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I have yet to get my first tattoo, but am looking to put one on my side. However, I have old stretch marks in the area (across my hips that go up in straight lines on my stomach). I don't want to chance tattooing across them, however I would assume it would be ok on the unaffected skin between them.

Does anyone was have experience in this area?

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I've never had kids so I don't have large stretch marks so I don't know from being personally tattooed. I have seen many many many people get tattoos to cover stretch marks and it seems to work pretty well. It really depends on the severity of the stretch marks and how good the artist is. As long as they arn't very deep or very discoloured you should be o.k. When you go into a tattoo shop, make sure to ask if the person has done this type of work before, and see if they might even have a photo they can show you. The best thing is to just make sure the artist is really experienced. They should ask to see the affected are before they agree to do the tattoo. Don't be shy, just say hey I have this issue can you help and if they are a good artist they will ask to see the area and then help you make a decision.

Ursulas advice = ridiculously sound.

Every stretch mark will be different, so I think you should take this advice. :) I think people like to ask questions online because it's not intimidating, but to be honest most tattoo studios aren't either, so just go to one you think looks great and see what they have to say, you'll be sorted in no time :)

I'm going to say "ditto" to what Ursula said above and will add that I have gotten tattooed over stretch marks (from pregnancy) and it came out great... However I would double emphasize getting the tattoo from an experienced artist... Not only is it challenging because of the marks, but also it is a pain in the ass for the artist because that skin is more stretched (or stretchy) than skin that hasn't been slowly stretched to accommodate growing an 8 pound human being over a 40 week period... so it moves or "gives" a lot more and is just harder to tattoo on. It also depends on how big, deep and discolored the marks are. I would guess that marks from a growth spurt like you can sometimes get on the thigh or hip and easier to work on than the kind of loose skin and marks you see with people who lose a major amount of weight. An experienced artist will be able to tell you honestly what result is reasonable to expect. (Mine are the pregnancy kind and not too severe.) Im super happy to have the tattoo there because when I look in the mirror that is all I see.

hey good question! this is something we havent talked about on here yet! yea ill back up what Ursula said, shes a smart lady :) i think i can weigh in on this as i too have the stretch mark issue. the first tattoo i got was on an area unaffected by stretch mark and while i was getting tattooed i asked the artist if you can tattoo over stretch marked skin and she said absolutely! the only thing is that as soon as the needle goes over that skin they swell and become puffy immediately! so i would say choose an artist that is confident in their line work and has done tattoos on stretchmarked skin. mine are old and there for are not red anymore, but i couldnt be happier with the end result because i cant see the old scars i just see a very pretty tattoo.

I wasn't looking to go across the marks really, just in between. So it would be on normal skin for the most part. May have a little overlap. Thanks ya'll! I already have an experienced tattooist to visit. I'll be asking him of course, just wanted to see what the consensus was. I know the artist can work around moles, I'm sure he can do marks too!

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