New to the Forum
Its been a while since I joined a forum and took an active part in discussions. My previous forays in to the world of forums typically revolved around video gaming. For many years I was a very active poster on a clan website based around the seminal FPS UT'99. I made tons of friends there and met many of them during my trips to the UK and the USA. Eventually, though, new games came along and the community dried up. I have remained in contact with many of the friends I made there though we talk very little about gaming anymore. The World of Warcraft drained many of the remaining UT players, myself included, and so my participation in the forum dwindled, mirroring the decline in the game's numbers. I tried to get involved in the WoW forums, but I quickly discovered they were a rather nasty place, where people were more concerned about trashing each other than developing a community. And that's fine too. It just wasn't my bag. I'd rather focus on the more positive aspects of the game (or whatever the topic might be.)
After lurking for a little while at LST, I felt that I had discovered an interesting online community that seemed determined to be positive place to post, discuss, learn, and generally talk about tattooing. Since joining the forum (ok, it was only yesterday) my initial impressions are being confirmed. So I jumped right in. Its the way I do things. Whole hog. I also hope that over the coming weeks and months I will have a few things to contribute to this community. My thoughts and interjections will likely not be to everyone's taste. But that's life. I'm probably going to say some stupid things from time to time, and I fully expect to be called out for those missteps. But my errors will likely come from ignorance and I hope it will be understood that I am here to learn as much as I am here to offer my opinions.
I am going to post my new tattoos as they happen. I've enjoyed seeing how people here have been tattooed. I find it fascinating to hear why people choose the art that they do. I am interested in hearing about the experiences people have had both as the tattooer and the tattooed. I suspect there are as many reasons for getting tattooed as there are tattoos. I am constantly interested in my own evolving views on the art (how's that for some navel gazing?) I also love that there is so much attention to history here. The links to the various documentaries, books, etc are invaluable.
I'll use this space to post my thoughts that do not fit neatly into forum threads.
This is a long weekend in Ontario and thus I have had a lot of extra time to surf and post on LST. I'll leave it here for now.
Thanks for reading!
Up Next: On Waiting for the next tattoo - time stands still
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