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So far Grime seems like a totally devoted artist, and works diligently while also being his harshest critic. It reminds me how passionate someone can be towards there hobby/career. It is truly inspiring. I watched the 1st episode with some of my friends at their shop and I can say that I have seen a few people like this when they are tattooing.

Random story:

Friend of mine told me that when Chris Trevino is tattooing he has the water running from the sink sometimes, and talks to himself like he is completely frustrated on the tattoo hes working on, when it looks flawless.

Anyone else ever seen or been tattooed by someone this intense or similar persona?

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When I read the first part of your post, I immediately thought of Chris Trevino. Then I read the rest of your post and laughed.

I've never experienced Chris running the water, but I do know that he's the most driven artist I've ever met. Definitely his own worst critic, and definitely pushes himself. The results are evident.

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