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Hogrider reacted to a post in a topic: Extended healing?
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Dan reacted to a post in a topic: Extended healing?
No. It isn't valid. And this post is old.
Dan reacted to a post in a topic: Extended healing?
yes valid that
slpfrsly4 joined the community
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Sarnon joined the community
Conatbio joined the community
I think it's still valid.
Hogrider reacted to a post in a topic: Getting my first tattoo
Dan reacted to a post in a topic: Getting my first tattoo
It’s been a while but here is the result. Very happy with it. artist had no qualms about this being cover art from an LP.
oboogie reacted to a post in a topic: Valentine's day tattoo
oboogie reacted to a post in a topic: Valentine's day tattoo
well,I guess I'm going home then😌
Sandong joined the community
oboogie reacted to a post in a topic: What do you guys think of my tattoo?
Hi, I'm having some doubts before I get a big tattoo on my arm. Can you tell me how your tattoo is now after a while?
Dan reacted to a post in a topic: What do you guys think of my tattoo?
Dan reacted to a post in a topic: What do you guys think of my tattoo?
At least they aren’t posting a link to their shitty web site!
Bringing in the comments on a random thread from five years ago. Thanks for sharing, person nobody knows. We don't know what the hell you are talking about.
well, I have no idea WTF you are talking about
I'm not talking about beautiful tattoos, I appreciate how you keep these precious memories on your body!
Nice! I love fun tattoos.
I got a little gap filler for my girl dog yesterday on my left leg, I have not got a tattoo in a while, it felt good to get one, I got it from my friend Andy at . she's alive and well btw
He’s not the brightest bulb on the porch.
This is from nine years ago, my dude 😂
enanouqz started following Paintings and Prints
I think its sounds like suspicious
A girlfriend of mine git both knees done at once and hated life for it. I am FULLY expecting that experience 😆 but I'll lie to myself and say it will be easy And I agree on elbow ditch being easy. Haven't done knee ditches yet Added a beautiful lady head to the left ankle. Spicy going , would do shins again over this spot again lol.
How come every post you make is a self serving advertisement? This is a forum for tattoo enthusiasts, not a yard sale site.
No issue with knees? Good luck. Both of my knees are done. The left one got so swollen that i couldn't bend my leg. The black and grey on my right healed better, but it still hurt a lot. Knee and elbow ditches? Piece of piss.
The boys were saying the same thing, so I'm holding out hope that I have an easy experience with knees 🤞🏽
honestly my knees were not bad at all, my knee ditches pretty much sucked though
Nah the worst for me so far has been front of thigh. Elbow just felt weird right on the knobby bit and that was the only bit that "hurt". Shins were fine, I'd do shins every day of the week over the front of thigh again. Second shin done! So happy with the pair of them. I'm loving the colours in the torch. I'm still amazed by how easy they were to get, I fully expected to hate it. Kyle and Binger bith agreed that calves suck and shins are easy. I found the calves fine for the most part, it was near the Achilles that sucked and the healing. Not looking forward to inner calf though, that will be tender no doubt! Same with knees , I expect to tap out with my knees lol 😆
Enjoy your shin! GAH. It hurts. But knees and elbows hurt more. Have a good time!
Thanks guys, keen for Fridays appointment- the shins will look good once paired up! The tips of the flames were probably the worst of it for me. Helps I'm a fatty I guess 😄