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Fre seminar unblock your creativity - To find your own voice -to STOP copying others

"A CONVERSATION WITH SHOTSIE GORMAN" WILL BE AVAILABLE THIS MONTH AT THE PORTSMOUTH UK TATTOO CONVENTION. on the 14 15th of April, It will be availablke again for FREE at ORegon ink tattoo expo April 27 28th 29th

Her is what some people are saying about this seminar.

Come one Come all

"Turn off your f-ing cell phones, and uncross your arms and legs" ....and get ready to stretch your creative brain.


Shotsie Gorman's seminar is about finding inspiration in everything around you, not just everything that has been done before you. He teaches you ways to unstick your brain, and be brave enough to think, and create, outside the proverbial tattoo box.


Complete with awesome personal stories, and relevant examples that push the boundaries of the status quo, this seminar is a must for anyone who may find themselves in a creative rut, doing the same old stuff, and needs a kick in the pants. Plus, you get tattoo history, and stories, from a living legend. How cool is that?


I highly recommend this seminar. It was well worth the time.

Thank you Mr. Shotsie!

-Tanya Magdalena, Above the Pearl Tattoo.

Come one Come all

"Turn off your f-ing cell phones, and uncross your arms and legs" ....and get ready to stretch your creative brain.


Shotsie Gorman's seminar is about finding inspiration in everything around you, not just everything that has been done before you. He teaches you ways to unstick your brain, and be brave enough to think, and create, outside the proverbial tattoo box.


Complete with awesome personal stories, and relevant examples that push the boundaries of the status quo, this seminar is a must for anyone who may find themselves in a creative rut, doing the same old stuff, and needs a kick in the pants. Plus, you get tattoo history, and stories, from a living legend. How cool is that?


I highly recommend this seminar. It was well worth the time.

Thank you Mr. Shotsie!

-Tanya Magdalena, Above the Pearl Tattoo.

Scott Sprouse: thanks! seminar was awesome...mind blowing! i saw your lips moving, but your voice was coming from inside my mind.

Hey Shotsie! Sorry I haven't gotten you that testimonial yet, if you can still use it here it is, and if not well then I'd still like you to know how much I enjoyed your seminar!


"Anybody who is insecure about the artistic process and how to get the spark of inspiration needs to listen to Shotsie talk, he is warm, fierce and full of knowledge and I left his seminar feeling like I could conquer any blank piece of paper in my way."

And here's the long version I used to get the words flowing.

"These days anyone can be an artist it seems. Amid knock offs and impersonators, Shotsie Gorman has a gift to share with us. He knows how to unlock that inner passion, the thing that sets apart true artists from impersonators. We must fight that fear of failure, to just create something even if it is terrible. It is still something to learn from. Despite how much we think we know about ourselves and the world, it is important to know we really know nothing at all. The concept of creation is so large and weighted by our own insecurities, we must learn to use the tools we already have in our mind to create and inspire. His stories and wisdom comes from the heart and soul, and he is a gifted speaker whose words resonate deeply to all walks of artistic life."


JoshuaSouth Areafiftyone

I wrote something about your seminar My name is Joshua South, I have been tattooing for almost 23 years and recently I attended the Eugene Oregon tattoo convention. I was really excited to find out Shotsie Gorman was having a seminar as he truly is a legend in the tattoo industry. But I had no idea what it was about, didn’t matter I was in based on his reputation alone.

When I entered the room it was filling up fast but I managed to snag an empty seat. The first thing I noticed about Shotsie was his powerful presence and control of the atmosphere. He had an extremely Zen like feeling of confidence about him that made me feel comfortable and attentive to what would be coming next.

As he began speaking and warming up the group with a few humorous classic stories I settled in and really started to listen. Slowly I became aware of what I was learning, and that was the creative process and how it evokes from within me. He spoke in simple words and described something almost impossible to see, creation... I mean how can you tell someone with words exactly how to find the creative spot within, focus in on it and then detail it for someone else to see?

Somehow Shotsie Gorman can and I would recommend his seminar to anyone. I felt crazy amounts of energy flashing through me as he spoke, I will never forget it and if I ever get the chance I will go again

Thanks for the class Shotsie! You're ability to keep a class focused, on track and organized was unparalled by ANY other class I've attended. Your message (to me) was simple but amzingly helpful. Stop, shut up, listen, and create. It can't really be made any easier. As you said, if people spent half the energy creating what they personaly love as they do copying other peoples ideas then their artwork will sell itself. Thank you for helping to break the mold, detroy the rut and push people to do what they love, not what they think they can sell. I hope you find this helpful and it finds you in good health.

~Matteo Holmes

Call Shotsie Gorman 707-299-0882 to book this Seminar at your next event!


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