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A big ole flower always works well, especially roses or jap flowers. You could also go for the old sailor jerry standard and get and Elephant head, I saw one Richard Stell did that was the same idea but a wooly mammoth.

Avery- if you are HeadOvMetal, i've been following you on Flickr for some time now, a couple years or so...

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I got a cool dragon head from Theo Mindell on my left knee. You can see pics in my gallery. As a general rule, I think things like heads, skulls and masks work particularly well for that spot.

And for what it's worth, it hurt far less than I feared it would.

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Not sure if this is your style, but perhaps someone will come across the thread title and be interested.

I found this pretty awesome blog, Amelie's (still) Untitled Blog, which has a couple of posts about getting a knee tattoo. She runs a tattoo shop in Copenhagen, with her husband, who is a tattooer.

Here are the specific links:

Amalie's (still) Untitled Blog: Remember that time i asked Shige to tattoo a bunch of flowers on my knee?

Amalie's (still) Untitled Blog: Four out of four

It's a really cool blog, as well, in my top ten.

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2'nd Ursula's suggestion. I bet matching roses would look really cool on the knees. Actually, I think I just found out what I want to get when I get my knees done :)

I was going to get that too, and then without knowing my best friend did so I don't want to anymore. Then I thought about doing matching Jap flowers but my dude has that on his. So now I'm probably going to do a rose on one and a peony on the other.... maybe... unless I think of something else.. also thought about doing a tudor rose on each..

I tried to find a picture of my friend's knees and couldn't but found this from the same artist. His name is Stuart Archibald.



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Haha, nice one, Duffa!

I realize that everyone's pain threshholds vary--hell, I've heard people say that their ribs were cake, and I thought I was gonna die during mine--but the knee was no worse than, say, the elbow or the inside of my arm. Then again, I guess those aren't exactly "fun" spots. I will admit that I was pretty scared of what the knee would be like, so when I say that it wasn't as bad as I feared, maybe I should stress that I really feared it.

For me, feet, ribs, back of the thighs and ass were worse.

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Haha cheers hogg ;) thought you might like that one

Hrmmmm thats an interesting comparison... and makes me rethink my "knee? no fucking way." attitude. Elbow just felt wrong and inside arm wasn't pleasant but still bearable...

Its true everyone's threshold is different (and after seeing you back, I'm guessing yours would be up there!) so knowing that my back (see: butt) is going to be waaaaaaay worse i might just have to rethink this whole knee thing. because to be honest, I want one (or 2 as the case may be here)

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For me, the outline for my knee (cap) felt like someone was cutting it open, the shading wasn't that bad. Areas surrounding the knee the shading was a bit uncomfortable, just couldn't relax. Overall not that bad, and nothing like what people say that scares you away from it.

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Not sure if this is your style, but perhaps someone will come across the thread title and be interested.

I found this pretty awesome blog, Amelie's (still) Untitled Blog, which has a couple of posts about getting a knee tattoo. She runs a tattoo shop in Copenhagen, with her husband, who is a tattooer.

Here are the specific links:

Amalie's (still) Untitled Blog: Remember that time i asked Shige to tattoo a bunch of flowers on my knee?

Amalie's (still) Untitled Blog: Four out of four

It's a really cool blog, as well, in my top ten.

damn that shige piece is so good, and attractive.......lolz

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