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Jeremy Lux and The Three Questions

So this is my fourth blog on Last Sparrow Tattoo on my reoccurring topic of a guest and The Three Questions so figured I'd bring to you a friend of both Scott and mines....Jeremy Lux. I met Jeremy sometime ago through mutual friends as we both ran in the same circles at the same shows. I don't recall the exact time we met but I do know that he is one of the guys that I have always seen dancing and going for the front often times singing along at many shows. His energy is insane when you see he calmly hanging out polite and friendly then the music starts and shazam he's off. His most current musical project is Wolves And Thieves a must see if they come to your town and until then purchase their music. With that on to Jeremy Lux and The Three Questions:

1) The who, what, when, where, and why of your first tattoo? Picture?

My first tattoo was when I was 18 or 19 at 222 Tattoo in San Francisco. I am sure if you have been on this site before you know how great this shop was. I had wanted to get a tattoo for a long time. I had some lame ideas floating around in my head for a while, and I am glad some of them never made it to my skin. Once I had enough money, I made my first appointment with Scott Sylvia. I was so stoked to finally get tattooed and at a such a great shop. I remember when he drew it up, I had wished it was a little bit bigger. I had no idea all he had to do was enlarge the image. Being that it was my first tattoo, I didnt want to be a bother and have him redraw the thing just so it was a few inches bigger. Looking back now i dont really care, I am not religious at all. I feel since it was my first I should probably keep it. If it is in the way of something sweeter one day, it just might have to go. Since then, a majority of my tattoos have been done by Scott. I really enjoy his style, and his company. Thanks Scott.

2) The who, what, when, where, and why of your latest tattoo? Picture?

I was recently on tour with Ceremony in Europe and knew that I was going to be in London for a couple days. I hit up my friend Casey and asked where i should go for shopping and tattoos while I was out there. He pointed me in the right direction and told me about Frith St. Tattoo in London. After checking them out I made an appoitment with Stefano. Once I got out there, I walked by the shop maybe 3 times before I saw it. After walking down into the shop, I met Stefano and started throwing some ideas at him. I knew that what i was going to get had to be done in one shot. There was just no way i was going to fly back to London to finish a tattoo. I loved what he came up with and it fit perfectly.


3) The last band, album, and song you listened to?

Hour of the Wolf - Decompostions Vol 1 - Domestic Wild

Thanks Jeremy and until next time everyone....have a good day!


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Sorry I forgot the photos......

Old 222 Tattoo Card a>

First Tattoo a>

New Tattoo a>

Live photo a>

violet blue


I love the Three Questions series. Just sayin'. Keep them coming.



D, you should. they're a great band.



Isn't someone from dispute in some set your goals type band now too? I gave it a listen, pretty good.



brad from Dispute is in This Time Next Year. They are on Equal vision. Wolves&Thieves and TTNY are playing Santa Cruz on the 4th if that applys to you.

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