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The List



I don't get tattoos impulsively; my current financial situation and personal life just doesn't allow for it. That gives me plenty of time to consider who I want to be tattooed by on trips, at conventions, or on my birthday (the the three times I set aside for tattoos). I started thinking about my next tattoo (always one tattoo ahead usually) and decided to come up with a list. The list is in no particular order, as fate decides who'll be closest when one of the three opportunities comes up.

-Steve Byrne (appointment scheduled

-Robert Ryan

-Tomas Garcia

-Daniel Albrigo

-Tony Hundahl

-Simon Erl

-El Monga

-Jeff Zuck


-Valerie Vargas

-Freddy Corbin

-Murray Sell

-Jeff Rassier

So that's kind of the short list. What I love about LST is that I find out about new artists everyday so this list just continues to grow = )


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Scott R


thanks for sharing I am not familiar with some of those so I will get to googling.

my short list is.

James spencer briggs

valerie vargas

scott sylvia

tim hendricks

ben grillo (just added to my list 30 minutes ago, Liked his stuff alot but just saw a rosary that made me poke myself in the eye)

stewart robson

robert pho

thomas hooper



Regino Gonzales (appointment scheduled)

Troy Denning (scheduling this week)

Stewart Robson (planning travel as we speak)

Duncan X (planning travel as we speak)


Tim Hendricks

Gustavo Rizerio



mike wilson

richard stell

scott slyvia

stewart cripwell

juan puente

bob roberts

miguel montgomery

Mason Wanamaker


josh arment

nick colella

chad koeplinger

everyone at smith street

everyone at frith street

tim lehi

scott sylvia

tim hendricks

freddy corbin


and a good long trip to san fransisco

-its a long list, but only four tattoos to count and a long life ahead of me give me alot of hope



Filip Leu

Mike Roper

Geordie Cole


Lars Uwe



I hope you get a chance to see Tomas as he is leaving the states and heading back home.

Of course a trip to see him and get tattooed on his native land would be neat too.

Thomas Hooper


Scott Milyanovich

Steve Boltz

Steve Byrne

Valeri Vargas



I thought I'd revisit my list four years later. I've been tattooed several times since then and other than Steve Byrne, I haven't been tattooed by anyone else on the list. The last tattoo I received was by Cesar Mesquita at Black Garden Tattoo. I had looked in to Vargas and Erl, but scheduling and distance made it impossible. That being said, I love my new tattoo and I was really pleased with my experience at Black Garden. Cesar is a really nice guy and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Bottom line, I've decided not to be rigid. If I insisted on getting Freddy Corbin to tattoo my praying hands, I'd have missed out on an awesome tattoo and experience from Katja Ramirez. Just some food for thought.

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