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Hey everyone, Now I am sure we have all had people come up to us and have some negative comment thrown at us about our tattoos. What have been some actual quick thinking comebacks you have used to sort of defend/make the idiot go away.

I'll start it off:

My wife and I were in a clothing store and this lady comes up to us and said "Look at that awful tattoo, I don't like to see that on a woman". My wife's zippy comeback was "Ya well I don't like to see a mustache and a beard on a woman either but there is nothing I can do about yours..." We laughed and she walked away all frown faced LOL

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I don't know that any random people have commented to me negatively but some family members have said some things and I usually just say, "Oh, cool."

There is a thing that's happened twice to me this year, of tourists (pretty sure they're tourists) snapping my photo as I'm walking down the street. Both times, I didn't know what to do. I do not have a snappy comeback for that, but I wanted to smash their cameras into their faces. If it happens again, I'll say something. I'm not even crazily tattooed (no hands, throat, face) and never even wear shorts on weekdays so.. who knows.

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I don't know that any random people have commented to me negatively but some family members have said some things and I usually just say, "Oh, cool."

There is a thing that's happened twice to me this year, of tourists (pretty sure they're tourists) snapping my photo as I'm walking down the street. Both times, I didn't know what to do. I do not have a snappy comeback for that, but I wanted to smash their cameras into their faces. If it happens again, I'll say something. I'm not even crazily tattooed (no hands, throat, face) and never even wear shorts on weekdays so.. who knows.

Maybe you're on a blog somewhere or they sold your photo to an ad campaign in the asian countries hoping that you would never see it. (that has happened to a friend of my wife's)

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I don't know that any random people have commented to me negatively but some family members have said some things and I usually just say, "Oh, cool."

There is a thing that's happened twice to me this year, of tourists (pretty sure they're tourists) snapping my photo as I'm walking down the street. Both times, I didn't know what to do. I do not have a snappy comeback for that, but I wanted to smash their cameras into their faces. If it happens again, I'll say something. I'm not even crazily tattooed (no hands, throat, face) and never even wear shorts on weekdays so.. who knows.

Happens to me all the time as people are always mistaking me for Justn Timberlake.

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....tourists (pretty sure they're tourists) snapping my photo as I'm walking down the street. Both times, I didn't know what to do...

If you have time, the 'thumb through the fly/zipper to look like a penis' trick is a good one. Or make the sex gesture with forefinger entering thumb/forefinger deal. That or just flip them the bird.

Imagine how cool their family album will look with a tattooed dude dropping some sneaky sex gestures.

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ive asked people to delete whatever picture theyve just taken of me pretending that they hadnt, they were pretty embarassed to have been busted. that or depending on their rudeness i give them the finger. yep, i'm a lady.

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I've had the same guys as Valerie and I usually just mean mug the fuck outta them. Or I cross my arms and put my non tattooed hands over my tattoos.

If someone asks me at a convention if they can take a photo I usually say yes unless it's because they want to go get the same thing done. Sneaky photos without asking is a really big no-no though.

To my knowledge I haven't had the random tourist on the street photos but my best friend had some lady run up to her and start screaming "omg you kat von d" at her. She had hot pink hair at the time and has japanese and traditional style tattooing so needless to say she looks nothing like kat von d.

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Maybe its because where we live, but its not that common for a woman to have a sleeve tattoo, so maybe thats why my wife gets comments all the time. Another one that she has encountered was at Tim Hortons after our car club cruise night.

We get some Tea and go to get a table. There is this old guy that is a regular there and looks at Sarah and says "Holy Cow look at all those tattoos!! What are you going to do about that when your old??". To that she replied, "Well probably when I am old like you, I'll either not give a rat's ass what young people think, or I'll be crazy like you, either way it won't matter". His buddy at the other table piped up and said "HAHAHA she's got you there!". LOL good times! :)

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My favorite was when we were on an elevator and someone asked Scott how many tattoos he had. He said, "Now? Just one," meaning that they were all connected and made one big tattoo.

I have been asked how many I have too but I usually say that my sleeve counts for only one but 4 total. Most of the time its my friends asking and they are not being all snooty about it. as we are usually comparing tattoos LOL so no need for a zippy comeback

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usually i like it if ever i get comments that are negative, it's easier to determine where people stand. as a general rule, i don't engage in conversations with mouth breathers, idiots, rude assholes, etc...all it ends up doing is dragging you down to their level at some point. when asked what will i do when i'm old, i just say if i manage to live that long i'll probably be more concerned with not having to wear a diaper and who's going to have to change me if i do have to wear one.

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usually i like it if ever i get comments that are negative, it's easier to determine where people stand. as a general rule, i don't engage in conversations with mouth breathers, idiots, rude assholes, etc...all it ends up doing is dragging you down to their level at some point. when asked what will i do when i'm old, i just say if i manage to live that long i'll probably be more concerned with not having to wear a diaper and who's going to have to change me if i do have to wear one.

So very true

I have used something close to that too but I will post it in a while after a few more posts have come up

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  • 3 months later...

I always get the same questions...

Q: Do they hurt?

A: Only when my mom sees them.

Q: Where is the worst place to get tattooed?

A: Prison

Q: Why would you go do and do that to yourself?

A: The same reason you wouldn't

thats just a few.....

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