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Well, his minimum is $200.00, and his hourly rate is $200.00, but he typically charges by the piece, and I give you an estimate based on what he guestimates depending on:

Area being tattooed, the design, and where the tattoo is being done at, like if it's a convention or if we're at a shop...

Most people say he's a "fast" tattooer, he prefers the term "efficient", he gets what most people do in two or three sittings done in one shot.

Thanks Jennifer, I'd like to chat. Planning a wedding and a house purchase early next year, so coming up with a number ahead of time would ease my fiancee's mind. I'll brainstorm a bit and decide between a tiger or a panther, haha. I'll PM you when I can. I'm taking only a quick internet break at work. Thanks for the info.

@Cork, I can say from firsthand experience that Richard is very efficient, which makes his rate more than reasonable. At this point, he could legitimately charge "legend" prices, but he doesn't. Don't miss your opportunity to get some awesome from him!

Can't agree more with @hogg

Although I didn't do a panther or tiger. I completely love what I did get. He even said its not something he normally does. He is extremely efficient!!! Good luck on your decision and what you get.

Yeah honestly I wish it weren't about the money. Just the whole wedding and house thing and budgeting with a joint income. If this convention is an opportunity that I can't pass on, I'm going for it. If it turns out that the Stells are going to be on the East Coast again in maybe the next 5 years, I'd rather wait until then when money won't be a factor. I emailed Jennifer :)

Ya'll are seriously soo fucking sweet for backing the Sir Stell... Ya'll make this whole thing more worthwhile and enjoyable then any one piece of art or whatever could... I'm glad that everyone had a good time and liked their tattoos, cause there has been like a handful of dudes that, well.... He'd rather fart in the middle of their tattoo then have to even talk to them let alone tattoo them....

Keep him happy, and he will always deliver a good time, with a tattoo happening in the meantime... Ya'll bout made both of us teary. Thanks and Damn Karl, we miss the fuck outta all ya'll. . .

Do not pass on the chance to get a tattoo from him. Awesome artist and human, so is Jennifer. They deserve the recognition they get here.

Dammit... I read Karls post below, and then yours Patrick... I'm not even PMs'in and you're making me all misty eyed... fuck I hate being a chick.

Love you KARL and yes, you will have to come visit the new spot... It's going to be something.

I submitted some pics for review to get into the london show... Not up to snuff I guess... even though I did get asked to send some stuff in for the magazine, it was a bummer.... But oh well, what are ya gonna do?

Thats a pity :( the London show is so huge I think the competition is massive.

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