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Penthouse Article is on the newstands/also freddies interview in TAM


Just wanted to drop a line and let youse know that the Penthouse article is on the newstands. It is in the july/august issue called th 6th annual BADASS issue. I hope everyone likes it,the next ones for penthouse are not tattoo related but indirectly everything in my life has been and is tattoo related.when Bob and I went to NYC last fall i tattooed one of the main editors at penthouse. It is about our history and the media/public , kind of a guide on why you shouldnt believe what you see on TV etc....I would reprint it here but they own it so whaddaya gonna do...

Also Freddie Negrete s article is out in the new TAM. I have not seen it yet but I have heard it is good. With all the buzz about the black and grey movie coming out I am glad i got the interview done before the shitstorm that film is gonna cause. I am hoping the film will be good,I have had some contact with the directors as someone gave them my number, though i did not do the film( i did not feel like I had anything to contribute more than the people already in it) I did manage to get a someone i felt they had missed that were beyond important in the genesis of that all...I was really surprised they were not in it but THEY ARE NOW...

Scott and my summer trip has been postponed til august but we are gonna interview "Rattlesnake Johnny" who was a nefarious tattooer for decades..He is now 70 but this guy led a crazy life,do any of you know him??? One quick johnny story he was working at a shop across the street from a friend of mine...he came in the friends shop asked if they had a baseball bat, borrowed it,about 5 minutes later cops were converging on the shop across the street,Johnny is led out in handcuffs, 3 days later he came into my friends shop and returned the bat.I guess someone took a walk in out of turn.

I dont think TAM will want it,it has been harder and harder for me to get them to realize they are missing out on some great interviews I have done and Scott and I have done together, nonetheless I will tell you guys about the trip when i get back, we usually head south but this time we are Philly bound.

Anyway sorry i dont have much to write about but i just wanted to stay in touch


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If TAM doesn't want it, I'd be glad to put it on occultvibrations.com. He sounds like a character!

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