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Who HAS tattooed you?

we saw the wish list, now who have you been tattooed by?? here's my list, i think it's complete...

this might be a bit off topic, or the opposite, but here's who HAS tattooed me...

-adrian luna

-adam siehr

-dan trocchio (multiple)

-jon reiter (multiple)

-jeremy tupta


-mike bruce


-dan gilsdorf

-jerry ware

-seth ciferri (multiple)

-scott sylvia

-jeff zuck

-tim biedron

-harlan thompson

-tomas garcia

-adam shrewsbury

-dave cavalcante

-jeremy swed

-nick colella (multiple)

-bailey robinson

-jef whitehead

-erik gillespie

-jen munford

-nick rodin

-eli quinters

-bert krak

-brad mariachi

-aaron coleman

-cleen rock one

-carol (forgot her last name)

-dawn cooke

-julio avila (multiple)

-scott harrison

-josh arment

-matt ziolko

-dale grande

-keith underwood

-jason mcafee

-gary galke

-josh howard


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haha, Mike Lucena does look like him. Someone tell him to get over here and join us we're hipper than brooklyn, haha!

Way to kick off your blog Mario with such a hot conversation grabber!!!

Alright here is my small list goes:

Cody Miller

Zach Johnson

Nate Leinfelder

Nick Rodin

Tom Prosche

Iggy Vans


Scott Sylvia

Freddy Corbin

Tim Lehi

Some people I can not remember as many years and times are very blurry.

Dean Schubert


I forgot to mention I've been tattooed by Mr. Mike Godfrey and Horishow as well. The Boy was the son of someone who was guesting at the shop I was working at. My fave # is 11 and he was 11 so I had him tattoo an 11 on Me. My wife tattooed the #31 on me for my 31st birthday. That was her first and last tattoo done 12 years ago! I also liked all the spousal tatts showing up on the lists.



My name is Bo, new here. My list is short but growing

Beth not sure last name

Tom Johnson

Jason Goldberg

Steve Tiberi

Erik Rieth

Mike Wilson

Clae Welch

Jef Madonna


Randy Muller

Tony Hundahl

Marco Hernandez

Kevin LeBlanc

Martin Lacasse

Eric Doyle

Joe Boyle

Bert Krak

Chris Henry

Drew Rash

Larry Bridges

Joel Long

Brady Duncan

BJ Betts

Dave Fox

I keep remembering people, This is harder than i thought.



  BoMcConaghie;bt186 said:
My name is Bo, new here.

How could i leave you off my list? Not only have i known u forever, but u did one of my favorite tattoos i have!!!! I wish i had a photo to share.....



Bailey Robinson

Scott Campbell

Paul Bosch

Alex Mcwatt

Adam Paterson

Chuck Daly

Sleepydave Kotinsley

John Poverty

Rich Muller

Scott White

Josh Egnew

Adam Ciferri


Shiloah Rusciollelli

Kyle Borchgardt

Jack Jerz

Matt Marcus

Ron Lopez

Bert Krak

and some little handpokes and shit from budz



Karl, I just assumed I was an unmentionable;) That and Im used to people forgetting about me. I did drop off the face of the coast about 10 years ago! Seriously though Karl, Im very proud to be a part of such a distinguished list. Also glad your wife still married you after the tattoo I gave you! Oh and I forgot Brady Duncan and Joel Long! How the f could I forget Joel?

andreas coenen


marcus pacheco(a lot)

filip leu

mick from zuerich

nico onlove geneva

mike davis

chris trevino

casey corklic

ralf guttermann

jeff rassier

scott sylvia

ben grillo

jack rudy

tony salgado

chris conn

mike wilson

scott harrison


toto (old german guy)




jason kundell


hollywood mark

eiland hogan


greg orie

i might forgot somebody......



My list isn't nearly as long as some of you, but then again, I'm not a tattooer!

Mike Malone (aka Rollo Banks, RIP)

Steve Borrego (no longer tattooing)

Chris Trevino

Eric Doyle

Carson Vester (no longer tattooing--at least I don't think he is)

Eddy Deutsche

Sunny Buick

Clifton Carter


Jill Bonny aka Horiyuki


Colin Kenji


Chris Brand


Scott Sylvia

Jeff Rassier

Juan Puente


Ben Grillo

Freddy Corbin

Horiyoshi III

Heath Preheim

Theo Mindell

Bill Salmon

Junii Salmon

Still got some room and am dying for a piece by Tim Lehi, among others.

chad koeplinger


heres mine.....

duane mcinerney

todd mcinerney

biker mike

ben weiss

gloria sepulveda

pj miller

glen botwright

eric timmons

neil foster

karlton gregory

jack rudy

seth cifferi

gregory christian

dave wulff

matt simmons

cole crawford

josh stupnicki

pat schraeder

amanda toy

rudy fritsh

gabe smith

cindy burmeister

eric thrice

mike wilson

ryan tanton

scott bryant

scott sylvia

dan higgs

ed hardy



chris odonnell

tim lehi

theo jak

bert krak

eli quinters

steve boltz

daniel santoro

jessica jared


matt knopp

billy bennett

dirk reuter

marco hernandez

curtis james

pinky yun

derrick metal machine

some guy in gibraltar

jane laver


george dilla

dante di massa

little javi

javi chong

tony sylvester

rob hostetter

thomas hooper

rebecca koeplinger

ben dorley

johnny hirn

jeremy hirn


brian fites

theo mindell

stewart robson

craig burton

stiefano cera

beth olmacher

melissa schraeder


nick colella

erik von bartholomaus

bob roberts

rj hitchcock

alex reinke

jenny bostrom

diamond dave

jessica bennette

george dilla


duncan x

doktor lakra

and a guy and a girl that are pieces of shit, so i wont say their names.

mario desa


chad, you are a winner at lists! your lists are the longest!



Shit, my list is painfully short, but pretty fucking awesome. I have just about 6 bigger tattoos and a couple small ones, and didn't deviate much/at all when I got my first started.

-Jef Whitehead

-Tim Lehi

-Scott Sylvia

There was some dude in Newport Beach in the 90's too who tattood some crap on me Whitehead later covered. No idea who they were. The early 90's is kind fuzzy for me.



Holy cow dudes. It's so rad to see these impressive lists:

Rob Smith - Windsor On

Rob Coutts - Toronto x 4

Eric Newstead (total secret treasure of Toronto) x2

Stuart Archibald

Cheryl Volling

Dave Cummings

BJ Johnson aka Soba

mr Chino

jay Decator

Adam sage

Jimé Litwalk x 4

Daniel Innes x3

Shane Faulkner

bill Baker - many times

Bryan j turnbull

Los Ocegueda


Nikki balls

Tyson ward

Chad Koeplinger

Todd noble x2

Steven burlton

Adrian menzies (my apprentice)


Jeez... Not that long I need more!



heres mine.....

duane mcinerney

todd mcinerney

biker mike

ben weiss

gloria sepulveda

pj miller

glen botwright

eric timmons

neil foster

karlton gregory

jack rudy

seth cifferi

gregory christian

dave wulff

matt simmons

cole crawford

josh stupnicki

pat schraeder

amanda toy

rudy fritsh

gabe smith

cindy burmeister

eric thrice

mike wilson

ryan tanton

scott bryant

scott sylvia

dan higgs

ed hardy



chris odonnell

tim lehi

theo jak

bert krak

eli quinters

steve boltz

daniel santoro

jessica jared


matt knopp

billy bennett

dirk reuter

marco hernandez

curtis james

pinky yun

derrick metal machine

some guy in gibraltar

jane laver


george dilla

dante di massa

little javi

javi chong

tony sylvester

rob hostetter

thomas hooper

rebecca koeplinger

ben dorley

johnny hirn

jeremy hirn


brian fites

theo mindell

stewart robson

craig burton

stiefano cera

beth olmacher

melissa schraeder


nick colella

erik von bartholomaus

bob roberts

rj hitchcock

alex reinke

jenny bostrom

diamond dave

jessica bennette

george dilla


duncan x

doktor lakra

and a guy and a girl that are pieces of shit' date=' so i wont say their names.[/quote']

Lol. Chad way to have another impressive list

Bunny Switchblade


Lyle Tuttle

Scott Sterling

Frank Mills

David Bruehl

Debra Yarian

Debbie Lenz

Don Yarian

Dawn Marie Cooke

Mike Fite

Gale Watkins (my mentor)

Myself (my first tattoo as an apprentice 5-16-13)

Tony Polito

Mike Perfetto

Peter Giaquinto

Steve Delgatto

Jerry "Reds" Donohoe


Hanky Panky

Ronnie Dell'Aquila

Richard Stell

John Black

Tom Beasley

Seth Ciferri (twice)

Paul Roe

Frank Lee


Ritchie Montgomery

Vinnie Myers

Dana Brunson

Jennie Peace

LeDan Peace

Brady Duncan (6 times)

Brian Bruno

Doug Hansen

Bert Krak

Matt Rinks (twice)

Stan Moskowitz (twice)

Marvin Moskowitz

Ernie Carafa (twice)

Eric Gregory

Dave Fox

Dana Helmuth

Hunter Spanks

Dan Santoro

Roger Jenkins

Dave Sobel (twice)

Krooked Ken (twice)

Nikki Lugo (aka NikkiBalls) (twice)

Kike Castillo

Jerry Swallow

Sailor Eddie Jr (5 times)

Barrett Fiser

Scott Sylvia

Dave Kruseman (5 times)

Carlos Diaz

Timmy Tatts

Mick Beasley

Jason Lambert

Dennis Watkins(RIP)

Juli Moon (twice)

Katie Sellergren

James Hughes

Jon Glessner

Dan Henks

Jason Reeder (twice)

Halo (Jankowski) (twice)

Dave Cise


George Benjamin

Ron Russo

Mike Schweigert

Korie Wilson -- HardKorie

Josh Bjorklund

Cyndi Lou

Randi Baccheiga

Justin Page (twice)

Myke Chambers

Celeste Nist

Bob Manning

John Baumann (twice)

Wes Pastorfield

Mike Pinto (3 times)

Mike Skiver

Mary Skiver

Gary Clark

Rich Fie

Rob White

Brandon Hamilton (4 times)

Dave "Wheatie" Wheat

JR Tubbs (twice)

Johnny Love -- John Garancheski (twice)

Will Rothe (twice)

Ronnie Lanahan (3 times)

Paul Natale

Eric Caves

Chris Lowe (4 times)

Stefano Prestileo (Ste.P.)

Jayson Deliberto (twice)

Robin Joy

Beth Kreiser

Jay Wymbs

Jimmy Aguilar

Justin Valentine

Jason Porter

Matt Zimmerman

Two chics whose names I can't remember.......

There should be 107 tattoo artists as of 02-15-15

big jonny


gosh i started about ten years ago so here it is...i'm just a collecter



hector fong

karl fisher

freddy corbin

bill loika

dave gibson

jeff rassier

jef whitehead

tim lehi

steve boltz

bryan randolph

richard stell


jill bonny

tim hendricks

ed hardy

daniel albrigo


scott sylvia

bert krak

nick colella

derrick snodgrass

jason mcaffe

nate abbott

rob ullam

mike lucena

dan wysuph

chad koeplinger

oliver peck

chris garver

eddie deutsche

ryan groebler

sean perkinson

rye gregg

geo rogers


rob hostetter



And Big Jonny, of course, wins. Welcome!



haha..you beat me to it hogg!

big jonny...that is one hell of a list you got there. well done.



Lizzie Renaud (several times)

Steven Burlton

Adam Sage (twice)

Dan Sinnes (twice)

Los Ocegueda

Nikki Balls

Josh Egnew

Jason Lambert

Jamer Dudemon

Paul Flintoff



-Steve Boltz

-Eli Quinters

-Dan Santoro

-Sam Hambrick

-Brad Fink

-Chris Adamek

-Chris Pesonen

-Nate Chadwick

-Rich Cahill

-Josh Kohn

-Zoe Thorne

-Phill Bartell

-Joel Long

-Dave Cavalcante

-Jeremy Swed

-Jeff Zuck

-Mike Schweigert

-Robert Ryan

-Tom Yak

-Zeke Owens


-Bill Loika

-Snake Eyes

-Chad Koeplinger

-Lil' Chico

-Lissa Pederson

-Mohawk John

-Marco Hernandez

-Cody Miller

sorry to those i forgot



This is always a fun topic..

my list -

-some biker named Myke when I was 17

-Jason Angst (now in Pittsburgh, then in a squat house)

-The Cosmic Commander (ouch)

-Drew Rash

-Steve Tiberi

-Martin LaCasse

-Erik Reith

-Joel Donnegan

-Fred Corbin

-Bill Salmon

-Jason Phillips

-Eric Eaton

-Chad Koeplinger

-Topper of Philadelphia Eddie's

-Erica Barfeild

-Tony Cohen , Brett Cohen of Sydney AUS

-Simon Bishop

-Johnny Casino of Sydney

- Bev "Cindy Ray " Robinson

-Scott Slyvia

-Bert Krak

-Jerry Ware

- Theo Jak

-Tyson Arndt

-Jeff Kohl

-Tom Yak

- Robert Ryan

-Matt Arriola


-Oliver Peck

- Plenty of tattoos from friends that arent tattooers, my folks, and some guy that isnt worth mentioning....

still got plenty of room tho



The list...

Josh Arment

Scott Sylvia

Bryan Burk

Chris Conn

Jeff Rassier

Small Paul Stottler

Freddy Negrete

Freddy Corbin

Juan Puente

Eva Roberts (Bob's Flash and Daughter because Juan picked it out...)

Oliver Peck

Will Card

Richard Steele

Clay Decker

Kore Flatmo


John MacIntyre

Joe Capobianco

Nick Rodin

Cody Miller

Mike Wilson



Mark Landis

Josh Kohn

Richard Cahill

Jay Kearney


Talor Nichols

Joe Truck

Rose Hardy

Sam Hambrick

Sky Winchester

Greg Rojas


Dan Santoro

Josh Williams

Jason McAffee

Shawn Barber

Chris Garver

Dave Parker

D'mon Meulli

Pedro Balugos

Brynne Palmer

Robert Hernandez

Ian Cherry

Tony Anguiano

Johnny 2/3 Anderson

Shane Wilcox

Rose Hardy


and quite a few friends non tattooers just as memories...

The reasons why in no particular order Lochlan... At first I got tattooed because I thought they were "RAD"... Then as I started apprenticing I got tattooed by artist with unique styles so I could try to learn... I really owe that reason because of Nick Rodin and Cody Miller said it was a good way too... Unfortunately I am way into art and have too many influences just stick to one genre of tattooing... Jack of all trades and a master of none... Pretty much sums up my style of tattooing as well... As I got more tattoos and started getting larger pieces I started choosing artist that have a good positive outlook and/or vibe like Josh Arment, Bryan Burk, Chris Conn, Scott Slyvia, Jeff Rassier and Small Paul Stottler... I feel it easier to be tattooed by people who are in that mind frame... Not too mention you get stuck with them over longer periods of time ... However I do need to mention that Jason McAffee and Juan Puente have done quite a few tattoos on me over the years as well which would equal a very large amount of space due to the same reason... I also think the Southern California influence really stood out more in them as well as there work... Ironically they both are in the Bay... Might be because there seems to be less stress and drama up there... Overall I like what I like regardless of what anyone else thinks... All in all I am glad with my decisions and look forward to having a few more to fill in the gaps... Overall they are all just moments/memories we get to take with us...



These list are beyond impressive, so my question is how did you choose who to get tattooed by? Post your response in this thread:

Choosing a tattooer

But please continue to add to Mario.s blog if you have not done so thus far. Great topic Mario!

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