot of nights watching Breaking Bad instead of sleeping this summer. super awesome series. now, off to download and get caught up!

(although, it was hard to watch the first few episodes, and not still see him as Hal from Malcolm in the Middle... with Jesse being Dewey, grown up and getting in trouble.)

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You do not go from making millions of dollars and blowing people up to running a carwash. Ego kills everything. If Gus did not let his ego get in the way he would not have had to kill Hector himself, and he would not be dead. Walter has shown many times that his ego is overrides his sense. If you win a war then you are not afraid to start another one.

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I thought that was a wonderful end to the fourth season - although I am sad to see Gus go as he is such a great character. I think that in the final season (which is set to be 16 episodes) Walt will get cooking straight away. He might get help from Mike to distribute through Gus' network, or he may start afresh, or he may sell wholesale to someone else. Either way, there is a meth vacuum that needs to be filled.

I love the way they have developed Hank's character - for me he is now the main man and ultimately this show is heading towards a Heisenberg/Hank showdown.

Also, we haven't heard the last of Gus, in terms of the much alluded to connections and protection he has from Chile. That's going to come calling for Walt I reckon.

I read the script for the first episode recently and it is amazing how different it is from the eventual pilot. It's set in California, Hank is a total racist, Walt is a compulsive masturbator.

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Dunno how I feel about the opening of season 5. Still thinking it over.

I am glad that they are showing things starting to hit the fan in big ways. Most shows would let you live the fairy tale for the whole series that you could be a huge drug dealer and never get caught. I wonder how this will pan out. I wonder if the computer trick worked? What's gonna come of what they found near the computer? Is Walt the new Gus?

Ok yeah, after typing that I do like the new episode.

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