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Who HAS tattooed you?

we saw the wish list, now who have you been tattooed by?? here's my list, i think it's complete...

this might be a bit off topic, or the opposite, but here's who HAS tattooed me...

-adrian luna

-adam siehr

-dan trocchio (multiple)

-jon reiter (multiple)

-jeremy tupta


-mike bruce


-dan gilsdorf

-jerry ware

-seth ciferri (multiple)

-scott sylvia

-jeff zuck

-tim biedron

-harlan thompson

-tomas garcia

-adam shrewsbury

-dave cavalcante

-jeremy swed

-nick colella (multiple)

-bailey robinson

-jef whitehead

-erik gillespie

-jen munford

-nick rodin

-eli quinters

-bert krak

-brad mariachi

-aaron coleman

-cleen rock one

-carol (forgot her last name)

-dawn cooke

-julio avila (multiple)

-scott harrison

-josh arment

-matt ziolko

-dale grande

-keith underwood

-jason mcafee

-gary galke

-josh howard


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Boiled Dove


First tattoo I was 15 and a friend made an anarchy symbol on my arm with a homemade machine in Lafayette IN

2nd was a guy I met camping on a beach in Ensenada Mexico in a microbus, we were in one too. Cooked him breakfast and he made a yin yang type thing on my other arm

Those were the kid aged tattoos. I didn’t get tattooed again until I was in my 30s and had raised kids to the point of having disposable income. In order of their first time tattooing me:


Martin Bee (Tipi man), Denver CO

Jereme Galloway, Bloomington IN x3

Scott Sylvia

Marina Inoue, everywhere USA x2

Joe Haasch, Dallas TX

Ashley Matthias, Manchester NH x6

Chad Koplinger, Nashville TN x4

Stenvik Moström, Atlanta GA

Taka Cooper, Hudson Valley Tattoo




Joe Haasch did my first tattoo, getting tattooed by Scott Sylvia on May 8th while he is working at Elm Street for a few days.

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