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Bryan Burk


really cool hearing about how things were when Freddy got into the business, I also like the stuff about "what if" it were illegal. I'm inspired by his PMA

Shotsie Gorman


I enjoyed it emensly. True hearts in the trade. The real heros of the world are good dads. We set the way for our kids by showing them love and support. The rest is icing on the cake. I love the baby poo pooing the Hardy clothes crap! Great stuff well Done! thanks for the Bay area history being and East Coaster for 30 years of my tattoo career it was helpfull. I am happy to be in the turf!

Gia Dobson


I never knew Freddies history before Tattoo City. That was great to hear and I also enjoyed the stories about Ed. So cool that lil' Sonny was there makin' the super cute baby noises throughout. What a cute fricken kid he is and Freddie is so sweet with him. It's true, they teach us what is important and all the other bullshit falls away. I am totally gonna start using the phrase "attention extortionists". That one is brilliant. Enjoyed every minute of every segment of this interview. So good. Thanks Scott, for another great one!

Julio Avila


yeah the only thing i dont like about these interviews is that they are too short!!!!!!!

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