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Small line tattoos that I got done 2014/ 2015. I was told the lines aren't the best, though the artist's work isn't bad. It seems straight lines plus difficult location like hands made this tricky. I'm okay with them not being perfect but I will have to find another artist (again...I have tried out three now)

I am saving up for larger and colored tattoos but in the meantime I got these because I was very sure about the symbols. I have studied the occult and mysticism since I was a kid (32 now).

Philosopher's Stone Formula (Alchemy)


1 month


Notes: Sulfur (male principle, heat, dry), Salt (Spirit), Mercury (Female Principle, moist, cool) and on top the symbold for day/ purification. This is a reference to a transmutation of the spirit, purification of the soul, a higher conscience.

Lorraine Cross (Hermeticism)



6 weeks


Notes: Hermetic teachings are connected to Alchemy. This is a reference to the Hermetic Maxim "as above so below". Science and spirituality are one.



Notes: Gold in alchemy, male principle



Notes: Silver in Alchemy, female principle

Eye of Horus

2 days old:


1 month


Notes: Third eye reference. The third eye is important for intuition, conscience, seeing things clearly, all sorts of spiritual and magickal practices, psychic dreams and visions, seeing paranormal things like energy, "spirits" etc....

Geometric Triangle bangle and Anglo Saxon Runes

1 month / 7 months


Anglo Saxon Runes, 3 months old


From the Anglo Saxon Rune Poem.

Nyd byþ nearu on breostan; weorþeþ hi þeah oft niþa bearnum

to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.

Trouble is oppressive to the heart;

yet often it proves a source of help and salvation

to the children of men, to everyone who heeds it betimes.

Also the rune Naudhiz: Nauthiz – Rune Meaning Analysis | Rune Secrets

I also got a tree of life tattoo done, but I will have to get a better picture of it.

Edit: I added a picture of the tree. I drew it myself and the artist made it look better ;-) In Alchemy a tree of life is often shown with a moon on the left and a sun on the right. But the tree of life is also common in Norse and Turkic (Mongol) Mythology.


Recommended Comments

Uncle Baron


very nice, the black sun on your neck and the runes are very tied to fascism tho. At least a lot of them guys are into those images. I would like some nordic runes myself but they can have bad connotations. So do swatstikas/sayagawta celtic cross's vikings etc but lots of people have them any way so its not a big thing :)



very nice, the black sun on your neck and the runes are very tied to fascism tho. At least a lot of them guys are into those images. I would like some nordic runes myself but they can have bad connotations. So do swatstikas/sayagawta celtic cross's vikings etc but lots of people have them any way so its not a big thing :)

A type of swastika is a religious and political party symbol in India. There are so many symbols that are offensive to some and attractive to others. A symbolic version of political correctness is just what we need in a world already so easily offended by everything. Some day people will be afraid to say or do anything in fear of offending others (except for those that enjoy offending others). A little understanding, tolerance, and reason might go a long way.

Uncle Baron


A type of swastika is a religious and political party symbol in India. There are so many symbols that are offensive to some and attractive to others. A symbolic version of political correctness is just what we need in a world already so easily offended by everything. Some day people will be afraid to say or do anything in fear of offending others (except for those that enjoy offending others). A little understanding, tolerance, and reason might go a long way.

Oh i fully understand i have a whole hand of sayagata/swatsikas, i've lived in india,china and currently live in Thailand (for the last 5 years) and ofc swatstikas are on every thing. Just stating that black suns and runes are associated with the far right. Same as 5 pointed stars on the knees are associated with the russian mafia. I'm very tolerant personaly and there isn't much that can offend me. Altho if i saw some one with runes on there hand and a black sun i might be wondering if there a bit far right leaning which even if they were i wouldn't personal care, i grew up with people that turned into nazis, we just don't talk politics!



Oh I just saw these comments!

I personally don't see runes as very much of a Nazi thing. It is true that Nazis abused a few runes but I think as long as I don't have SS tattooed on my arm with a large swastika no one will mistake me as a Nazi ;) For me they represent Medieval European History and beliefs. The sun and moon are actually symbols in Alchemy...a sun can mean a million things.

Maybe it is different here but most of the people I know with such tattoos are Reenactors, into Viking Metal or connect it with their own heritage.

I study occultism and read old Alchemical or Hermetic Philosophy but I'm also a Medieval Reenactor and have been doing Viking Reenactment (and Kipchak) for 12 years so Norse Mythology interests me too. My design choices and future plans reflect that. :)

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